Oh dear, the pain this have caused with so much laughter
Does anyone know his nationality? I couldn't quite hear it.

12 years ago*

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He learned I, am, and French in English, show the dude some respect. Not saying, you weren't.

12 years ago

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I am French too so what? Why you need extra attention.

12 years ago

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ahahah frnch frnch :D
minnions cosplay OP :)

12 years ago

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Bonjour j'aime le baguette

12 years ago

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J'aime le fromage.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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J'aime la tarte

12 years ago

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Omlette du fromage, omlette du fromage, omle..

12 years ago

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Brochettes de dindes ce midi au barbeque, vraiment bon.
Sinon j'adore les trippes.

12 years ago

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Actually, Omlette DU fromage is incorrect in French. It's Omlette AU fromage.

12 years ago

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Though you're right, this is the wrong reply to reply.

12 years ago

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Bonjour j'aime le pain baguette


12 years ago

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LOL! That was so funny xD He must have been so worried what to say when she asked him that, poor guy

12 years ago

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C'est magnifique!

12 years ago

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Qui. C'est magnifique.

12 years ago

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..Why would anybody like the french? Seriously?

12 years ago

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Because he's french!

12 years ago

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Because french fries?

12 years ago

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French didn't create french fries... They were created in Belgium

12 years ago

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B-but... that's false advertising! Sue all the French fries!

12 years ago

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Actually even the French do not know why it is called "Franch fries" in english.

12 years ago

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French kisses.

12 years ago

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champagne, mayo, hot air baloon, parachute, metric system, matches, morphine, photography, stethoscope, binoculars, braille, gyroscope, movie projections, etc... ur retarded :)

12 years ago

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Most of that wasn't created by french. Learn history please.

12 years ago

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the important stuff was, n i threw in some shit from wikipedia for lolz also

12 years ago

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I have French relatives and all I gotta say is, my uncle is a douche and I hate him. Haha

12 years ago

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because idiots group an entire nation into stereotypes

12 years ago

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American here. I clapped after reading this comment.

12 years ago

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^^ This. Some people are dicks.

Luckily or unluckily, every nation has their fair share.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Parce que l'anglais est trop mainstream

12 years ago

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lol. You might be on something there.

12 years ago

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French hipster. :P

12 years ago

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lol exactement :D

12 years ago

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Considering the stress of being interviewed in front of cameras, his insane costume that might have blocked his voice a little (or so he might have thought), and the fact that not everybody speaks English very well or at all, I think he did do pretty well and that his comment was just enough for people to understand. The interviewer seemed to understand at least.

12 years ago

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Or he's just stupid AND french.

12 years ago

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No need to be a dick.

12 years ago

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And you're more stupid for not knowing french.

12 years ago

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Et ton intelligence est comparable à une baguette. C'est une histoire vraie.

12 years ago

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I don't have anything against the guy honestly, if anything, he made a new meme. His "I'm french. French. I'm french." is more of an apology for not being able to speak english, than douchebaggery.

I'm French
Personally it made my day. And yesterday.

12 years ago

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Yeah, new meme maybe. It IS a kind of silly situation. It's just annoying how some people really see him as the stupidest guy ever.

12 years ago

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That's because french people are fucking retards and they're quite upfront about it. Pretty much like ponyfags.

12 years ago

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Don't be a generalising dick.

12 years ago

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You are French...............................................................................................................................................................................and?

12 years ago

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So what?

Btw, im Serb who live in Sweden, and im not a criminal.

12 years ago

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Are serbs who live in sweden usually criminals?

12 years ago

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Well, not all of them :)
Check this out:


12 years ago

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I had no idea.

12 years ago

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LOL he's a really French. Or she?

12 years ago

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You can't tell if a girl or guy is speaking? shame on you XD

12 years ago

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Had a french girlfriend which traumatized me.

12 years ago

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Je suis disole, je suis en retard.

Je ne parle pas Francais! Je ne parle pas Anglais... Je parle.. Je ne parle pas! Oui?


12 years ago

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Porqui tu as un retard?

12 years ago

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I'm not french. But you're french. French. You're french. It's a strange word. French. Kinda like wrench. Only with an F. Hmmm... What is the meaning of life?

12 years ago

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Well that escalated pretty quickly O_o

12 years ago

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You are a french disgrace...

12 years ago

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I liked the part where he was french

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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BTW he says "In French ____ FRENCH _____ I'm french".

I can understand he don't know English, but then why travel to another country EXPECTING to be talked or interviewed in his language?

