What do you think of these suggestions?
I could live without coloured names and mobile apps (my mobile's already overflowing with random stuff), but I wholeheartedly approve, support, endorse, encourage (and other positive verbs) the creation of a follow function!
I mostly come here for the community, and that would be just lovely to have.
Also, I could use that to stalk Coraline. Nah, just kidding.
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Perhaps not a mobile app, then, but a mobile version of the website? Or is there one and I'm a blind loser? D:
I like that follow idea too, but it's a complex one and one to tread with care (:
I would stalk you right back.
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Haven't even tried to open the website from my phone, who knows? Maybe it's smart enough to switch to a mobile version.
I'll try that tomorrow because I'm lazy.
I like that follow idea too, but it's a complex one and one to tread with care (:
With great powers... well, you know.
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I've got small pockets :(
Jokes aside, it is kind of usable if I keep pinch-zooming, but not optimal.
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it is kind of usable if I keep pinch-zooming, but not optimal.
My problem exactly. It's a pain to write replies on it >:
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There used to be some mobile apps... but they died after we switched to Version 2.
Sadly, I'm aware. I hunted those apps down like a starving lion.
it can potentially chaotic if it's set site-wide. Maybe the mods/admin should get a special color,
I wholeheartedly agree! Perhaps we, normal Members, could be stuck with our pretty blue.
It's good to know what you think (:
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I reckon social platforms like Facebook should be killed with fire, but a follow user functionality is more of a forum thing. I'm almost sure it was already there on internet long before people decided that Facebook should be allowed to swallow their souls.
In fact, I recall coding one in Javascript/PHP in 2002.
Come on, it's cool! You could follow users! It's a Follow User function, it allows you to follow! Users!
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a follow user functionality is more of a forum thing. I'm almost sure it was already there on internet long before people decided that Facebook should be allowed to swallow their souls.
You preach that truth! (':
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Alas! My FB account is about 10 years old, I admit :(
About noone was using it at that time... me included: I had that account only to play a stupid game called Duels.
And then... one day... everyone suddenly decided it was cool to post pictures of their breakfast, so here we are now.
BUT we need a Follow User function. Not a Facebook-style send me an email every time someone I hardly know posts a politcally incorrect joke I've already heard a hundred times, but a forum-like give me a page where I can browse through the posts of people I follow.
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a forum-like give me a page where I can browse through the posts of people I follow.
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I would like to see more social features. It's kind of frustrating to navigate big threads to find one post by someone. The search function for discussions leaves a lot to be desired too. It seems like it only searches titles and not the content inside.
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The search function for discussions leaves a lot to be desired too.
I can never. EVER. make it work. Every single time I have to resort to google because it's too cumbersome to try to make it work here.
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I'm kind of annoyed by the fact that I don't get notified of people's replies to other people's comments for my own thread.
Actually this should be left as is. I know it doesn't make much sense on a first glance, but notifications would be overwhelming for people like me on these forums (I talk a lot).
have messages with @name delivered to your message inbox :3
Can someone give this man an award? Like... now? Why are you reading this? Go get that award!
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"♣ Following users"
yes my stalking-fu needs this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i would stalk the heck out of you little kitty ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Don't we all? But seriously speaking, it would come in handy more often than not.
Don't you already? JK. It's not a question. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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you know it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
and also yes it would be really handy, it is all the things that taringa has :P
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I actually had to look that up. Seems very strange, and the layout is so ugly it burned my eyes a bit. >:
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yeah... taringa is a pretty old argentinian site... it was cool but it has changed a lot :P its like a social network... though i mean the taging and following featuers
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I want a mobile site/app so bad. Using the site on my tiny phone is a crappy experience.
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Here, let's share a hug in honor of our mutual suffering.
Seriously, I so feel your pain.
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I would like to have a mobile app back. (Mostly to stalk the forums when I'm not at my PC) I'm not really fond of the other ideas. I just don't think we should turn into a super-social, super-stalker site. The colors aren't necessary since they already have labels next to their name if they're anything other that a member. I also don't think it's necessary to hide unwanted games. You can't do that with users you blacklist. Just ignore the games. I'm sure if you don't want it, you'll remember not to enter it :p Your suggestions aren't bad, just not really necessary at all :p but I am definitely for the mobile app.
