I'm confused with what to do in this situation: report the giveaways, or join in the level-up train?

8 years ago

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Should people be banned for spreading Humble Bundle keys of this software?

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Yeah, ban those a-holes! It's against the rules!
Nope, it still qualifies as a legit giveaway.
8 years ago

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Happy cake day!

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yes. Coming up next: ban all games discounted over 95%, so only non-bundled games are allowed.

You can hide those giveaways if you're not interested.

8 years ago

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Yeah, you don't seem to be impartial on this subject, since you've already given away 7 software copies from that bundle.

8 years ago

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You can find blacklist button on my profile if it bothers you that much that out of 840 created giveaways I made 7 software ones.

8 years ago

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The conversation was about one sided perpectives

8 years ago

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But there are also many other people that have similar feeling, and I'd appreciate if they were more direct on this :3.

8 years ago

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i blacklisted you twice.
so nothing happened ;)

8 years ago

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I blacklisted Archi only once.
Then I hit the whitelist button, which cancels the blacklist. :D

8 years ago

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Mully once made a pic of my profile with only whitelist options... Too bad i didn't kept it
Not hard to do, just funny

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Both buttons are white list.

Hell, all 4 should be white list ;)
a bit greedy, shoot me

8 years ago

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Eaaaasy. B)

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8 years ago

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I knew it. This site is scam!

8 years ago

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Scam! I report u!

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8 years ago

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Damn hack0r!

8 years ago

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Thanks. Saved it this time.
And i like what you did with oppenh4imer ;)

8 years ago

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I haven't given it away, and don't have any intentions of spending money to farm CV, but why can't you just hide and enjoy the millions of points it is generating. I'm getting 300 points every hour.. Just ignore and join GA of games you are actually interested..

8 years ago

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I dont seem to get the Joke here :S
You gave it yourself away?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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of course its legit. free CVs is the trend now, haven't you heard?

8 years ago

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Not really free, more like CVx25

8 years ago

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It's not against the rules but it breaks the CV system when even after being reduced to give 15% value you are still getting better than 25:1 for each dollar spent, which is still above the unwritten 95% discount rule that was the reason for putting games on the bundle list in the first place. It also breaks the point system when it is generating 400-600 points an hour as it has been over the past 24 hours. It's a sad state of affairs when the narrative is being pushed towards "become a CV farmer yourself or get left behind".

8 years ago*

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unwritten 95% discount rule that was the reason for putting games on the bundle list

it still goes to the bundle list all the same, even a 99.99999999% off game is not free and still only goes to the bundle list. i just kinda look at it like its making up for all those keys you did purchase legit inside a bundle but were free before personally. but yea, it does screw with the points is what i dislike about it.. to many entries that otherwise would not of happened all around on all giveaways due to that..

8 years ago

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Yes, but the bundle list fails to do what it supposed to in this case because the return on your dollar is so high despite that. The reason for the bundle list is so that someone who acquires something at a very high discount doesn't get the same kind of credit for it than someone who makes a giveaway for something that they didn't get at such a discount, whether it is a AAA game, non-bundled, whatever. Tier 1 of the current Humble GameDev software gives $173 dollars worth of software for only $1. Even after applying the value reduction as a result of being on the bundle list, it still yields 25.95 dollars of CV per dollar that you spend, which is exactly what the bundle list was supposed to prevent. Therefore, broken system. The CV value for stuff like this needs to drastically lowered to be something more like 5% yield, not 15%. And what you see with the site being spammed for some software that most people don't give a shit about is the direct end result of people taking advantage of the inadequacies of the system.

edit: As an example I will use my own current giveaway. I have a giveaway running for the Risen Franchise Pack, which I paid damn good money for and should yield $45 CV. Now compare that to someone who made a giveaway for just two Tier 1 Humble GameDev bundles for $2 and they are getting more CV than my AAA pack of games at only a fraction of the cost. Does that sound fair or sensible?? I don't think so. Now imagine if it was something like DooM or Fallout 4 instead. Even worse.

8 years ago*

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well, its not a perfect system. but its the only one that has survived all this time while others have flopped. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

8 years ago

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I'm sorry but I for one will not just accept it out of sheer apathy or merely keeping the status quo. Something could have been done about it but hasn't, and that, sadly, is the recurring theme on numerous issues for the past 4+ years that I have been here. The infrastructure/technical side of things has improved greatly since earlier days, but the rest goes largely neglected and always has been.

8 years ago*

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it has a impact on lower level users, very little on higher levels at all, especially after you take into consideration what you already know about the decrease beyond 5 copies. the only perfect system would be no system, just remove all cv and levels.. it's the only "fix-all".