Also French are hated on a lot of countries because they are so proud from themselves and his language that pretend to be attended in it. But don't think English (UK) people is less hated, they are much more arrogant.

12 years ago

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A quarter of the globe gives them a reason to be arrogant. Even if they are evil genocidal bastards.

Edit: Sorry, the Irish is starting to come out again...

12 years ago

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But the Gamescom isn't in an English-speaking country. Maybe he can speak German?

12 years ago

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Funny because when I went to Germany, Hungary and United Kingdom I never had a problem for "being French", and there was historically much conflict with tose contries.
In my opinion acting on stereotypes makes one very dumb as it doesn't mean a thing, have you ever read a guide from WW2 given to US military about french people ? It made me laugh so much.

12 years ago

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Well as a hungarian I know that even on high-school level we start to learn a second language. The first usually being english or german, and according to the first, we have another 3 to choose from, in my case after english it was french, latin, or german.

12 years ago

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Yeahn when I went there with my school we had some communication trouble as a few of us spoke english and most of our Hungarian hosts were more on the german side.

Here we usually start a second language from junior high school on, then a year or two later a second one. Im my case choices were English, German and Spanish, Latin being optional on the side.

12 years ago

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I probably wasn't exactly obvious at first though, as "second" language I meant second foreign. So basically our own, and two other is the bare minimum here if you are at least a little educated.

So either Hungarian + English, and then choosing from German, Latin, or French, or Hungarian + German, and choosing from English, Latin and French. English is still the majority though.

12 years ago

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Oh I see, I really thought you meant second as one other than your own. Yeah, english tends to be (very) useful. Nice country you have by the way, I really liked the landscapes and some of the old castles.

12 years ago

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That's all we have though, the country itself is a sinking hellhole with the shittiest economy you can imagine.

12 years ago

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Yeah we were told about that and saw some of it. The passage to Euro might not have been the best remedy either.

12 years ago

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Considering Euro was planned quite a few years ago when we actually weren't in such a bad state, I don't see the transition to it anytime soon.

12 years ago

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The problem isn't being French, the problem is thinking you have the "right" to be attended in French when you go outside your country. I guess if you had no problem is because you didn't had that attitude.

12 years ago

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I thought american people were actually the most hated

12 years ago

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I don't think so in Europe. But is something not to be proud of, so better pass by without doing much noise :D

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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As far as scores go... The French had Napoleon, and the US had their white house burned down by Canadians.

12 years ago

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I AM NOT FRENCH ! Not French.

12 years ago

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Hai der.

12 years ago

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I think he's french, but i'm not sure.

12 years ago

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OSEF en fait non?

12 years ago

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ben je sais pas ils sont tous en train de se penser suppérieurs pcq ils ne connaissent que l'anglais lol

12 years ago

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Quoi? L'anglais n'est pas la seule langue connue et parlée sur Internet? Ça y est, mon monde s'écroule!

12 years ago

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Bah, c'est pas nouveau ça.
De toute façon j'aimerais pas que ce soit le français la langue dominante, car l'anglais international est un anglais ultra simplifié qui perd tout ce qui fait sa substance, les anglophones sont en train de perdre le contrôle de leur langue qui va finir par devenir aussi vide que le portefeuille d'un SDF...

12 years ago

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Effectivemment...l'anglais c'est tellement une langue de paresseux mais au moins l'avantage c'est que c'est facile à apprendre (pas beaucoup d'exceptions dans leur règles grammaticaux, etc...)

lol ça fait bizzare d'écrire ça ici :P

TL;DR (english version): English is easy to learn.

12 years ago

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And this is exactly why the rest of the world hates you. Thank you for proving once again that France is nothing but a shit hole. I'm french, by the way.

12 years ago

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hate you

I'm french

Oula, t'es un espèce de kikoo rebelle toi non?
Déjà j'aimerai bien savoir pourquoi tu parles pas français si tu l'es, que je sache mon com est -lui- en français.

Deuzio, pourquoi tu dis "you" sachant que tu es, selon tes dires, français.

Et tertio, en quoi mon com, qui exprime le fait qu'au final tout ça n'est pas bien important, pas la peine d'en faire tout un topic et de s'exciter comme tu le fais pose problème?
J'ajouterai que le And this is exactly why the rest of the world hates you m'a fait beaucoup rire, parce que tu vois, pour en avoir cotoyé un max, les étrangers sont très souvent profondément cons. On dit que les touristes français et que les français par extension sont pas sympathique gnagnagna, mais ça le vaut pour n'importe qui.

