Which contributor level do you most often require for your giveaways?
I should also acknowledge that this table does not indicate the percentage of active users, so these stats may not be representative of the actual SG community.
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What is your reason for creating Level 0 giveaways?
You're going to get a lot more people telling you why they don't make level 0 giveaways, but here are my reasons for sometimes making them.
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I never do level 0 giveaways myself, but some of the reasons I see in this thread are very good points to actually do level 0 giveaways.
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I usually only do level 0 when I have a key for a game that I consider bad. It's usually games around 1-2 euros that are often also on reduced CV.
Whenever I get a key with no value, for pretty much any game, I make the giveaway level 0.
Otherwise, I'm fluctuating between level 2 and 3, depending on what I feel is fair in the moment.
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many people are broke, some to young to have much money themself. i give away to level zero because i know how hard it is to be poor. giving stuff away to people, who can giveaway thousands of games themself doesnt make much sense to me as they can afford games themself. better make the ones happy that dont have as much as others.
im myself am pretty broke
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I don't really buy the "people are broke" excuse. There are dozens of extremely cheap bundles every month and nobody plays all the games they get in a bundle.
There are people who are truly broke, it's true. But if you check the steam account of those 0 GA people, dollar to donut they always have 3000+ games in their library so they do manage to get games. Just not to give back to the community.
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To have a sg account you need a steamaccount with worth $100.
None is to broke to give ONE cent game and if you look at the lvl 0 users steamprofiles they aren't poor (most of them have 1k+ games and new ones -not cheap- too), they aren't mostly new members at sg and they are mostly only leeching like hell as long as it is possible.
Nothing else.
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well everytime i post on the forum i get blacklisted. just got 5 more people to blacklist me for this. its so much fun.
i need to stop having opinions.
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I would say start to voice your opinion more. For every blacklist, there is a good chance you also gain whitelists. Your number of comments is quite low, if you start being active on the forums, you will get into groups and whitelists.
Und bevor du fragst, du bist aus anderen Gründen schon länger auf meiner BL.
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most of the time i ust dont find the right words to use in english , so i just keep my mouth shut.
and i dont really have too much time on my hand to be really active on the forums.
p.s. vielen dank noch das du erwähnst das ich von dir geblacklisted bin. am meisten nervt es nähmlich nicht zu wissen wer einen geblacklisted hat und warum man geblacklisted wurde.
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why do you make lv0 giveaways?
you're feeding leeches!
they don't deserve games
based on my personal experience (and i'm an expert because i made ~700 giveaways!), 99% of the time i have an issue, it's a lv0 user!
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the best reason, it pisses off all the generous-sg-users™. the same kind of user that enters lv0 GAs but makes lv5+ (to avoid leeches!), or enters public GAs but make all for group/wl. 🤷
Heh Mully on the warpath!
I mostly make group GAs because that's where I won 95% of my wins (actual stat) so it only make sense to give back to the people who gave me a chance. I occasionally make public GAs but I promise I don't want to piss off anyone :P
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I am sure I entered a few but I don't think it was many. I'm not very good at maths but I know chances near 0 when I see them and I try to keep my points for GAs with less than 400-500 entries, which is basically never the case for level 0 GAs
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we had an expert on everything related to sg till he got banned, and that was the kind of thing he said all the time. and we still have a few more around. 🤷
My experience it's that it's mainly down to individuals clashing...
From my experience there are lots of 'the ones' ;)
From my experience based on doing over MMMCCXVII' giveaways...
I know it well from my experience. ^^
unfortunately he wasn't an expert on how to avoid suspensions. 😅
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and the best reason, it pisses off all the generous-sg-users™. the same kind of user that enters lv0 GAs but makes lv5+ (to avoid leeches!), or enters public GAs but make all for group/wl.
Crap, would that be me? It has been 4 months since my last level 0 giveaway, and all my recent giveaways have been group ones... ;)
Though, to be fair, I want to give back to the people who have been generous and given to me. Only one of my wins was a public giveaway, and all the rest have been private or group or wishlist, so it makes sense to me that the bulk of my giveaways should be the same.
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make a giveaway site where in order to enter giveaways, you first need to give away something.
not considering it would never even start because there wouldn't be anyone to join your giveaway, think about what people would say about it, like "this is a pay to win site".
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and how is that question even related to what i'm saying?
i barely make any lv0 GAs because i don't buy the "i'm poor i can't give away anything" mentality. but it doesn't stop me from believing sg would be dead without lv0 giveaways, nor it invalidates any of the points i wrote in my first comment.
