How are you celebrating Humble Indie Bundle's 10 year anniversary?
The mystery game will likely be Hyper Light Drifter, the bundle got leaked.
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People have commented what has been leaked already. Just a reminder though to everyone that till things are actually revealed things could change.
Hyper Light Drifter could be pulled from the bundle and something else could be added.
More could be added if HB is still in the process or not finishing talking with developers / publisher at the time of the leak.
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I'd even say it is quite possible. More than once, HB has changed (or has been forced to change) bundle contents after leaks. Actual contents usually come close, but with several titles only coming up in later bundles, weeks or months later.
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I'm only missing Gato and Hypnospace. Both look neat, but in my case, the repeats make the price extremely unattractive.
Thanks for the chart!
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Correction. Good bundle. But rebundle. With too high price set.
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For me it's just 3 games. I own the rest. So actually wouldn't buy it even for 9$, but would buy if I didn't have most.
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I think it's a good bundle myself. As far as T3 goes, I think it is a little over priced but that's mainly because I compare it to the value you get with the HB Choice/HB Monthly. The T3 has an unbundled game, Hypnospace Outlaw and Starbound, which may have been bundled twice but one bundle was 3 games for $9 on Indiegala and the other was in a care package bundle for $30. In my opinion the T3 games could be much worse.
For the games that are shown, the bundle was tiered well.
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Regular bundles already should be cheap. That's the point with them existing.15$ is not cheap. Especially for games that people mostly have in their libraries.
Also yeah. The Monthly/Choice bundles cost ~1$ per game. With discounts/promotions. I think yearly sub was about 92$ with promotion. And 8 games * 12 = 96. Now we got 10 games, not just 8. So 120 games for 92$. It's really, really cheap. Not to mention, one of the game is some AAA tier. Dark Souls 3 for example. This alone could cost more than a month worth of bundle.
If it was for 9$... okay. But 15 is way too much, especially because of the repeats. I won't buy it neither way, because it's not worth for 3 games. Even if it was 9$.
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To be honest, they should at least offer 10 and a half games to Classic Plan, it's only fair
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Because people are biased. if there is 9 good games and 1 bad game, they will only see one bad game and say it's bad bundle. There are people who said Dark Souls 3 Montlhy or Hollow Knight Monthly were bad bundles. Those people are just clearly stupid. And have no taste. I can appreciate games that I don't like or are not for me. But people think entire world revolts around them. If they don't like something = it's bad. And nothing will change their mind. Arrogance is the major trait in most of human beings. Unfortunatelly. And the society approves that and do everything to make people more aggressive and arrogant. This isn't only about gaming. There wouldn't be religion fanatics or fanatcis at all. No terrorism, no feminism, no antivaxxers etc. If it wasn't for the omnipresent arrogance.
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While there are people who do pay attention to what's been bundled and what hasn't as well as buy tons of bundles and own a large amount of games those aren't the only people who buy bundles. As you can see on the HB site people are buying the bundle for $15+.
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People can buy a game for 100 dollars. It's dumb af. So if there is bundle for 15, of course, there are people who will buy this overpriced bundle as well. if not for them, games would cost 20$ at most. Newly released, full games. But people are too rich.
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If games are good, the bundle containign them cannot be bad. It's just bad price and the fact that most people already have them. But You don't have to buy every single bundle that is made, do You?
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You are right, nobody can convince me that something that i see as a bad bundle is a good bundle. Special if they nearly only deliver arguments that support my opinion.
Because i know exactly what i like, see as bad, don't like or see as good.
You can see this as stubborn and i can see it as "i have a own opinion" :o)
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You are so wrong. So wrong in entire life. Your opinion means nothing. If the game is good, You have right to not like it. But You have no right to say the good game is not good game. Hotline Miami is amazing game. You don't have to like it. But it doesn't change the fact, the game is good. You are so biased, blinded by Your subjectivity. Your comment is just plain hate. "I DONT LIKE IT SO IT"S BAD". That's not how it works.
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I said the bundle is bad not that a game is bad.
To the rest i don't say something it is wasted time.
Besides that "How good that you know all" and how good that i don't have the right to know what i like or dislike, what i see as good or bad :-D
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Whatever You say. I'm already convinced You are a troll.
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You call him the troll while you wrote something like this?
You are so wrong. So wrong in entire life. Your opinion means nothing.
Not to mention that it was you who challenged him first, just because you didn't like his (indeed questionable and very simplified) statement. FOLLOWED BY CAPSLOCK. And insults.
Sorry, he might be wrong but you are the troll here.
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Ja meine Einschätzung des Bundles war, ausnahmsweise, mal sehr kurz.
