oh i thought everyone had an idea about what it was. whoops.
....um anyone else who is reading this threads and doesnt know about it, dont look it up. i cannot be held liable for the ruination of your innocence
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fake ? I though it was real chocolate and apple juice...
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That puts things into perspective pretty damn fast.
I'm so sorry you had to deal with that.
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Tech support by phone. I hope I'll never end up doing it again. (Although I was really good at it)
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I really don't have a worst job... I guess it would have been sacking groceries... just because I was making the least amount of money. The rest of my jobs were OK, even tho most of my bosses were dicks, which is usually pretty common. I would probably be a dick too if I had to deal with management pressure all the time.
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I'm not sure which of these it would be:
1) selling windows. They would give me a torn scrap of paper from the discard pile, and tell me to call those numbers to try to sell a window. I lasted about an hour
2) entering zip codes / postal codes into a computer. That's it. Rows and rows of zip codes / postal codes. Page, after page. No other data, nothing.
3 - but it really wasn't as bad as the other two) cleaning toilets at the beach. People had to pay a small fee to use the toilet, and it was my job to collect the money and keep them clean. Mostly I just sat there collecting coins and working on my tan. Every so often I'd fill a bucket of water and throw it over the toilet. (luckily there wasn't anything really nasty, though I'm sure at that point I'd just quit)
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At a desperate time in my life I briefly worked in the factory of a confectionary company. I put little bags of sweets in the bases of the boxes containing Mr Blobby Easter eggs on a conveyer belt.
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I've had so many awful jobs, but yeah telemarketing had to be the worse... weasel like managers, small room with folding tables - no elbow space, commission only... and I was a teenager and my mom took a part time job there too. Pretty embarrassing.
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And guess who usually had to go take out the garbage to the dumpster a block away?
Did you by any chance meet the Hash Slinging Slasher? xD
Yeah as a fellow food industri-ers xD
Not just the employees, for me it's mostly the customers
The more VIP the customer, the more he/she demands something so... weird
Last time I got an egg weird egg request, the top is half-cooked and the bottom is fully-cooked
I don't even know how :(
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when i was at that pizza job, i had a customer order a chicken bacon ranch calzone, but with no chicken and with barbecue sauce instead of ranch.
i also had one customer who started out talking to me all friendly-like, but when i began to repeat the order back to him he just starts screaming into the phone "NO STOP TALKING THATS WRONG." there was a beat, then he said, "i'm just kidding, please go ahead."
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well, you had some weird co-workerss, good you let that behind :D
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My first job washing dishes was pretty terrible. One night it was snowing so I was doing the work of three people since few people could make it in and it was sleeting on me. Indoors.
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I used to write how-to articles for Demand Studios and similar sites, until Google changed their search algorithms and churning out shitty keyword-filled web pages to slap ads on was no longer a good moneymaking strategy. Aside from the frustration of asshole coworkers and arbitrary, poorly articulated work guidelines, producing so much terrible work kind of sucked the love of writing out of my soul.
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a sorter at a recycle center, basically i had to sort tin cans from aluminum ones..sounds simple enough right? what you dont realize is most people dont rinse out there food cans so by the time they make it to the recycle plant they are filled with maggots and maggot gravy(poop) not to mention old dentures, used tampons, dead mice/rats you name it and ive seen it in a can lol
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Hospice care in a nursing home, being around all that death constantly is NOT good for someone whose already clinically depressed.
Top it off with how horrible some of the veteran staff treated clients and the "shortcuts" I saw being used, one example being that if the client wet themselves we were not supposed to change bedding until they defecated, so if they didn't have a catheter in they would more than likely be laying in a puddle of urine. I was out of there as fast as I could.
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I worked as a paper boy in my teens. Apart from the pay being terrible, I had to deal with a lot of unpleasant people. There were a shockingly large amount of people who expected to get special treatment (some wanted the paper to be delivered only during certain hours, and did not understand things like "I have to go to school" and "if I make a special case for you, it means that I'll not be able to be done on time", some wanted only specific advertisement and expected me to remember exactly which ones they wanted, there was a strange guy who always stole my water bottle if he could find it (I know who it was, he stole it because he could get 4 sek for it (that's 0,4 €)) and so on).
I later worked as a janitor, which in itself was a rather good job, but again, there were some strange and/or nasty people out there who found ways of making it unpleasant. I had to fix things in peoples homes, and when you're fixing someones sink, you don't want them to take a dump right next to you. Some people just had to share what they did to their wife last night, and there was this lady who would always undress down to her underwear before one of the younger men male janitors would arrive, and who would break stuff in her home just to get them to come over (which we realized quite quickly, so no young men ever had to enter her home. Yes she was lonely and it was sad, but well, you can probably understand why she was lonely...).
While I don't hate people, those two jobs made me realize that I don't want a job where I have to work in or near anyone's home
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37 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ceeexo
I'm curious to know what the worst job you good people of SteamGifts have had.
My worst job ever would have to be when I worked at a pizza joint. Besides the weird customers (anyone in the food industry will know what I mean here), there was the manager. He was pretty sexist. I mean, he never trained any of his female workers and still got mad when any of us didn't know what we were doing....but would do seriously in-depth training with his male workers and show nothing but patience to them. And his FAVORITE worker was this guy who asked me really disturbing questions, like "Did you ever watch 2girls1cup? How much did you like it?" Not did you like it, but how much did you like it. Eugh. If these guys are not displaying some form of sexism, then idk.
That part was pretty bad on its own, but then theres the setting of this restaurant. I usually had to take night shifts, which wouldn't be that bad if the restaurant didn't wasn't located in a back alley of some ghetto, across the street from an abandoned amusement park. I kid you not. Creepy as heck. And guess who usually had to go take out the garbage to the dumpster a block away?
Yeah, I only had that job two and a half months before I quit.
....you know, working a creepy night shift at a job involving pizza...it actually sounds like a game I know...
EDIT: user dingbat suggested we start telling our best jobs ever, and that's a great idea that i didnt even think of because im meloncholy. so yeah, if you'd like, you can talk about your best job ever in this thread now. ^^
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