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I would like to have a mobile app back.
Me too.
they already have labels next to their name if they're anything other that a member.
I wasn't aware (:
I also don't think it's necessary to hide unwanted games.
That feature is already available directly from the game feed. Yes, it is necessary and helpful.
What I suggested was another way to implement it as well.
Thank you for letting me know what you think, regardless (:
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I meant in trains, I forgot that bit of information, sorry! Dx
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They would still show up on the trains, obviously, just not on the feed (:
No problem, we all make mistakes.
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I know, I was trying (but failed) to say that because they already don't show up on the feed, cg might not think it's necessary to further remove their visibility. Are there really games that you don't like so much, you're willing to never see their name again? xD
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I think we might have a miscommunication problem going on hahahaha
I'll be as clear as I can:
We can now unsee games when are are browsing our feed.
We would be to do the same thing, but on game GA pages too.
In both cases, the games would only be gone from our feed.
We'd still see the games if we got links to GAs of them (like we do now) or if they showed up on trains (like we do now).
Was this clearer? :D
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An app like there used to be would be nice but as I mostly enter GAs and check the forum on my phone I get around for now. I've heard creating GAs is more problematic because many buttons are not visible.
My priority would be to get the search function in discussions fixed. When I search for a username I only get results where that username appears in the text instead of every post that user made in the thread which can be quite annoying when you're looking for a certain post to reply to.
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An app like there used to be would be nice but as I mostly enter GAs and check the forum on my phone I get around for now.
Same here, but replying is so annoying and panning in and out to read is a royal pain.
My priority would be to get the search function in discussions fixed.
A thousand times yes. It is absolutely horrid as is, I agree.
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being able to hide multiple games without reloading the page
(I might when I receive more user suggestions, in a bit. You guys have great ideas!)
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a friendly browser mobile interface would be totally fine since I use it a lot on my phone...
steamcompanion already has... why steamgifts don't?
about those new functions suggested maybe SG++ and some other scripts really comes with interesting options that should be default... but, I'm pretty new here and I have no references/experience of a different/better SteamGifts. :(
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Don't worry, MVP. Your suggestions are appreciated either way and your support even more so <3
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Not understanding the tag thing very much. My brain might just not be working properly.
Not really for the follow system but I'd be okay with the follow system as long as we can't see who is following us/don't have a number for how many followers we have.
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Not understanding the tag thing very much. My brain might just not be working properly.
I may not have explained it well. May I try again?
For instance, if I replied to someone here, on this thread, and knew you should be aware of what I said, I could say something like:
"Yes, I agree. And I think @IgotElbows would like that too."
On your notifications, something like "CoralineCastell has mentioned you in a reply." would show up.
Was that better on my part? (:
as we can't see who is following us/don't have a number for how many followers we have.
+1 Of course! I've always seen it that way, I now see I should have written it down too duh.
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Hey, I'm writing you from my smartphone. You know there's a script to solve your problems?
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Hey, Downward.
You know there's a script to solve your problems?
Of course I don't, silly. If I had known I wouldn't have made such a hassle about it.
Could you share the instructions with us?
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I will, but I'm in bed now. Will do that tomorrow.
And the site is easy to use on my phone, I don't get it.
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Whenever you have the time.
And the site is easy to use on my phone, I don't get it.
Hm... not on mine. Perhaps I can put a screenshot on my post. (:
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Here's a list of scripts for Steamgifts.
I use several, but the one you'll need is SG++. Instructions are in the thread, but basically you'll need Tapermonkey/Greasemonkey depending on your browser to install the scripts.
It doesn't solve everything but two things you'll notice in the attached screenshot.
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How endlessly cool, Downward, I'll update my post with everything you guys have so helpfully provided! :D
It still doesn't solve my phone problem, thought. But thanks (;
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The site seem to be a bit "heavy" for my phone, and it does not scale well to the resolution that my phone uses. It's not super hard to use, but there's still plenty of room for improvement in this particular regard, at least for phones with smaller screens.
