I like this local steamgifts.com meme :P Every thread has to have 'Thanks for Skyrim' post and that makes you wonder if there's hidden giveaway somwhere in OP's post, even when he just whines about his morning bloody dump :D
EDIT: fcuk that, I can't figure it out :P It's a bad side of being dumb :D
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Local SteamGifts meme and not in-joke? Stay dumb people.
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only if you feel like one. their alot of people who don't do giveaways, or do giveaways in a different way, with out using this site. but i really dont see a reason for and inferiority complex here.
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Less about an inferiority complex and more about an openly hostile portion of the community that deemed "leechers" as the scum of the earth (actual quote). IE someone that enters giveaways and doesnt provide x number/x ratio of giveaways back to the community. Its not hidden either. I wont go into specifics or name anyone but its a giant turn off. "herp derp your a leecher gtfo your on my black list now derp derp". Its rather vile and defeats the original intent of the site as well as painting the rest of the community as being this way when they simply arnt.
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If everyone took the mentality of "I don't need to make a giveaway! That defeats the original intent of the site!" then there would be no giveaways on the site.
The reason leechers are hated, is because we spend money giving you stuff, and you give nothing in return.
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Just think outside the boîte ;)
Nice first giveaway OP.
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Generally I don't mind 'leachers' as long as they are respectful and courteous and don't try to force their way into groups they shouldn't be in. The only thing that bothers me is through things like the free trial of IGN prime (which is over), free promos, holiday gifts from the Steam Giveaway, and extra keys from bundles for games you have/don't want means that most people should have a chance to either make giveaways (or in the example of the last, give them on the forums since giveaways for single keys is against the rules). Instead some people only think about themselves and use these games for trades. :x
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I've won a single game. When I got a key for a game I'd never play, I gave it away here instead of trying to sell it or trade it. Why? Cause I won a game already and the site would be dead if no one gave stuff away. Should they force it? No. However I do think more people should give and take equally rather then take, take, take. Thats whats wrong with the world, too much taking, not enough giving.
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Damnit! I can't figure out which mistakes are clues and which aren't!
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In all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with not making any giveaways (unless you've already won multiple things, keep entering, and not making any, then that can get frustrating). If your courteous and don't actively beg for games then you're fine.
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damn i see what you did there dang puzzle if only i knew what it was to bother to decipher it
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Edit: Apparently there is no notion of collaboration around here on puzzles. :P
Puzzle working was here, now removed.
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I had no answer in there.
And no, I didn't know it's against the rules to reveal answers.
And why the heck is it against the rules?
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I know; I was just curious why it was taken so seriously.
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But it wasn't the answer anyway. I just posted the progress I'd made; I'm used to doing that elsewhere when working on puzzles.
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Aren't allowed to do it privately either, cult'll ban ya on the head so hard you will be seeing out the holes in your socks.
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If gifting were made obligatory, then it wouldn't be gifting. Just sayin' ;)
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"leechers" is kind of an inappropriate name, but in general (steamgifts, life, etc) it is nice to try to 'give back' something, especially if you receive. Otherwise without some sort of circle, there would end up being nothing.
Worse here, is if people actually bother to criticise a giveaway for whatever reason.
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I dont like the word leecher. I know few people who can hardly afford games. One of them got an unusual and he just raffled it and gave it away. However he could not even buy the games he wanted, but I gifted him few. I prefer to give to someone who can hardly afford instead to someone who has 500+ games. I dont approve collecting games. That is why I also dont absolutly approve giveaway groups. What is the points of group with 100 people, each of which has 400+ games and they just giveaway one -another. I can hardly get it. Im not trying to offend anyone I just want an explanation.
I myself had 2 games for 2 years and when I joined steamgifts I could not afford games to giveaway. Yes, I was leecher. But I was willing to give and I was one that would play the games he won. Which is more than just adding to 500 games library with 10 games played total.
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I agree that it's nicer to give to someone you know will appreciate the gift.
As for collecting, some just enjoy it. It's kind of an addiction, although I certainly lie to myself that I'm going to play these games. I even played 15 minutes of Hydrophobia Prophecy yesterday (which I bought a week ago).
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Glad to know I'm not the only one who collects game... I like almost any genre of game, but I'm definitely not a hardcore gamer. My gaming sessions don't go further than one hour each, sometimes two if the game is really good. Therefore I've got about 150 games in my library (Steam library included, but not limited to) and counting, and several of these have only been played for 15 minutes. This is also why I buy every bundle.
It's a hobby, like collecting old coins or bottle caps (although if Fallout taught me anything it's that someday these caps are gonna be useful) and just as well you're gonna find people so devoted they just want the stuff.
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276 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Formidolosus
164 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by Superefg
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263 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Adamdoodles
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16 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by RePlayBe
79 Comments - Last post 44 minutes ago by LittleBibo1
17,428 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by MjrPITA
What's with all the h0stility against people Just want to get free gameS? People aren't obligated to give away games yet I've noticed all this hate against people who just enter giveaways and don't host any of their own. Is their some sort of unwritten law that you have give something after winning giveaways, getting over 1000 entries, or something? 'cause I don't see anything in the rules that says so. What's your opinions on this subject?
Am I one? If I am well I might as well just Qq this elitist community.
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