we see this practically everyday, so not surprising.
Edit: What's going to offer Humble Bundle tomorrow? [POLL] < http://strawpoll.me/1763674
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Well, my wallet has been safe for a week now. Not to mention that i have rome total war 1 and 2, napoleon total war, shogun total war 2, medieval total war.
Im a big fan of the series, thank you, but no thank you.
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Art packs really are not the way to do Pay What You Want.
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dam i was hoping theres still a few days left on it... i missed first 3-4 days, mainly because i didnt really know bundles exist back then... good old times :/
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Only one bundle worthed for me the first one and i had high hopes for those bundle days
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looool valilla game more expensive than collection!!! so many bad offers in such a short time will have on me a quasi-permanent churn effect
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14 days of shitty bundles...
Indiegala, groupees and bundlestars got all my money in last weeks
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well... they tried to do something different, i cheers them for that. sadly it was an impressive fail... they will probably not going to do this (daily "bundle" for 2 weeks thing) again.
we will see some great bundles (Real w weeks bundles, or their nice weekly bundles) in the near future, probably.
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Something different worth doing would have been doing amazing deals that are limited in time (like they did) and maybe in quantity (like Starbound was). That way they would have raised awareness for themselves and for the games, without spoiling future sales for such games too much. What they did was a pointless barrage of objectively poor deals. Not even including a single game in the $1 tier is the icing on the cake.
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Goodbye, you will not be missed by HB.
Seriously, you thought you will get Ubisoft, EA, Bethesda bundles? People don't realize but, they don't owe you shit.
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So much this, people who complain and cry are spoiled losers. And the funny thing is they will coming running back like a little lap dog the moment there is something new that they are interested in.
They also fail to realize that they mean little to nothing in the grand scheme of things.
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No, I didn't expect to see major titles from major publishers on ridiculously low blow-out prices. I did think more of these bundles would interest me than they did though. I only bought 2, both at the $1 level. Most of the other bundles weren't even tempting, and usually Humble deals can at least get me thinking about them. This seemed like some kind of experiment on their part; I hope they got the information they were looking for from it.
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Uh oh, here comes the brigade of White Knights. Protectors of those who fail. The way I see it if you are sucking, then expect people to tell you that you suck. It is simple as that. How else are you going to get better? Should we instead be saying, "Good job, HB. I loved the bs you have been selling." I rather them know what they are doing is not to their fan base's liking, rather than be silent about it. I don't get why people like you feel the need to rush to HB's defense.
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I wrote a paragraph with my opinion about this, then decided i won't post it as it would probably be misunderstood. I'm not really mad, but i feel like humble should rethink their business model. These "bundles" belong in the humble store, just saying.
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Do these spoiled gamers just start gaming this year? They never payed full price for a game, ever? I remember when getting 1 game for $20 felt like the world's biggest bargain. All of a sudden $7 for 1 game is "Not worth it". They want to pay $1 for 6 AAA games. Damn Scrooge McDucks.
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The problem is that most people remember when getting 9 games for $5 felt like the world's biggest bargain. Because, you know, that's happened. With bundles.
The problem isn't that the deals are particularly bad, just that they're bad in comparison. What they've been doing the past few days is what most people would call a "sale". Which is fine, but then don't call 'em bundles.
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Precisely this. "Bundle" implies "at least a couple of games being sold together for a price that would normally get you one game". 1 game per tier, which sometimes isn't even a game at all, but rather some art or music ...that's a sale. That's what's causing the overly negative reaction to these.
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I don't know. There have been at least a few bundles where dlc's took the spot of full games. Depending on the game, I'd rather a dlc than another production from the same company. I'd rather G&K and BNW over Sid Meier's Railroads and Ace Patrol. I'm not saying they're not good games, it's just that the DLC adds a much better experience to an already great game.
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It's Humble and other bundle sites that spoiled us. You can't turn back time. There were better deals for Total War on other sites already and compared to what Humble Bundle used to offer only half a year ago this is simply crap. It wouldn't even get that much attention if it was a regular Steam offer.
Plus if they want to charge me 20$ minimum for a game they better give me a nice box, a dvd and a 100 page manual like they used to do. And the possibility to sell the used game on ebay. But they don't, and that's why games are cheap.
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The normal price for Napoleon: Total War is $13.99/$14.99. Current Humble deal is $12.79, and rising. Of course, you could get the $7 Collectors deal instead. But that goes on sale for $7.49 somewhere just about every month. Or you can go to the store and get it for $9.99 in box, cause it's so old.
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Yes, it's not worth it, you can buy it for less on steam sales. Hell, i bought a RETAIL double pack with N:TW and E:TW GOTY for 10 euros. I do pay full price for games, when i want to get them when they're brand new. Why should i be grateful for something that i can buy on steam for the same price or less on a sale?
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I did payed full price for a game, and got my physical copies. I repent of MW2 though.
The problem is not that it is 1 game, the problem is that the game in question was cheaper in the past. The Add ons, and DLC were also cheaper.
It is not a bad game at all, its just that this is a bundle page, not retail, and i would bave expected the same offer they had in the past at least.
I had no trouble paying for Civilization dlc's. I had no problem paying for shogun 2 TW. But this is too much, and dont forget, HB is not the only bundle store, there are other sites where you can actually get a bundle for 2~6 dollars. HB will lose clients if it stop selling bundles.
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Humble is much more like the old fundraiser corporations. What they did was do the legwork of a fundraiser, which is expensive and time-consuming, and in return for that they take a portion of the total as profit. The style went out in a haze of disgrace back when the fundraising arena went through a stern evaluation a couple of decades ago over how much of a donation went to actual charity work. For fundraiser corporations, it was usually about 20% (hint: that's what Humble does)
In comparison, a charity shop strives for 90%.
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Well, I hope Humble got some good information out of this experiment, because it seems like most people (around here, at least) didn't really like the daily bundles. I only bought 2 (Flying and Dungeons), both at the $1 level, but those were the only ones I thought were worth it for me. The rest didn't appeal to me, for various reasons depending on the bundle. I wasn't expecting major titles from major publishers, but I did think there would be more things of interest to me.
As for this bundle, I think it's a bad finale. I don't like this style of game, which pretty much means instant pass for me, but besides that: (1) there's no game in tier 1, (2) there's only one game available, stretching the term "bundle"; different tiers just add more DLCs, as I read it, and (3) there are 5 tiers, which is a lot. I could also add (4) because of the high prices on tiers 3-5, the BTA tier 2 is rather expensive, which is discouraging because that's where the game is, and it's not much of a discount off the game's regular full price.
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Not quite. The different tiers add additional complete packs. So, going for the top tier would get you the art pack, the vanilla game, the game with its DLC (the collection), the Master Collection, AND the Grand Master Collection. You don't just get more DLC. So, it's really a bundle best to go in on with friends, as there are a total of four different bundles with the game included in them up for grabs (plus many other games included in a couple of the bundles as well).
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Oh, I guess I misinterpreted the higher level tiers a bit. Getting multiple copies of the base game, since those are complete packs, is a bit better than only getting DLC, I guess, but kind of overkill. If you buy a higher level pack, you don't really need the lower level packs. I guess you're right that some kind of group buy might be a good way to go at a bundle like this. I wasn't interested in the game anyway though, so I still probably would have passed even with a group buy arrangement.
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Shity games
1$-No games only art LOL
BTA-Napoleon: Total War
Ripoff price-Big edtion of shit !
Enjoy lol
R.I.P Humble Bundle
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