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I use an iPhone 5S with the Chrome browser and I'm doing fine. I must say that I used my phone for browsing only while I didn't have a PC, so maybe, just maybe, I'm used to that.
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must say that I used my phone for browsing only while I didn't have a PC, so maybe, just maybe, I'm used to that.
Could be. I still think a way to suit SG for my phone is better than me suiting myself for SG.
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I don't have such a small phone as yours, but I still feel the pain.
You've put into words what I could not! (:
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I agree with most of what you request. Here's how I would categorize these potential enhancements (and a few of my own):
Really want:
Nice to have:
Really need to be added, currently available via browser extensions or scripts:
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Flat forum display, where every new comment is added to the bottom of the last page. I have no idea how people manage to keep track of posts added to other pages. Do they constantly check all pages for new posts?
I don't understand what do you mean, could you explain, please? I could make a guess about what you meant but who am I.
Tags (but only if they're only visible to me, I don't want public tags)
UBB or HTML support in the forum, instead (or in addition) to the current formatting syntax
Such a great suggestion, but I dunno how it could be implemented properly, though.
Option to include images inline the text and expanded, and not only at the bottom of the text and collapsed
How about: images inline the text and collapsed? The collapsing has a purpose, and having the ability to switch between them would be too cumbersome, but adding collapsed images in between text is simply a brilliant addition.
Option to enter a giveaway without opening it
I tried to find a thread where we discussed the exact same thing before but couldn't find it and I'm too exhausted to look further. If you want me to explain why that is a horrible idea I can, but I don't want to go to the process without prompt or interest.
All of the things I haven't comment on I agree with it. (:
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About the flat display, imagine that there would (optionally) be no nesting, and this very comment (and every new comment) would simply be added to the end of the discussion. To see an example, try dpreview.com forums Flat View vs. Threaded View, or imdb.com message boards Flat vs. Thread modes.
About entering a giveaway without opening it, you missed this part: "this should at least be applicable to giveaways without additional instructions or rules". Please explain how this option would impact anything if the giveaway creator left the Description field blank? I agree that it shouldn't be possible to enter if they left some text there, because it may contain important information, but if it's blank, then no harm can happen.
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imdb.com message boards Flat vs. Thread modes.
Now I get it. Nice (:
I agree that it shouldn't be possible to enter if they left some text there, because it may contain important information, but if it's blank, then no harm can happen.
But then I believe it would all become too overly complex. But that might be me. We are """"veterans"""" here, we know our stuff. But what about the people who don't? Those changes would be confusing if applied like that, in the least.
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it would be great if you could hidde giveaways
It's already possible to do that. From the giveaway feed, find the game you wish to hide and click the "eye icon". I merely suggested it be implemented on the game GA itself too.
improving a little bit the search or maybe an advanced search mode would be great.
Loved that image there. Suits everything so well (':
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Amazingly awesome .gif aside, are you talking about your delay in knowledge or mine in answering?
Because I have been terribly busy without a moment's worth to spare.
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Indeed you like formatting :)
my thoughts:
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Exactly. Thank you. I've also replied to this user explaining my idea better, if you're interested to check it bellow. :D
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i don't think that name color is usefull. you can see who is a moderator or something cause it is written next to their names.
As I've replied to another user, I wasn't aware.
more importantly is to be able to follow a topic the same as the author of the topic can. this shouldn't even be hard to do... (not for GA, only topics)
Couldn't agree more.
Hiding unwanted GA option is good. but i don't want the games i'v hidden to not appear in the train, cause i might miss the next stops.
I've already replied to that for another user too:
"We can now unsee games when are are browsing our feed.
We would be to do the same thing, but on game GA pages too.
In both cases, the games would only be gone from our feed.
We'd still see the games if we got links to GAs of them (like we do now) or if they showed up on trains (like we do now)."
No problem and thanks for your imput! (:
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'"I've already replied to that for another user too:
"We can now unsee games when are are browsing our feed.
We would be to do the same thing, but on game GA pages too.