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It just made me wonder why there are so many giveaways for level 0. (Here is that question I promised you:) What is your reason for creating Level 0 giveaways?
Lv0 Giveaways?
Well, was there a lot of GA of Lv0?
Is it because some people try to raise Lv with a bundle that can be mass-purchased for $ 1?
Among them, depending on the person, there will be fun games.
When CV is 0
It should be a fun game regardless of CV. (Actually by people)
At the very least, we offer the joy of victory.
But I care about the existence of BOT.
It seems reasonable to post "Invite link" to "off topic" or "Puzzle" in "Discussion category".
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Usually I prefer to make giveaways for level 3+. BUT, I do it only to avoid various problems - like rerolls, not activation, etc. I would gladly do giveaways for level 0, because I'd like to make those people happy. You know, when I just started to use steam, I had a few games, and almost no money, so I participated in giveaways on every site, was very happy to win, and often played my wins. It would have been great if I could do the same for someone else. But damn, too many people seem to be unable to follow even simplest rules, and I want some positive feelings from giveaways, not having troubles with rerolls and dealing with the violators. Oh well.
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I do get what you mean.
I also, when starting steam, had very little money and loved this site when i found it. I think one reason I actually stuck around and gave back was because I won something fairly early on--and thus saw that this site was legit.
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Of course it wouldn't, but I'm not sure how you would jump to that conclusion. Do you only give away games to increase your level, and do you think others do the same? I don't.
If you remove level restrictions altogether, the site not only remains functional, but largely the same. People who want to give will still give, people who don't want to give still won't. It'll mostly only affect the people who only give because they want their level to go up either for some arbitrary reason or so that they themselves could earn better games, the latter of which encourages a trading mentality, not a giving one.
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"If you remove level restrictions altogether, the site not only remains functional, but largely the same."
Maybe on the surface, but really a lot would change. A lot of us (me included) only do level 2+ to avoid having to go to support all the time. If you couldn't do that, support would be overwhelmed, some users fed up from having rulebreakers win all the time and very much will change.
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This is untrue. SteamGifts used to operate just fine without the level restrictions some years back.
If anything, the declining popularity of the site could indicate something is wrong with the current systems. (It could, of course, be some external factor, but none of us really know that.)
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If it worked fine without, why were they added? And that's got to be loooong ago, 3 years back when I joined lvl 0 was even more hell than it is now.
Steam made gifting harder, bundle and game quality decreased, forums popularity decreased for various reasons. Could be levels though, who knows really. Probably a little bit of all.
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Yeah, I don't know when it happened. It wasn't there for the year after I joined 7 years ago, and after my 5 year break, it was there.
To be clear, I'm not blaming the level system for SteamGifts' fall at all. Neither am I doing the opposite though.
I do believe that the what and how of Steam offering games has been the biggest factor, as you can see the decline starting around the time Steam removed barriers for putting games on their platform.
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Do you only give away games to increase your level, and do you think others do the same? I don't.
I don't really know why you make that assumption but I don't really care about CV. I make GAs because I buy bundles (and I bought a lot of those before I even found out SG existed) and I already have tons of games in my backlog so I keep the ones I really want to play and I give away others to people who want them.
I'm not really sure how that's relevant to the topic, however.
People who want to give will still give, people who don't want to give still won't. It'll mostly only affect the people who only give because they want their level to go up either for some arbitrary reason or so that they themselves could earn better games,
I doubt it. Leeches are leeches and it's all fine and good but because of that, their chances are lower, I don't see how it's unfair system.
People who give back some of what they get, and are contributing, making it possible for others to get free games, are the ones making SG possible. It's not elitism or superior race propaganda, it's just basics.
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And how do you feel about highest percentage of bots in the entire user base, fellow human?
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If you know how to tell if someone is bot or human, please please tell Google. I'm so sick of their annoying, hard as f*** ReCaptcha where I spend 5 minutes telling apart damned blurry traffic lights from bloody bikes and fire hydrants🤖👀
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That is just the worst implementation. There is a Google ReCaptcha that never pops up anything; it just looks at your mouse movement and input frequency in the background. It has a somewhat lower percentage of filtering out bots, but it is almost entirely unintrusive.
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Is that unintrusive captcha implementation even still in use? I know that google introduced their new and "advanced" recaptcha with the promise that it will be practically less disturbing for users, as they are silently recognized as humans and will not encounter any widget at all.