Ich dachte jeder würde die Verbindung, von einem Freebie das es erst vor sehr kurzem gab, zig mal Rebundles und das in einem Bundle das sie nur 1x im Jahr raus bringen, selbst ziehen können. In meinen Augen ist das alleine deshalb schon ein schlechtes Bundle. Und der Preis (abgesehen von T1) verändert die Meinung nicht zum guten.
Wie man aber an obigem Kandidaten merkt war dem nicht so.
Und wenn mir jemand sagt das ich etwas nicht gut oder schlecht zu finden habe weil er das so bestimmt dann zweifel ich erst mal an seiner geistigen Haltung und wenns weiter geht, so wie bei dem obigen, dann kann ich auch pampig werden. Insbesondere wenn dann so Sprüche kommen wie das ich alles Hasse, meine Meinung nichts bedeutet etc.. Das ist im Bestfall dann dumm.
Interessant finde ich auch das viele im Thread negatives über das Bundle schrieben und nur ich bekehrt werden sollte (von jemand der davor schon auf meiner BL war) ;o)
Mies geschlafen, daher jetzt Deutsch und kein Englisch.
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It's cool You are taking my comment out of context. It's all You've got?
And I did not challenge anyone. Just commented on a guy, who thinks he is entitled to decide what is bad. He was so wrong and he didn't want to admit it. So stubborn and arrogant.
And where are the insults? Because it's insolence to accuse somebody of insulting, while it's just a lie.
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Wow, a game that was quickly depleted and literally nobody got a key in tier 2 :O No way!
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As others already pointed out, Gato Roboto was given away. I got one, told my friend who was at work and he got it 6h later, so i'd say that there were plenty of keys given away. Its also on Gamepass. Moonlighter was also given away for free by Epic.
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15 USD for tier 3 😂
I have all of them but 3. Maybe for 9$ if I had none I would buy that.
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This also happened to be the one bundle with leaked contents so everyone knows what the mystery game is rn (Unless they change it out of worry)
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It does, it's just really funny how the one bundle they've decided to do it with recently is the one bundle that got leaked. As far as I'm aware, none of the other recent bundles have had all their contents leaked but the one with mystery reveal has.
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Looks like someone at Humble doesn't like the idea of surprising people.
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nooooooo oh nooooooo oh man 14€ last tier nooooo yyyy
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I already have most of the games, but i'm really happy that they came back with the old business pattern.
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Pretty sure it's because most of it is rebundled items, and they've been bundled a lot. From what I've read, one of those was already in another t1 of humble, at least 3 (if not maybe 4) of those games were free at one point for steam or other platforms and Starbound is the same price as steam without a sale, meaning anyone who only cares about that game would rather a sale then full price+extras. Not saying it's a terrible bundle, but with all the competition recently it's not that good
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I completely forgot how nice were the second week unlocks and how great was HB back in the old days :(
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I'm glad they came back with the "more in xx days" thing.
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Well, I wouldn't call it necessarily a low. Some additional content is always better than no additional content. For gamers themselves it doesn't say much, true... but it may be a nice touch for people with kids around the house who like Hamble (with the lockdowns and all). Plus, one of the featured charities is Save the Children, so at least the extras align with that even if the actual games don't ^^'
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Now if they had cut out a game for those, it would've been a new low.
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After the long wait for a new Humble Indie Bundle, this feels underwhelming. I could have accepted the recycles if the T3 wasn't so pricey; I could have accepted that price if there was more meat to it. As it is however, I'm better off waiting ofr some future discounts to Gato Roboto and Hypnospace.
I also already got a key of HLD (ah, ye olde times when I still did trades) so unless they now changed it because of the leak, having it as the hidden game makes the bundle even less interesting...
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Humble Indie Bundle 21
3 Tiers, 7 Items, more to come next week
12 May 2020 - 26 May 2020
View this bundle on: ITAD - - Lestrades
Previous bundle: Humble Indie Bundle 20
First bundle: The Humble Indie Bundle
* Converted to USD using 2020-05-12 exchange rates (the lowest converted prices are bolded)
Note: The key for Dustforce activates the Soundtrack edition (contains Dustforce and Fastfall - Dustforce OST
Tier 1 - 1 USD | 1 EUR | 1 GBP | 1.5 CAD | 1.5 AUD | 1.5 NZD | 5 TRY | 50 RUB | 50 PHP
Tier 2 - BTA (lowest reported so far: 5.04 EUR)
Tier 3 - 15 USD | 14 EUR | 12 GBP | 21 CAD | 23.5 AUD | 25 NZD | 105 TRY | 1100 RUB | 750 PHP
☠ - Game was free at some time and does not grant any CV if given away.
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