On Boxing Day (Dec 26th) I purchased the last boxed copy of Grand Theft Auto V for PC (Brand new, they do not sell used) from a Staples in Canada (there is only one location in town). I opened the box, did the three hour install (7 dual layer DVDs) and got to the point where I entered the key. I opened the sealed key holding packet (has a black R* seal on it that was not damaged) and entered the key. The key said it was already in use. I tried again a few times in case I had made a typo. I contacted support, got the usual canned answer run around with long delays between replies, then got advanced to higher support.

Higher support I thought was where I was going to get somewhere. The new support person ignored the previously provided information (Bought new, not used, etc. that I already attempted to exchange it at the store but can't since last copy, can't refund open software and are unable to order me in a new copy) and said the key can only be used once and that they do not support used game sales if the previous owner used the key already. I replied that I did not buy it used, I bought it new (also pointed out that Staples does not sell used games) and for the key to have been used they either issued the same key twice or a thief got the code from them somehow, and they simply replied again just rephrasing what they had said a few hours earlier.

"As stated on the box and in the system requirements, Grand Theft Auto V activation codes are single use codes and registration is limited to one Rockstar Games Social Club account per serial code. These codes are non-transferrable once used. Apologizes in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please contact Staples for a replacement for this game.

Best regards,
Rockstar Support"

R support then proceeded to close my ticket. Staples says to contact Rockstar Support and Rockstar Support says to contact Staples. Replying to the closed ticket appears to have started the whole process over again, back down to front line support with canned answers. So basically in the end I am stuck with a set of 7 pretty coasters and a map to the game and a thief (or R's own mistake) gets to enjoy my hard earned game/money. Proof of purchase

Kind of really sorry I went for the physical version rather than the Steam version, I thought it would be nice to have the physical media for it and the poster/map they always include. Now it just mocks me on my shelf.

tl;dr Bought a new sealed physical copy of GTAV for PC and the key inside was invalid. R* Support, after multiple canned answers, basically said tough luck it isn't their problem and closed the ticket despite being given all the proof they requested as well as additional supporting materials and running me around for 5 days.

8 years ago

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What would you do in this case?

View Results
Keep writing R* Support until they ban you or give you what you legitimately paid for
Keep trying to return it to the store until the manager caves and accepts it back or bans you from the store
You give up (and accept that you threw away your money on nostalgia rather than just buying it digitally on Steam like almost everyone else)
Never gonna give [you] up (or keep running around until they both desert you)
Make a pointless post on SG because you just wanna tell them how you're feeling, Gotta make them understand

What a shit situation. :/
I voted to keep trying at the store. They are bound to get new stock at some point.

Unfortunately, the serial number, or a unique token tied to it is not anywhere outside of the box, so technically you have no way of proving definitively that the serial code came out of your box. Still good luck with getting your replacement. :(

8 years ago

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I don't think proving it should be mandatory, as the leaking could have happen any where. And they should investigate for that. (during box production time or during sales ?)
Just claiming it and asking for a key replacement should be enough (with revoking it eventually).
They should be able to compare date of purchase and date of activation of dup key !

8 years ago

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And yes this is shitty...
Bad support is bad...

8 years ago

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I am not sure Rockstar is accountable of your situation as it could be reseller fault who directly got your money.
So I would edit title.

8 years ago

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Strange. In this case the retailer is at fault and in most countries is legally liable and therefore has to provide a working product.
Rockstar has no way of verifying anything and is not obliged to take action since Staples fucked up (or an employee of theirs scammed).

Pressuring Staples would be the way to go. Usually companies just yell no and are counting on customers not taking legal action over a game.
It sucks and takes time and effort but assuming your country has similar laws to mine: you should get them to cooperate at some point.

8 years ago

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My opinion is, stick hammering Rockstar.
It's their resposibility to deliver a working key. If package is sealed, a wrong/used code, due to theft or error, is only Rockstar's fault.
You should ask Staples, showing your purchase receipt, if they know (they should) the serial number of the copy they sold you. You should then handle this information to Rockstar, It should be easy for them to check if the game key and the box's serial number match, and eventually deactivate the key (if stolen), or apologize (if their mistake), and issue you a new, working one.
Maybe they just don't want to work because of holidays.

8 years ago

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You bought it at staples, so staples is responsible. They must provide a working copy or a refund.

8 years ago

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There aren't consumers associations that can help you for free?
Usually you should send a formal notice (with legal references) to the seller. Rockstar, from my point of view, is not wrong.

8 years ago

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its so ridiculous that a company can make hell awesome games and on the contrary can have a fool platform/bad support system! i haven't contacted them so far and dont think too, so i cant comment about their support, but so many complaints ("especially the banning storm" for the online GTA V players!) cant be wrong...

anyway, i'm here to share my fresh experience, it may help some ppl having the similar problems. On this sale, i bought GTA V from steam store and patiently waited 3-4 days to 67 gb to be downloaded! (yeah if u live in Turkey, u must learn to live with quotas of 50-75-100 gb per month... https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/9ILbj/internet-cost-and-speed/search?page=4#MyO2BMN)

i thought i had enough pain while waiting download with 300 kb/s , but i swear i didn't know the real pain has yet to come! after download, i tried to start the game and boom!