But this can't be true if you consider how often these damn things pop up. It's just a lie or not working as desired.
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ESGST allows you to create your own GA templates if you’d like
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Fair enough. I’ve had several of my own issues as well. It tries to do everything for everyone but doesn’t always pull off the best solution
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I mean, if I was someone on the outside looking at this site and just saw restricted giveaways I wouldn't even bother - it would set an expectation that you have to give something away to enter giveaways - which is why I do Level 0 giveaways at times (although I'd like to do more)
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Hey, makes me one of the 6000 most special people on a random internet site. And my mother said I'd never amount to anything.
Used to go around 3-4 but in the end find it really hard to care who wins my GAs tbh, most of the ones now are free to anyone. If someone seriously wants to use bots to farm games and push up a number on a website good luck to them. Got a healthy bluelist sat waiting for GAs, next time I have something vaguely special to give away suppose it'll be to them.
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The irony of this system is that those at higher levels are also the ones who have the funds to buy their own games (or in some cases, gamed the system to get where they are). That's not to say they are undeserving of games, in fact many high level users have had a strong positive impact on the sg community and I'd love to see that kindness reciprocated back to them. The best way to do that, is to show the lv 0 users a good reason to stick around and contribute. And yes, statistically most users will remain lv 0, but that's no excuse to preemptively punish the ones that can't afford to give back or have only just joined.
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Mostly bundle-leftovers here. Give away or let rot? It's not like I wouldn't have bought those bundles without sg. I have very rarily bought anything only for a giveaway here. Probably 10 bucks overall tops, and I am level 7.
The ones that spend large sums like you just for giveaways are exclusivelly rare.
With bundles and backlog I don't see why I should spend an excess 60 bucks on new games. That's 5 whole Humble Monthlies. I did kickstart some titles with more for love and support of a studio but Original Sin 2 was a major dissapointment and Obsidian sold to MicroSoft. :/
I am sure there was a point here somewhere...
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Good point. A quite good point. I did not think about that.
Although I was happy about Obsidian choosing Microsoft; thus far they do not seem to have any significant problems in game publishing, and they let the developers have a decent free reign. I am even okay with the Windows Store.
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I usually do on level 2 and above, but it isn't without troubling thoughts..
As both TheTorn and Talgaby, and a few others already pointed out above, this excludes a huge part of the user base, and promotes the idea that only big givers can receive - which is problematic for the site and the community. Sadly, it does this weather it is my intention or not.
However, that same part of the user base is where I've had the most issues (not all, but most) from not following rules, not activating keys, not marking as received, and outright key-was-not-valid-scams. Re-rolls, chasing people, and rude mails, not fun.
I don't want to exclude the new ''zeroes'', they deserve a shot, but I also don't want to deal with the trash ''zeroes'' that come with that group. It's enough to deal with the higher level non-caring users/rule breakers as it is.
At the end of the day I revert to why I came to SG in the first place; It was not to get keys, it was to offload keys I didn't need. That is still the basepoint for me, the wins and the friendships found here have since become more important, but are still secondary in the way that if SG crashes out completely, I will not go looking elsewhere for new friends; I will look for a new place to offload keys (if that makes sense).
Both sides of the issue have valid arguments and we can only choose what is right for ourselves.
When I do do level 0 GA:s it's usually after having had one of these discussions with someone that makes a good argument on why we should, like some of the points brought up here. These arguments/points are so valid they make me feel bad for nor doing them for a while, and then I do some, and are subsequently reminded of why I don't like to... In Sweden we call this the ''squirrelwheel'', it's a closed end looping argument that goes round and round and round and round...
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I usally tend to do level 1-2 as i think its kind of no big deal to get lvl1
But i think more importantly i d like some kind of riddle or puzzle or that kind of stuff to enter something.
Why? Because i really dont mind doing them myself to enter something. Most people will agree that it would be nice to know that people really play the games you give away. And so there is some kind of "effort" to be made.. which 'scares' away lazy cardfarmers.
Below me trying to be scary... while noticing that i didnt do much giveaways in the first place and feel instantly ashamed
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My reason why\if\when sometime i create level 0 giveaway also for triple AAA games is because i know very well what is mean be poor so i know there is people in our planet that is not able to give away only 1 game just because they poor but this can be people that love videogames also if can't afford it so in my opinion is right that they can access giveaway too , because if NOT there will be a discrimination to them because then only rich people can access giveaways , and this is not human respect.