8 years ago

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That would actually be preferable at this point.

8 years ago

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50x copies (or even 2,000 copies) of the $1 tier alone = $360.15 -- that's spending $50 just to get to lvl5.. with 90% off non-bundled sales you could get further for 50cents less. (5copies of 10x diff 9.99 non-bundled games 90% off = 499.50)

edit: calc error fixed

8 years ago*

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Not even sure if you can buy that many bundles anyway. But if anything someone would perhaps do 10-12 at most and then just repeat the same fucking thing for whatever similarly discounted software bundle comes next, of which there have been a few thus far. The fact that the usefulness of it is limited to that certain number of bundles doesn't change the fact of the overly-inflated credit that they are still getting for it (as outlined previously).

8 years ago*

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well even if you could purchase 50 copies, it wouldn't be wise when i pointed out how you could go even further for less. =) but it's not that i don't see your point, but i just don't see what you really expect them to do.. if this is unfair then so is monthly bundles, so is 90% off discounts.. the whole system would have to be tailored to a "per game" basis.. they don't have the manpower to try and accommodate that with how many games/software/videos/etc are currently on steam and with more being cranked out daily.. its really the best they can come up with short of the per game cv approach, and manages to survive thru these cv farmings every time anyways.

edit: 12copies of the bundle = 172.47 btw ;) (Hard_ID's SG Calc)

8 years ago*

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Unless I've made an error somewhere I just calculated it at $251.6 for twelve Tier 1's or $225.4 for ten as per the guidelines here:

5 Tier 1's with no additional reduction: $25.95 x 5 = $129.75

bundle 6 = 25.95 x 0.9 = $23.36
bundle 7 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $21.02
bundle 8 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $18.92
bundle 9 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $17.03
bundle 10 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $15.32
bundle 11 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $13.79
bundle 12 = 25.95 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 = $12.41

^^ the sum is still ridiculous even down here. At 12 bundles it is still almost a 21:1 ratio on your dollar.

edit: these numbers are approximate as I'm not sure how the system handles rounding

8 years ago*

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oh sorry, you're correct, my bad. 12bundles is showing as $250.82298.. 172.47 was the retail value of a single bundle prior to any discounts.. i was just looking at the wrong part of the calc.

then again though the cut-off for the most part on cv is 50copies thats why i used the example, second photo is 50,000 copies.

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8 years ago

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+1, the way it is now is not good, and everybody should be able to see that.

And I say that as somebody who gave away the extras from the bundle myself (which I bought because I wanted Hexels, and had duplicates because I bought the previous gamedev bundle for myself as well), and now gets labelled a CV whore and thrown onto blacklists all over steamgifts, just for doing what I always have been doing, giving away my bundle extras to others who might like to have them. I don't care about the CV, I only care that I can be a part of this place under my own motto, which is, I win some and I give some.

8 years ago

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Why not report all region locked giveaways that gets very close to that too?

8 years ago

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Because those region-locked giveaways don't cost $1, while netting you 100 XP, maybe?

8 years ago

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actually, with $1 I can make 17~25 CV of unbundled games which is even better IMO .

8 years ago

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I got it for me. Was cheap so I'll GA it here.

8 years ago

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Despite being a huge cv farming, it's not the free version that's been given, is? I just won one of those, but haven't tried it yet. I'm playing with the Gamemaker Studio.

8 years ago

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I don't think it is THAT big a deal, I can't imagine anyone getting above level 4 or 5 by buying a bunch of copies, plus their purchases help charity so I am always for that.

8 years ago

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Why wouldn't it be legit? People got it from a bundle and they're giving it away. Since when it is bad to give away games? :/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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+1 Don't like what they give away? Hide it or blacklist them. There are plenty of people that do want to win that...

8 years ago

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Has barely done a give away in the past three years... questions someone else's give aways? boggle

also after 5, diminishing returns anyway.

8 years ago

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And to top it all of. He made a Clickteam Fusion 2.5 giveaway himself.

8 years ago

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He needs the poll answers to figure how people will think of him because of that.

8 years ago

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Knows that his argument is a strawman... makes this argument anyway? boggle

8 years ago

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Nah, besides, lots of points to enter in other giveaways.

8 years ago

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Newsflash: Researchers find that as long as crazy discounts happen, any CV system that goes by store price only is inherently borked.

8 years ago

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FUNNY.. Because you created one giveaway TRAIN

Clickteam Fusion 2.5 GG

8 years ago

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Implying that I can't buy more bundles? You fail, dude.

