First of all, multiple accounts are forbidden and prosecuted.
Secondly I do not think that anybody should dictate how others gift. And what is more I would not consider giving away games as an investment.
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SG isn't about getting the games (actually for most of us it takes waay to long to actually win what we like)
It's more of a community with puzzles.
I think it's more of a giveaway-site for friends who share private links / or groups in many cases.
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Since giving away doesn't only depend on the WILL to give away but also on monetary factors it wouldn't be fair to make those WEALTHY enough to giveaway more eager to win even more games. What should be "penalized" is to have much money and not giving away anything. The system is fine as it is because groups are created for those who contribute much to the community and, in those groups, giveaways have fewer entries and, therefore, bigger chances of winning. Excuse my English.
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It's this attitude right here which is why I don't visit TF2R anymore, it literally got to the point where everyone who made a raffle demanded that the winner had positive rep (IE had made a raffle before) which really defeats the point of giving and sharing our favorite games (and unloading extra humble bundle games)
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Bah! A pox on your "noble" values. I'm here for glory and swag!
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Thank you for calling yourself out by making this topic.
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Your post is just as strange to me as those asking for contributor giveaways to be abolished. There's a great system in place. Whoever wants to give away a game can decide what the contributor requirement should be, within reason. End of story. If you see your contributions to steamgifts as an investment, (imo) you're doing it wrong. Feel free to do, though, and best of luck.
Edit: I'm giving you the benefit of doubt, so I sincerely hope you've activated your won copies of Cthulu saves the World and Jagged Alliance. It's been less than 7 days since you won them, so you may well have gifted extra copies. If you haven't, it seems you forgot to read the terms accompanying your "investment".
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Because this site is in the spirit of giving...choosing to contribute is a personal choice and just because someone doesn't give away any games doesn't mean they are a bad member of the community and they deserve a chance to win games too...
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Well, ther'e plenty of contributor-only giveaways, so I really don't see why you think contributors aren't being supported. And based on what I've heard, multiple accounts are bad, mmm-kay?
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People with multiple accounts don't really gain as much as you think, they still have to activate the game on the account that won it so they'd just end up having a few games on each account which is silly. They would have to log into a different account to play a different game.
I don't think there are as many people that do that as you think, I also don't think you understand how this site works very well.
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I never regifted anything guys... that's pathetic what are you thinking about me... I just simply stored in my inventory the chuthulhu and I gave to my brother the Jagged alliance :S
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You didn't bother answering my post pointing out the obvious, but I got all the answers I needed right here. By the way, since you stored Cthulu in your inventory, you won't have any problems activating it, as you're supposed to do. Especially since it seems you bought and gave away one more copy in the meantime. Same goes for Jagged Alliance. That would really help you, if you intend to continue to use the site uninterrupted. Otherwise, people might unknowingly report you, and that would be a real shame.
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Why don't you have Cthulhu Saves the World & Breath of Death VII activated on your account then..? :S
I see you won them a week ago and then gave them away 3 days ago, that would be regifting.
You also haven't activated Bad Rats which you won recently either...
YOU are the reason we can't have nice things on this site...
It's pretty sad that you regifted two thirds of the games that you've won on this site... You complain about things here but you can't even follow the few rules that this site has, you don't deserve to even have an account here and once the staff sees what you've done I doubt you'll have your account for very long.
I hope you learn a lesson from this...
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I hope someone makes a private $250 cont giveaway for any game from your wishlist and posts it here.
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Why don't they support contributors? I mean I mostly see free entries, maybe 0,01$ contributor value entries, so people with multiple account have a better chance to win, thats unfair! I think this is bad for those who are invested lots of money in this site. I'm just asking guys, please don't blame me if I said something wrong. Oh and sorry for bad english :D
EDIT: I'm sorry about if you think I'm a bad person, but it's not true. I now know your point why are you think I'm a douchebag, sorry everybody
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