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Some reasons I hardly create any level 0 GA's:
Thats why I'm creating high level GA's.
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They are called leeches.
Adding the extra r only humanizes them ;)
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Considering how easy it is to get steam wallet credit simply by selling cards, and considering the number of games in Steam sales that sell for less than $0.49 USD, I suppose there really is no excuse for not buying at least one game to give away. I'd concede that you are correct with point #2 on that basis.
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The level I put on my giveaways is proportional to the quality and market value of the game, the best giveaways (unbundled) are for my Blue Hearts.
I am still experimenting, but I am beginning to think that level 5 is the sweet spot between giving back/rewarding the users who contributed
to SteamGifts, while avoiding to fall into the pit trap of giving only to the 'rich', which would result in them getting 'richer', because, let's face it, if you can afford to give away 10.000 $ worth of games and own thousands of games on your account, then you can probably get ANY game you want.
I still make lower level giveaways (2 - 3 lvl), but I end up regretting it most of the time, they tend to have terrible ratios and don't even bother to say "thank you" after winning a game, a lot of rule-breakers as well. I understand that people have different levels of income, and some are very young or broke students who can't afford to spend a lot on what is, essentially a luxury, but courtesy is free, it doesn't cost you time or money, there is no excuse for poor attitude.
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I employ the same mentality, and have come to largely the same conclusions. I also think level 5 is the sweet spot for rewarding active and generous users, and that's where I'll put my best public giveaways, but I'll make lower level giveaways too for bundles games (where I don't necessarily care if they play them or just farm them for cards) because I was low level once too before I became active.
And I'm totally with you on saying "thank you" - I mean, you just got a game for free, saying "thank you" is the least you could do.
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I did a lot of level zero giveaway and will keep doing, not just because I advertise in those, but what's the point to GIVE AWAY if you can figure out the winner just like those wintraders whose creating giveaways ALWAYS for 5-10 "friend"groups to boost level and then they just farming down high level public/invite giveaways.
Yes, those wintraders can blacklist me, I don't care, they don't have public giveaways anyway:-) On other hands, I am proud to be nonhater as zero pep on BL:-)
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What is your reason for creating Level 0 giveaways?
Not caring about some semi-shitty giveaways, public level 0 is hell. I'm not blacklisting for a long while for ratio, but having winners who has 4 years, 7 comments, 240 wins on the site and played close to nothing of it while they are active traders... someone has to win the trash giveaways too, but generally this is why I keep my giveaways level 1-2. Or level 0, behind a simpler puzzle on the forums, to avoid crawler bots. I still think about the site as giving to the community and to people, not just throwing a key into the system that gets dumped to someone who has no presence on the site. That just feels like a good game ending up in a rubbish bin.
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This site is supposed to be about giving games away, not trading. I don't really care for winning giveaways these times, I basically only entry my WL ones which is like 10 per month. I have much more fun giving away the games, especially if the other person cannot afford it.
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Even with the bots and leechers, 70% of my total giveaways are for Level 0. In regards to public giveaways Level 0 is still the most, but just 1 less Level 3 giveaway and 1 less for Level 2 (around 20% each.)
It's essentially a one-way blacklist if you exclusively do high level or group giveaways, since you can still join giveaways from the users you exclude. It really sucks when somebody wins your games and they exclude you from all of theirs.
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I chose to welcome new SG users by giving level 0 giveaway in the Unlucky 7 group. It's a group that give games to users with 7 or fewer wins. It's true that this will not reach every new users (Afterall, not everyone will browse the discussion or can read English), but I believe it will reach more new users compared to level 0 public giveaways.
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I saw this table on another thread and it inspired a question in me, so I figured I'd post it to the community. According to the SteamGifts User Stats page, this table is the current breakdown of users by level. It shows that more than 85% of the users on SteamGifts have not given away a single game. Of those that have given away at least one game, 67% have only given away one game to achieve Level 1 (or maybe a few cheap games, not enough to reach Level 2).
It just made me wonder why there are so many giveaways for level 0. (Here is that question I promised you:) What is your reason for creating Level 0 giveaways? Or if you don't, why do you think so many people create Level 0 giveaways? Low level giveaways seem like they just propagate a consumer mentality on SteamGifts rather than encouraging others to create more giveaways. I acknowledge that I may be wrong on that, but that's my impression. I like to give away games to higher levels because it is my way to show support to the other users out there that give away games. And I'm sorry my giveaways have sucked recently. I stopped buying games and bundles several months ago to fund an orphanage.
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