Please use all 3 of your votes on each link!

VOTE here for 3 White Houses that you especially like

VOTE here for 3 Sydney Opera Houses that you especially like

Note: Everyone is encouraged to vote, not just participants. Also notice the thanks at the bottom of the voting pages, they are GAs. :)

COUNTDOWN TO Closing of Voting on Week 9!

This weeks challenges: The Alps and The Secret Challenge. We'd love to have your submission!

Bonus host points

Each week the two hosts gets to pick 1 image from each challenge and reward 5 bonus points in their challenge, and 3 bonus points in their co-host's challenge. These were the picks and motivations for week 8:

There was a lot of awesome entries. Two of them impressed me the most. Nordhbane's 3D Model was
just awesome and a lot of work. 5 Points

My 3pointer definetly goes to Metalhead8489. I love the Eddy in the sky. Nuff said \m/

The Golden Gate Bridge I have to give to jeffhowe, elaborate mind blowing effort! 5 points.

For the Stonehenge it was Kasia's work that just popped out of the norm. A Visual Treat! 3 points.
Thanks to everyone for their efforts!!!

Current leaderboard

I've done some work on the leaderboard to give people a better overview. Let me know what you think of the new style and if there's anything I can change to make it look better.

And finally, the two winning submissions of Week 8:

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7 years ago*

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This week I voted early on. Seems like some motives are easier than others. In my opinion the average opera pictures are a lot better or at least nicer to look at then the white house.

7 years ago

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I think it may have something to do with how little there was to work on for the White House. Easier to do stuff if you have more to work with. A white house no pun intended with a few bushes in front isn't very inspiring.

7 years ago

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Yea, it's understandable. Like I said some things just are easier. The week before it has been Stone Henge which lead to more inspiration. Aah, and now I understand the pun.

7 years ago

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Voted ^^

7 years ago

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Thanks for voting! :)

7 years ago

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Thanks Swift for the bonus points! :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks for voting. :)

7 years ago

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Would you kindly put a word 'week' in title? It'll be easer to search all event related threads.

7 years ago

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There's also a link to this thread from the active challenges.

7 years ago

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Slightly unrelated question: do you have a illustrating (or related) job? Awesome drawing skills.

7 years ago

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No. Tbh, I can't draw, all what I've done is redrawing existing stuff and using some photoshop lessons.

7 years ago

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Bump for voted!

7 years ago

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Thanks for the votes!

7 years ago

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Voting on these has become one of my favorite things.

7 years ago

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I'm very glad to hear that! :) Makes me and the other artists feel very appreciated, so thank you!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 7 years ago.

7 years ago

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We talked about this, please don't talk about the standings of the current votings. It's a semi blind one.

7 years ago

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Ok, sorry for that.

7 years ago*

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We seem to be experiencing some minor technical difficulties with the voting galleries being down.

Edit: Nevermind, they just came back up.

7 years ago

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Vote and bump \o/

7 years ago

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Thank you! :)

7 years ago

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Wow! Great week with my Bridge submission! Thanks for all the votes and support last week! You guys rock!

7 years ago

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Voted! Awesome Sydney Opera Houses!

7 years ago

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Thanks for voting! :)

7 years ago

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For those brave enough.
4th SG drawing contest

7 years ago

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But this event is competitor, why do you advertise it?

7 years ago

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More of a "even more shared love for SG's artists" event. :)

The dot-challenges isn't as much of a competition as it is a positive place to be friendly with each other and show appreciation. The voting is more of a side thing to keep it a bit interesting.

7 years ago

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If it's a positive place than why do you affect on my conspiracy theories and/or regular whining so negatively? >__>

7 years ago

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Because I don't tolerate negativity.

7 years ago

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But conspiracy theories are so exciting! They help us to see regular things from completely different view.

7 years ago

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Am I the only one getting this when zooming in on that picture?

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7 years ago

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It's a bit weird with the pattern, depending on how much you zoom in it changes. There's a name for the effect that I've completely forgotten now.

Try looking at these two in different zooms. Quite a fun effect! :)

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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Those give something decent, my picture is what I get when I click the picture on the voting site.

7 years ago

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It changes image depending on browser size to decrease loading times. Try maximizing the window, or view it on a computer that supports higher resolutions if you're on a small size laptop or something. You're seeing the 1024px wide version (attached to this post).
Oh, and I finally remembered the name of the effect, it's called Moiré patterns!

Link to original full size isn't possible at the moment. That way of viewing the gallery bugged out in an update recently, so this is the best option for now. (Or actually, there's been an update since, will check if it's solved the bug)

Edit: Nopes, still bugging out. It would have worked if everyone kept the original image's proportions because I can hardcode the size the other mode uses, but because people cut off the sides, or used scanned images, etc, what works for one image may not work for the next.
The options for the other mode says "Scale" or "Scale and cut". In the first you only select a width, in the second both width and height. What the first option should do is basically scale the image down to whatever you set it to, but it cuts it to that instead and keeps the full height.
Interestingly enough, the same update that introduced that bug is the same that fixed some scaling issues we had in the gallery view.

If you want to look at the full size version of any image, right-click the image you want to look at and select "View image", in the filename, remove the last bit that tells the width of it, for example "-1024width", before .jpg. So "1478446367_18-operahouse-phoxy-1024width.jpg" would become "1478446367_18-operahouse-phoxy.jpg"

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7 years ago*

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I've voted, have you?

7 years ago

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Nah, voting is overrated. Just ask USA.

7 years ago

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I know, right? They've made it way too hard to vote in the US. In Sweden about 85-90% of eligable votes actually vote, in the US it's somewhere around 60% I believe. That's just shockingly low to me.

7 years ago

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Meh, in Russia that's normal. In Kyrgyzstan... Well, I've never voted 'cause I don't see difference between parties or candidates.
Nationalists never won, so I shouldn't worry about them, and all others are just bunch of similar jerks.
On other hand, in 10 years I took a part in 2 political upheaval which were called 'velvet revolutions'.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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Thanks for voting! :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Btw, you forgot to bump on last day.

7 years ago

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I've gotten the man flu, and yesterday I was out for the entire day. :(

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Nordhbane.