In both cases, the games would only be gone from our feed.
We'd still see the games if we got links to GAs of them (like we do now) or if they showed up on trains (like we do now)."'
edit: also, my bad if I wasn't clearer on my main post.
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The enormity of how much I don't care about mobile app is hard to describe with words. But if someone wants to bleed their eyes out on a 4-inch tiny screen reading, it's their business. And their optician's.
But the hide games within GA thing? I really would love that.
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But if someone wants to bleed their eyes out on a 4-inch tiny screen reading, it's their business.
Thank you! :D
But the hide games within GA thing? I really would love that.
Me too. (:
Thanks for your input!
Also, I'd like the app or mobile ver because I'm very active on this forum and I spend a lot of time away from my computer. Being able to reply to people on important threads or accepting won GAs would be very useful if done properly on my away time from home. Just thought I'd clarify my reasons. (:
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We need that EYE button on the game's GA above all.
Thank you for voting and making your POV clear! :D
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen any of the suggestions users give implemented on the site, rather than those that were already planned. I'm not saying it because I'm mad, I know cg has his own life and doesn't have to implement them, but because I don't see the point of the suggestion threads.
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Hope is the last thing that dies in man; and though it be exceedingly deceitful, yet it is of this good use to us, that while we are traveling through life it conducts us in an easier and more pleasant way to our journey's end
Author: François de la Rochefoucauld
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I want all of this. But if I had to choose my top two, hiding games, and following users.
To me the site is very social, so I want just a bit more social features. And better hiding of games I don't want to see... I never update the list, because I don't want to take the time to go backwards to wherever to update it....
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I never update the list, because I don't want to take the time to go backwards to wherever to update it....
It's a bit of a pain to go back and click that eye icon when you find some game you don't want to see on a train or something... >:
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What's wrong with using SG on a phone?
This is:
Just zoom in and out as necessary
It's annoying and a website with as many users as this one should have an app or mobile version at handy by now.
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Hiding unwanted games, that would be great!!
"It's already possible to do that. From the giveaway feed, find the game you wish to hide and click the "eye icon". I merely suggested it be implemented on the game GA itself too."
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I'm bad at making suggestions, so here goes nothing:
All these suggestions are just things I thought of. I understand that there's a reason for them not being here yet, but suggesting doesn't harm.
(TL;DR at bottom)
♢ What we need ASAP:
♣ Mobile version
For Zeus' sake, this shouldn't even be a suggestion. Perhaps there's an app I'm missing out on? I've looked everywhere to no avail.
♣ Hiding unwanted games directly from game GA
Currently, it's possible to click the eye icon on our feed, but sometimes there are games we see on trains (or private GAs) we would like to hide too. An eye icon to hide it directly from the game GA page followed by a message such as "You won't be seeing this on your feed again." would help. You'd still see the game on trains. You can still enter the GA pages of games you have filtered out. x
♢ What we could have:
♣ Following users
The ability to follow new discussions from users you like, or even new giveaways they make. I'd love to be able to know when users I like make new threads with cool puzzles or helpful suggestions.
♣ Tags
The ability to tag people of interest in your threads (but possibly not on the replies). Perhaps you want to make a new tutorial you know that newby you saw yesterday is going to appreciate. Or perhaps you need some help from those veterans and you know other people can benefit from it too. You could tag people you talked with about certain things when you create a thread about such.
♢ Useful links/ Photo References
Steam Gifts as seen on mobile.
Photo by: FoxCunning! Thanks!
Scrips for Steam Gifts.
An example of use.
Info provided by: DownwardConcept! Thanks!
♢ User suggestions (taken from comment section as shown there):
♢ Discarded idea: (already possible through scripts)
♣ Name colors
There could be different colors for different types of members of the community when they post on forums. A Moderator would easily differ from a Member and a Developer and so on.
Edit1/2: formatted some stuff.
Edit3/4: Formatted more stuff (obviously) and added user suggestions, links and photo. Also put "name colors" under the discarded category.
♣ Please answer the poll if you're remotely interested in any of these suggestions (or none at all) ♣
No potato option because I really want to know what you guys think.
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