Maintenant si tu penses être supérieur au reste des français et si tu hais ce pays, je vois pas ce que tu y fous.
Après ce joli pavé que j'ai gentiment écrit pour (essayer de) comprendre la haine dans tes propos, j'espère que tu réfléchiras la prochaine fois à deux fois avant de débiter de telles absurdités.

12 years ago

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I'm speaking in english because the website is english speaking. I heard some old tales about "respect" but it seems to be nothing but a legend and I apparently look like a fool trying to perpetuate it.

I'm not saying it's any better elsewhere, just that being proud of your own ignorance is stupid (which is the case with most french people. "T'es en France, tu parles français. T'es pas en France, tu parles français quand même. A genoux, salope !"). Desecrating a language because of trivial aspects you consider to be true is also stupid.

Last but not least, it's not about being a rebel. It's about the fact that french people are absolutely despicable most of the time and especially when it comes to speak another language. What am I doing in France? I left this country a while ago. Although I'm wondering why I'm answering since your only argumentation is basically made of insults, and even more so what does it have to do with me.

12 years ago

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Bon, les autres commentaires semblent me prouver que soit tu trolles, ou que plus vraisemblablement tu es juste con (j'ai beau chercher je ne vois pas de meilleurs termes :/)
Maintenant pour te répondre quand même, je n'aime pas les discussions laissées en suspens.

Que le site soit anglophone ne change rien au fait qu'il n'existe aucune règle obligeant à parler anglais. Si j'ai envie de parler français, russe ou chinois je le fais, libre aux autres de me répondre ou non. Parler de respect alors que tu es particulièrement agressif, injurieux et présomptueux me fait doucement rire. Tu dois vraiment avoir une haute estime de toi-même pour tenir de tels propos, reste à savoir si c'est mérité...

Maintenant j'ai du mal à saisir ta haine. Je connais les stéréotypes qui circulent sur les français, et par empirisme je sais qu'ils sont faux. Il y a autant de cons en France qu'ailleurs, les français ne le sont ni plus ni moins. Et ton 'es en France, tu parles français. T'es pas en France, tu parles français quand même. A genoux, salope est d'une débilité absurde. Bien évidemment que personne n'exige aux étrangers en visite de parler français, au plus de considérer que tout le monde n'est pas bilingue. Quand au salope, tu sembles très porté sur les stéréotypes, or les français ont la réputation d'être de grands romantiques, essaie d'être logique dans ton délire au moins.

Bon suite à la lecture de ton 3ème paragraphe je retire ce que j'ai dit. Tu es clairement un troll. Entre énoncer des énièmes stéréotypes ridicules en les présentant comme des faits et en avançant que "nous" sommes injurieux alors que tu es bien le seul qui l'est, tu ne peux être qu'un troll. Ou mieux un con qui trolle.

Sur ce tu m'excuseras mais quand bien même j'aime à comprendre la personne avec qui je discute, si tant est qu'on puisse appeler ça une discussion, ça ne signifie pas non plus que j'ai du temps à perdre avec des individus dans ton genre.

12 years ago

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C'est clairement un petit troll qui veut de l'attention (regarde son commentaire un peu plus haut). Cependant, Je trouve que tu l'as bien remis à sa place tout en restant respectueux.

English version: He is clearly a troll and/or an attention whore (look at his previous comment). I like the fact that you called him out on his bull**** while staying polite.

On topic: The vids is funny and the poor guy must have been mortified and nervous up there, and if he became a meme, I can't even imagine the shame D:

Also, many people in here are being quite xenophobic methinks.

EDIT: Frozen, you call this being respectful? "That's because french people are fucking retards and they're quite upfront about it. Pretty much like ponyfags. I'm french. Fo' real."

You've the right to dislike the country if you want, but making assumption and putting everyone in the same bag don't make you any less offensive and disrespectful... But oh well, hate and troll away if you so desire to do so.

12 years ago

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Et toi, t'es clairement une petite pute. Tu veux sucer mes couilles ?
Oui, alors, comme ton cerveau ne semble pas tout à fait fonctionner à plein régime je précise : il ne s'agît absolument pas d'une insulte. Exprimer mon désaccord et être qualifié de bouffon du roi pour ça, c'est un peu comme te qualifier de petite pute pour exprimer ton accord avec un autre.
La proposition suit une déduction logique : tu es une pute, je t'autorise à me sucer les bourliches contre une certaine somme. Voilà voilà. Réfléchis à deux fois avant de dire une connerie, comme l'a exprimé ton comparse un peu plus haut.

