Oh thanks to those who bumped the thread... because thanks to them we can see that happy cake day to you !!
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Same happened to me I got an email today about giveaways ended a week ago. Normally you get notified immediately after the giveaway has ended. I'd be fine with this feature although I don't believe it will be implemented as there are much more pressing issues which aren't taken care of for years.
21:01 (1 hour ago)
to h.barkas
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I likewise just got an email today for last week's giveaways. I had already given keys and all winners had marked the games as received. Clearly it was a bigger SG burp than I had thought.
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I think there was some glitch delaying notifications. I just now got a notification of a giveaway that ended six days ago (fortunately I'd noticed and sent the giveaway at the time, but it would have been easy to miss.)
Either way an auto-send-key option would be useful. As I recall the manual confirmation dates back to when it was easier to win a giveaway for a game you'd just won elsewhere, so gifters often wanted to check that the recipient didn't already have the game; now that's not as necessary, since Steamgifts will remove you from giveaways from previously-won games automatically.
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I can totally get filtering out bad apples. Maybe the auto send could have an option to notify you of the user's violations or put people on a soft block list where you can review them.
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That's why we're given 7 days. SG sends you an email as well as notifications, but at the end of the day it's up to the user to do the final legwork/button-press.
I would never want the automatic sending of keys personally - I like to check the winner first. But if this is an option you can turn on rather than opt-out of then, sure, why not.
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Guys, please, listen, life is though already.
I have to buy groceries, clean the house, walk my dog, do my taxes.
Please, let me just have an opt-in to automatically send the keys.
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isnt it a already existing feature? like pretty sure when u create a giveaway theres a place where u put ur key and the winner receive it. and the region issue thing exists too IIRC,only thing that isnt really automated is the real gifts part, that needs u to friend winner, gift him and boom he puts it as received, but the keys part is automated thats im sure
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You can place the key in that field already when creating the giveaway, but it will not be automatically sent to the winner when the giveaway ends. Like Aradiel mentioned, the giveaway creator will need to press a Send button on their giveaway's winners page to actually make the key available for the winner to then reveal.
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i wasnt really talking about not making it automated is dumb, only about making it only being able on multiple copies, you for example wouldnt use that,but people that cant really bother to check their winners could go and use that, like why not making it available for the single copies too? people who got less time to go on here everyday and dont really check up on their emails can give their winners the key without no worries, i've seen comments that say they didnt get a email until 1 week after the giveaway ending, causing the winner to not receive a key, and they to get some problems cuz they didnt send it, ii too would prefer it to be a manual thing as i care who wins a game i give, but theres people who doesnt, and they should maybe have a option to auto send keys with no worries.
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Got multiple rulebreakers by actually checking my winners, just like xxxka.
Also got at least one permabanned for not activating dozens of wins.
Automation takes away control and decreases the quality of service, haven't we had enough struggle with automated support messages from basically... any big service?
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I couldn't answer you, 2? days ago, in a other discussion, because it got closed before i had the time to read it completely. So i do it here because i stumbled over you.
You were very surprised about a Multiaccounter that entered his own GAs with his other accounts to push his level without to really give something. So without to pay money.
I, and my group, known about that multiaccounter (main account + at least 12 other accounts) since 27.04.24
You don't believe that i know from what i talk when i write about the cheaters, partly because i can't reveal stuff on sg -or would get punished with the "calling out" rule-, or don't want to reveal stuff because the cheaters would use the infos to hide themself/their stuff better.
Maybe this one example shown you a bit more of how infested sg is and let you realize, at least a tiny bit, that i can always back my words of such stuff with evidences/proofs/cases.
Ps.: I am not responsible for his (and the alts) perma suspensions. Someone else done the ticket.
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yes,but if the giveaway creator really dont cares where their game is going to, should be a option for it, same goes for a option that auto checks the winner's wins to see if they are a rulebreaker and dont will even bother to activate the win.
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It isn't dumb.
Checking each winner with sgtool.info is necessary because, as example, 40% of the level 0 users have infractions because of unactivated wins or multiple wins of the same game.
In higher levels the percentage of infractions goes down but you still find, much too often, winners with unactivated wins that don't got reported for years (so yes, old infractions are often still unpunished).
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What that pic shows is entering the key(s) when creating a GA. This is also how you create a GA with multiple copies. When the GA ends, you then need to click on the popup. Which takes you here: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/created then you click a second time on the unsent button, and a third time on the send button.
What people are asking for is an option to avoid the three clicks, and just automatically send the key to the winner, even if you're not online, when the GA ends. This saves the trouble of all the clicking, as well as gets the key to the winner in a shorter time.
Obviously this would only be an option, as some people want to confirm the winner for group rules, DLC ownership, or just preferring to do it manually.
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Look I'm super busy with work, so apparently I missed my giveaways ending. One of them was marked not received, and I only got a notification of them ending today a week after.
Please consider adding a way to auto send keys to winners and just let them contact me if there's a region issue or something else wrong.
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