8 years ago

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hmm...ok, and you are going to repot them for what?
EDIT: proceeds to follow the trend after 3 years of inactivity...well, this was a productive thread

8 years ago

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hahahaha :)

8 years ago

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Your implication is kind of stupid.

This thread was a legitimate question, as it clearly states in the title that I'm confused about what to do -- does this break rules or not. Evidently, it doesn't. So who cares, free CV.

8 years ago

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i implied that the spam was legit and you soon decided to take part in it.
which left the situation exactly as it was before the thread. Thus the sarcastic "productive" remark
No problem though, don't get all worked up...enjoy that "free" CV.
Its still 1$ but whatever, your words not mine

8 years ago*

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This thread was a legitimate question, as it clearly states in the title that I'm confused about what to do -- does this break rules or not. Evidently, it doesn't. So who cares, free CV.

No, it wasn't. It just means you didn't read the rules and guidelines and you didn't spend a second using the search function to notice the other 3+ threads complaining about it.

8 years ago

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There's going to be so much whining about the CV rollback when it happens. Thanks for all the points, though.

8 years ago

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I believe it's already in the bundled list.

8 years ago

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It's already bundled. But even now it gives like $25 worth of CV for just $1.

8 years ago

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0.15*100 = 25. Ok.

8 years ago

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Maybe the other things in the 1st tier are also worth money? No? Okay...

8 years ago

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thought you're talking about clickteam fusion.
And even then... there have been IG bundles with better quota.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I don't really get why people are complaining so much about it. Sure, it can be annoying that it clutters the GA pages, bu that's what the hide button is for...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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+1 hahhaaaa..

8 years ago

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It doesn't take too much to make you laugh, does it?

8 years ago

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most of the people here want to look Rich
and others said ¯_(ツ)_/¯ who's care !!

8 years ago

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why not report also the privat farming group of higher level as not legit too ?
( easy to get higher level when you kinda "exchange" games inside a small group farming CV in the process)

or anybody that GA a game/software/video you don't like ?

why are you complaining about other earning CV ? couldn't you just be happy for the GA that will profit to someone^^

already own spriter pro, marmoset and clickteam 2.5; but I think I'm going to buy the $10 tier.
even with the steam winter sales, it's cheaper to get the HB then buying the spriter pro DLC on steam (and I'm also interested in pyxel edit and spriter illuminator). So be prepared another GA for those softwares coming in the next days :p

sorry but CV&levels was initialjly just a small symbolic incentive; but because of all the GA creator that limit access to level or create ST restriction, to access their GA based on CV ratio/, etc. CV as become more and more valuable ^^
The community of SG is risponsible for that trent for farming CV. If everyone just creat open GA nobody would care about CV

8 years ago

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What are you complaining about?
You made the same GA yourself!

8 years ago

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Why do you proceed to comment while not reading the inital comments? Why do you ask rhetorical questions?

8 years ago

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If you don't want people to comment, close the thread. Not everyone will read all previous comments and everyone has the same right to comment (even if it has been said before) as long as the thread remains open...

8 years ago

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dont understand why people care so much about others getting some CVs while some "whitelisted", "private groups" and extremely high level ga" is considered as legit

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I just bought the bundle for Spriter and I already had Clickteam Fusion 2.5, so I'm giving it away. It would be a shame if I have to give such a big piece of software away to bots in a key-dump thread.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 weeks ago.

8 years ago

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Seriously, your complaining teased me into buying that bundle just for creating some more.
But maybe that was your hidden agenda all along...

8 years ago

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No, why would you think so?

rubs hands, sinisterly laughs

8 years ago

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Why else would a rather inactive user suddenly complain about it?
...and i fell for it.

8 years ago

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I can't call myself "inactive".

I just stop giving away gifts, because they're region-locked, plus I was using some other site (which has closed, so I returned here).

8 years ago

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Not inactive?

Registered: 5 years ago
Comments: 28

And 2 GA's in the past couple of weeks, with the ones before that being 3 years old. I'm sorry, but I can't say that's active...

8 years ago

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I bought the BTA because Hexels was on my wishlist (and also for the Spriter Pro DLCs as I'm actually using that software), and had duplicates of Spriter Pro and Clickteam from the previous Humble gamedev bundle.

So what am I supposed to do with the duplicates, in your opinion?

a) Give them away on Steamgifts, hopefully to somebody who actually wanted them, and get blacklisted by many?

b) Same as above, but also get banned for it?

c) Throw them away?

Well? (Hint: My choice was a), and I'm really not happy about the punishment for giving games away. Hint 2: I don't care one bit about the CV.)

8 years ago

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I was going to buy a copy of this bundle just to give away. But if people don't want my money ..... More drugs for me xD

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8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by PaleDolphin.