Thanks, I'll give them that time limit then. If they don't use mark it as received, I'll revoke the key.
I have e-mailed the user and tried to send the guy a friend request while he was online.
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How does that work if I gave away 4 keys in one give away? The other 3 have been confirmed.
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Could I edit the key, then do a re-roll? I'm like the drug dealer on a corner. I have an unlimited supply.
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I think you can, but you should probably wait for the re-roll to be approved before editing the key or the original winner might be able to see it. You can edit it before clicking send when you have a new winner.
Still, since you don't have the winner's approval you need to wait for the one week time to be up and have proof that you at lest attempted to contact the winner in order to ask for the re-roll.
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Sounds like the best way to do it. By the sounds of it, even if he did give it to someone else, he should be able to confirm receipt. That's all a care about, since it affects how many keys I can give away at any given time. (I think my limit is at 6 right now.)
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hi, it is actually against the rules to not activate a key on the correct account... so either way they have broken the rules.
even if they mark it as received, they may get a suspension for not activating the gift correctly... though since they are new here as you say, they might get a warning as they might simply not understood or even read the rules >_>
btw... you can ask support to give you developer status and you'll automatically receive more giveaway slots to give away hundreds of keys at the same time
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That would be useful. I wasn't going to go crazy, just give away 20 keys. But, the website told me I was limited.
Might be good in a way, as I plan on doing this until December 1st.
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He needs to confirm, but if the key has already been activated and the game is not listed on his account (I would still check, if it's showing on the other winners accounts to make sure, it's not some Steam problem), then it seems, that it has been activated on another account. I would sure make a report to highlight him to Mods, but even if you are the Dev, it's formally probably a case of word against a word - theoretically a dev could also give an invalid key or even activate a key himself after the GA has ended. Having a 1 failed GA is not a problem though and after a week is over I would sure just revoke it. Cheers :)
P.S. Also, parts of multiple GAs can be deleted and probably rerolled as well. Deleting takes much longer, than in single GAs though (usually at least a few months), cause it need higher lvl Mod to perform the operation, Not sure, how it works with rerolls though.
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The key was activated on:
Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:01:58 GMT
(I obtained this information directly within Steam Direct, as a developer. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me who activated it.)
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In case your winner has a public friends list and it is not too big, you might want to check which of their "friends" has the game in their library and if this account has an associated Steamgifts account. If there is a SG account, you can report them for (probably) using multiple accounts.
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The user only has 1 friend. They don't have the game either. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I did check one of the other winners and was able to see my game on their game list. I know users are able to hide games they own, so I don't want to be overly suspicious, but every time I look into this, I get more evidence supporting my case.
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you can always prove that your key was activated after the giveaway ended by sending a ticket to Steam support asking for activation date.
then send a ticket to SG support about your doubts, they'll need more proof before taking action but they will keep that member in mind.
finally ask for a reroll.
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Yes, I have queried the key already. It has been activated.
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I did a giveaway and have been waiting for feedback from one user. (He registered like 3 days ago.)
Today, I saw that they had seen the key. I entered the key into my account, and it said it had been activated already. But I can't find the game on the list of games he owns.
When someone activates a key, does it register here automatically? Or does the user need to confirm it works.
Note: I'm the developer, so if I think this guy did something he wasn't supposed to, I can actually revoke the key. I'm just wondering what steps I should take based on this websites guideline if this turns out to be true. (I'm still investigating this issue.)
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