Case 1

it stupidly directed me to GTA online status page, but sure it has nothing to do with it! So, i searched a bit and realized a lot ppl facing this (especially in Turkey). Some mentioned to deleting and re-installing it again (hell i wouldnt do that!), validating game from steam (didnt work), updating Rockstar installer to the last version (sure didnt work and Rockstar's own links for installers worked after 5-6 attempts!) and changing/correcting DNS... But since i didnt use a specific DNS, i had to find another solution. And this page helped me,


I went with the "Method 4: VPN PROGRAMS" , connected from USA and magically Rockstar update service worked! I signed up, entered the code and started to play the game happily ever after... yeah, lame irony

Case 2

next day, i wanted to start the game and second boom!

it asked me to enter the code again and when entered again it said code was already in use. sure in use fool! i had activated it previous day, did u forget? seemed, it had forgotten by the time i entered the code :p my second marathon for solutions started. Skipping process and posting the solution:


i did what user Babak_73 told,

open run then type cmd press enter then enter the address location of GTA V launcher and add -verify in front of that address

for example :

C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe -verify

so, after verification it worked and i could play 2 days without problem... and now, while i ve been writing this i started the game andddddd

boom the third

goto Case 1!

dear Rockstar update service is unavailable again now, appearently i gotta use VPN again, i hope steam won't ban my account for this. They always ask for verification and re-signing in because of im connecting somewhere else (sure they must do that!) maybe i can consider to contact them not to ban me because of Rockstar's amazing system! though ppl say some good things for the steam support as well

anyway, it seems my adventure with R* wont end... i know they want me to create a ticket and ask for their help but no! Im still convinced searching solutions from internet and brute-forcing these will consume less time of me :p btw sorry for hacking ur thread

to be continued...

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8 years ago*

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Game companies platforms sucks imo. Ever tried to DL Blacklight Retribution from Steam? oh man...their DL rates for the updates (Arc Games Software needed).

8 years ago

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oh, didnt know that game. but u re right, all platforms are annoying somehow. i hope they choose "more customer friendly approach" as a new year 's resolution :p

8 years ago

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you cannot return opened soft/games to staples, but they sure as shit should replace it for an identical copy of the game. if they still continue to refuse try contacting bank associated with your debit card and explain the situation, most banks can chargeback and help you fight it on your behalf.

edit: funny side story related the opposite direction.. i'v bought a few used games that had licenses completely untouched before.. xD

8 years ago*

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dont you have any buyer right to give it back if the item you bought doesnt work or has problems? its your right. the store has to take it back and they have to deal with rockstar.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I think I will target Staples. With all the evidence from R* Support showing I tried that route and failed to reason with them. Go high enough up and someone might do something even if it is just store credit or waiting on a copy to be shipped from another store in the region/country/universe.

8 years ago

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I've had something similar, contacted support, provided proof of ownership of the box (CD-Key + Receipt pictures), less than 24 hours after game was sitting in my account.

8 years ago

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I sent unedited versions of what I posted here in my opening email. I also sent them all the other information they asked for then was shut down because they determined that the key was already used. (Which was in the opening letter) and closed the first ticket. I opened the new ticket, the same person read it and moved me to the next level of support, who then mentioned they don't support used (it was new) then repeated the key was used therefore I am screwed. Closed the ticket on me. Opened a new ticket and the auto response mentioned migrating from previous gen to current gen... and closed the ticket.

8 years ago

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I heard that Rockstar is a tiny bit more supportive if you call they support center. Not 100% sure, though. You might want to give that a try.

8 years ago

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Brings back the memories of preordering Dead Island boxed version, receiving it on launch day BUT Steam wouldn't accept the key at all (invalid key). Got a new key after three weeks but was still a bit pissed off since preordered it and had to wait for so long :) Also had some problems with boxed copy of GTA V (fourth or fifth disc was faulty and the installer always stopped after changing to it). It was fortunate though that I could get installer and download the game! Also my social club changed to RU couple of times, dunno why.

I hope that you'll get new key soon :/

8 years ago

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Rockstar doesn't have to do anything they didn't sell u the key so they can't do anything for you because all your purchase proof could be fake.
They don't know the stores way of handling stuff and for all they know its not even a legit copy.

The store has to give u a refund unless they clearly stated this whenever u bought the game. But even then i don't think they have the right to not take it back.

Just ask for a manager and start acting all angry usually works try to do it in the middle of the shop aswell.

Also mail support always sucks calling or visiting them in person usually works better.

8 years ago

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You should go harass the retailer.
If they try to pawn you off to Rockstar, tell them that you paid the money to them and as far as you are concerned that's where you will return the game. If they wanna go talk to Rockstar, they are free to do so. In Australia, you can threaten them with contacting the Ombudsman. The laws here will usually favor the consumer. The simple fact is.. you bought a product and it does not work. Regardless of whose fault it is, you are entitled to a refund.

8 years ago

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It's like this, I worked at a Office Depot for 5 years, which is basically the same exact company as Staples. If you ask to speak to that store's manager and explain your situation in a calm and respectable way, they have that power to override a open software return. I've done it myself quite a number of times.

Also, check any of the surrounding stores that might have a copy of that game left. You could take it to a different store for an exchange as well.

One thing I've learned working retail, is that anything's possible. Good luck!

8 years ago

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On top of that, if you didn't find any help on the store level, you could try getting in contact with their District Manager. A huge part of a DM's job is a continued focus on customer service. If you did this, you would most likely get a gift card for the value of the transaction on the receipt.

8 years ago

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Sounds like you lost a round of IT Roulette, aka finding people in support positions who have no empathy and don't follow protocol. It's strange that this happens, but I'm sure there are legitimate ways that a duplicate code could be printed or distributed, especially in a era of physical and digital distribution. My suggestion would be to keep making tickets; someone will be willing to listen hopefully, and even if they're not at some point a manager (if they're smart) would say "This looks legit enough, the user is persistent, and it's not worth the time and wages to keep giving him a hard time so let's give him a key."

8 years ago

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What a tiny world. Saw already your reddit post.
You should keep trying contacting R* and Staples until it's resolved.
You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault.

8 years ago

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