Hello, kind folks of SteamGifts.

I rarely ever make threads, but I thought this would be an interesting discussion point. I finally did a purge of my digital library to remove unwanted or uninteresting games. They were mostly ones that I’d gotten for free* over the years and never played or would ever play. As someone with undiagnosed OCD, I’ve always wanted to do that. Before, I would just grab any and all freebies I could get my hands on, but from this point forward, I’d like to be a little more thorough. Interestingly, prior to starting out, I was one item shy of getting the 250+ badge, and now I have 199 games, so it seems I got rid of exactly fifty. (:

What about you guys? Do you ever do this?

‎* My personal go-to sources for finding free games, GrabFreeGames and Indie Game Bundles

2 weeks ago

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I have a few betas, demos and playtests that can't be removed. Some were from random key GAs. It is kind of annoying. Yes, you can hide them, but it would be nice to be able to remove them. As for full license games, I don't mind keeping them. I only add free licenses to things I'm actually going to play, and remove them when I stop playing.

2 weeks ago

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I did my purge a couple years ago, but now that my backlog is dwindling down and manageable I rarely end up deleting games. I had a weird phase in 2016(?) apparently where I just, added everything and it haunted me for a while. I've been keeping ahead of my backlog since 2021, and there has been nothing but improvement since.

BLAEO has done most of the heavy lifting with its website's organizational options, I highly suggest using it.

2 weeks ago

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I don't purge them, but I did hide the majority of games in my library to make selecting games to play much easier.

2 weeks ago

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I’m doing this rn, got a big fanatical bundle back in February, I redeemed some of the games but didn’t know what to do with the ones I already had or wasn’t interested in, since I didn’t have many gamer friends irl, but now I do :) gave a couple to friends, traded others on Reddit and now I’m giving the rest here

2 weeks ago

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I stopped grabbing most of the freebies, but not the cleaning, what is the point? I have about 600 normal games and about the same as freebies, so shorter list will not help if i need to search. Plus the list on gog and egs. So what is the point in removing? Just useless work imho
ps - and all the games i have on gog and egs i mark as - ignored, played on another platform.

2 weeks ago*

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I don't. I use Playnite to find exactly what I want to play regardless of how many games I have. It has awesome filters. If the random game picker suggests something I know I'll never play, I hide those as I come across them. If I plan to play something sooner, I add it to the playlist (a shortlist of what to play next, I usually have 10 or so games on there at any time).

I play games across several platforms, not just Steam, so my library is quite large. Rather than treating my game collection as a cluttered pile that needs sorting, it's more like "going shopping" for my next game where I go directly for what I want (or browse for something I might want) tuning out what I don't want. My game collection is my personal storefront. I do take the time to enter only for games that look interesting here, though, and I try not to pick up random trash.

2 weeks ago*

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