Been following the game since release, watched some videos but never got around to buying it. Too bad Greenman wont take my money...
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If you really want it, I can help you buy it if you paypal me the money. It's around $2 or $2.50 after 30% off.
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I have a fascination on what's with that game. This might sound bad but at first glance it does not appeal to me at all. Seems like a psychodelic Tony Hawk's, or well, as if the Taxi Driver or Pizza Motorcicler guys had made this one too.
It might have been that I never owned a Dreamcast and I'm inmune to all your nostalgic feelings or that I am plainly dumb.
Oh, and if this seemed like a strategy to get the game and convert me to the JetSetRadio faith it wasn't, give the game to someone who will enjoy it more. Not as if I was to be chosen, but just in case.
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Nah, I totally agree. It garnered so much cult fame status that I think people who never played it are curious. I, for one, played in on Xbox and really enjoyed it -- and everyone says it pales in comparison to the Dreamcast version.
Due to space constraints, I haven't loaded up my Jet Set Radio. But I hope you win it and get to try for yourself.
EDIT: skd3, if it helps I'd vouch that MrCastiglia is an active member of the Steamgifts community and has been helpful to me in group chats. You could definitely do worse in selecting others for this prize.
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There was no need for vouching me chairmanako :)
Seriously, if I won it I do not know if I'll ever get to play it, it's better if another one gets it.
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I loved this game since i first played it on my Dreamcast. I was happy when i saw it was released on Steam.
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Goddamn, it I removed it from my wishlist yesterday.
Can I still qualify? I was trimming my wishlist and didn't want too many games there.
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Oh, you softie. When you are the creator of the giveaway, you have the power. Abuse it while you can.
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Seriously, I can't think of a cooler status symbol than your four-year-old calling you a "dick". What kid that age runs around calling people dicks? Stupid face, yes, but a dick? That would be hilarious. I'd love to be listening in when the principal calls you up: "Uh, sir, your child has been using some ... highly unusual language and I'd like to inquire where (s)he may have learned it ...?
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It's not on my wishlist because it would get really big.
But I'm a huge fan of the Dreamcast despite not owning it.
I love many of its games (I played them using NullDC), such as Crazy Taxi, Skies of Arcadia, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, Shenmue 1, Chu Chu Rocket (I really like the multiplayer, heck I even played it yesterday with some friends) and more games.
Despite I played those games, I didn't play Jet Set Radio.
You may be thinking "Why?". Well, I didn't play it because I opened Joystiq one day and I saw that an HD version of JSR was going to be released. And I was like "OMG! I cannot wait!!!".
So I waited and I didn't get it sadly.
I love its soundtrack, style, gameplay and graphics. The style of the game is so good, that it makes it look good after all these years. So one of the things that JSR taught me was that realistic graphics don't hold up that well, but that a great style and design can actually make a game look better over the time.
(I made it too long, but I don't think I qualify)
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I don't have it on my wishlist because I can't add it to my wishlist. The game - like all Sega titles in Steam - is not available in my region. That said, I do want it, so I'll probably pick it up myself while the GMG deal is going on (after carefully examining how much more I can spare for games this month). Thank you for offering to gift to someone here though in this manner, that's very nice of you.
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Its not on my wishlist because I don't really use my wish list because I don't really get gifts from people from steam, usually physical gifts and its usually for indie games that I might forget the title of. And JSR is a game that I've wanted for a while ever since my dreamcast broke so I didn't need to put on my wishlist because I knew i wanted the game.
Not part of the considerations just wants to put it out there.
Also if anyone knows of a pc mod of this game where you could use your wiimotes for this game that would be awesome. because I've wanted this game to be on the wii/u so badly when the rumors of this game was being re-released and maybe on wii.
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It's not on my wishlist because I didn't know it was on PC! (I only recently made the switch to a gaming rig)
I played it way back on the Dreamcast and it was awesome, it'd be pretty cool to play through it again with some updated graphics and in HD instead of on the 14" TV I played on back then.
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It's been on my wishlist since September 19th of last year. I'd have bought it already, but having a limited budget and such has kept me back a bit, hehe
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I saw this game, took an immediate liking as i had played Shaun White Skateboarding earlier and it was awesome, didnt add it to my wishlist coz it wasnt a big title and i thought maybe someday when i'll start earning i'll buy all these small games (yeah Sega i know, still small) and play game adding to the developers money. and no i am not adding it to my wishlist ryt now just because of this post.
now when i see a chance to win this, i thought why not tell you why i want this game despite it not being in my wishlist.
Thank you.
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I have had Jet Set Radio on my wishlist since Sept. 19th. That being said, if there is only one winner in your contest, I would rather you choose someone else other than myself. I'm sure there is someone else more deserving of this game than I am. I just want to say why I was even interested in the game in the first place. Unfortunately, I never grew up with a Dreamcast at all nor was I really a true part of that generation and the gaming generations before that. Yes, I did have a Super Nintendo but only owned two games: Super Mario All-Stars and Yoshi's Island. I first heard about JSR from a Youtuber named ProtonJonSA while he was playing Mario ROM hacks and played this music and JSRF music in the background. I fell in love with the sound track since I first heard it about 4 years ago. I then decided to do some research to see what the game was about and it intrigued me. I saw the games mechanics and style as I watched a bit of people score attacking the game and I held an interest in the game although never once considering that I may be able to own the game myself. When I heard that Jet Set Radio was going to be on Steam I immediately listed it in my wishlist as soon as I could.
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It has been on my Steam wishlist since September the 20th, though I've had my eye on it since they first announced its HD upgrade. It is my favorite Dreamcast title of all time, and was actually the first one I ever played on it. Love the music, art style, awesome characters, and the fun gameplay. It'd be nice to have a copy of this so I could relive all of my favorite moments from it.
Thank you so very much for giving us all a shot at a copy of this gem. It is very much appreciated, skd3. :)
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is in my whislist, and is the only one game in my whislist. best game of dreamcast.
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Remove me.
I have alot of games. Let someone else have the chance.
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It's a great little game, i own it already, though i was a bit disappointed, because it looks the same as the steam version when i connect my dreamcast to a hd converter.
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Hello there! I have Jet Set Radio in my wishlist since it was available in Steam Store (23 September 2012)! When I was younger I used to play the hell out of GBA version and loved it very much, but never had chance to play to original, because it was DC title, and in my country it was very rare console. I still have whole OST on my mp3 player!
Even if I don't win it, I'll probably buy it if it ever goes for 75% sale!
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The question is who has this on their wishlist? More importantly how long has it been there? Depending on the answers someone might just be able to cross it off their wishlist. I will leave this topic open for as long as I see fit and then chose a winner, or a group of people and give them the chance to win.
If you want the game, but never added it to your wishlist because you are lazy. Feel free to post your reasons why you should be considered. Remember to think carefully on what you post if the game is not on your wishlist. If it seems too needy or greedy you won't get picked.
PS. For everyone who adds the game to their wishlist today..... you probably will have to wait till next time. It would seem too fishy otherwise.
Update: In roughly 10 hours I will make a group and send out invites to the lucky few.
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