Edit: Le respect se mérite. Il n'est pas rare de constater que certaines personnes parlant très bien l'anglais refusent de le faire "par principe", estimant que le reste du monde doit se foutre à genoux pour eux. C'est ça avant tout qui vaut aux français ce mépris, et c'est la raison pour laquelle je les qualifie d'attardés mentaux, avec leurs petites fiertés et leurs principes identitaires et nationalistes à deux balles.

12 years ago

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Did you read my comment? I said you can hate on the country all you want but insulting people and being clearly disrespectful (and xenophobic) isn't a right you have and it's clearly against the FAQ to do so. Calling me a slut and telling me to suck your balls are your way to show me how smart you're?! Don't make laugh. And why didn't you write that in English? afraid the mods will read it and ban you? Or is it alright to act civil when you write in English and insult me in another language?

Ah well, I guess it's the Internet after all, people like you just like to make hurtful and hateful comment because they feel entitled to.

12 years ago

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Afraid of the mods? Is that a fucking joke? I couldn't give less of a fuck if I got banned from here. Hell, report me if you will, I don't give a damn. The reason I stopped speaking english is because there was no point in doing so while answering personnaly to a french speaking post. Also you completely missed the point so I'm done trying to speak with you.

12 years ago

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"The reason I stopped speaking english is because there was no point in doing so while answering personnaly to a french speaking post."

Were you not answering my comment and insulting me? I believe I wrote in English(and French) and by your logic you should have answered in English as well, yet you chose to insult me in French only.

And your point is? "french people are fucking retards" or maybe "Et toi, t'es clairement une petite pute. Tu veux sucer mes couilles ?" (Translation "And you, you are clearly a little whore/slut. Do you want to suck my balls?"

Excuse me but I get your point just fine, please be my guest and continue being xenophobic, disrespectful, hateful and ignorant. I believe that I've made my point clear too and I'm done answering this nonsense.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I do that and you keep being an idiot and missing the point.

12 years ago

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Frozen ferme un peu ta gueule ça vaudrait mieux avant que tu t'enfonces complètement si ce n'est pas déjà fait. Ça m'énerve les mecs comme ça, c'est plutôt ton genre de personne qui détériore l'image des Français à l'étranger, pauvre mec.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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T'énerve pas, il voulait juste s'auto-persuaduer de sa haine envers le pays qui l'a vu naître visiblement. Enfin, est-il vraiment Français ? Ne pas être d'accord sur le fait qu'on s'en branle royalement de cette vidéo, a part pour quelqu'un de pas Français, je vois pas qui ne pourrait pas acquiescer avec ça, et c'est même pas vraiment une question de chauvinisme, c'est juste que je ne pense pas qu'on soit assez débile pour faire de même que nos amis Américains, ni qu'on ait autant la haine envers eux que eux l'on envers nous (me demande bien pourquoi d'ailleurs), se foutre de la gueule d'un mec qui parle pas ou très mal une autre langue que la sienne, ça peut arriver qu'on en rigole pour si peu, mais de là a en faire un sujet sur un forum, m'étonnerais.

12 years ago

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Ma réponse n'était pas à la vidéo mais à certains des commentaires. La vidéo, je la trouve tout au plus amusante.

12 years ago

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Oh no he didn't upset me at all, a trollish attitude like this don't get to me, he is being hateful and xenophobic, and he can act ignorant all he want for all I care. However, I believe he has no right to act like this in this forum. Like I said before, he has a "right" to hate on a country or laughing at a video but writing hateful comments and insulting people publicly is a harmful act (this isn't how one has an opinion or giving an argument).

12 years ago

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I'm not from France

12 years ago

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is that im french im french from League of legends Tournament where when they asked the guy with costume of Renekton "how long did it take you to make this costume" he said "I'm French!French!I'm French!" ??? :D

12 years ago

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The fist "I'm" it's an "in"

12 years ago

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I'm a tiger :<

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Aww.. you're a tiger on the inside and thats what counts :P

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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America's Favourite Mustard


12 years ago

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was french? "was"? french? what do you mean? do you think the story is "Once upon time there was a French... and he died"

12 years ago

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Once I was french, but then I took an arrow to my baguette.

12 years ago

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Nice one.
"...but then I took an arrow to my camembert" works too.

12 years ago

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It's hard to explain what I felt when I saw this video, it's a mixture of shame and pity.


12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Cynaris.