Is it?
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you're on the PC, I almost never pay full price even for brand new games.. Can get most new games from GMG for 45 - 50 dollars.. Which is normally the first price they are 3 or 4 months later on steam.. If you're paying full price for games as a PC gamer you're doing it incorrectly..
As for expensive games.. that depends on what you consider expensive.. do I consider 45 - 50 expensive for a brand new AAA game .... not at all..
The flash and daily deals ended once refunds were introduced, bottom line remains that now that steam offers refunds they have no real reason to dip lower than the lowest price to entice buyers.. Especially when those special prices would prompt thousands of people to request a refund to buy the game at the newer lower price..
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I'd like to remind you, after they introduced refunds, there was full Summer Sale with full flash and daily deals. And only next one got unflashed.
They probably saw people do not use refunds to rebuy their games, so they came to natural conclusion: people are happy to pay more. And flash deals were gone for next sale and, surprise, surprise, Valve earned much more money.
Because 1m people buying game for $10/-50% is better than 1.5m buying game for $5/-75%.
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Could be. I;m new at making fun of people . No im not
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Those games still exist, not every sale or every price is the same.
It's got to the point where its "cool" to complain now, we're getting complaints after 5 minutes of the sale starting....that's not enough time to even check your wishlist(as it won't load properly) nevermind the entire sale. Its complaining for the sake of it, its got real old now.
Yes flash and dailies made it slightly better for select games, but its still pretty damn good.
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Not really. Even older games are not being discounted as they once were. I remember a lot of 75% - 90% deals, but now most of them are never below 70%.
I get your point and I agree that people complaint too much, but the sales are definitely not as good as they once were. :P
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But their base price has come down so 70% now IS what 90% was. I dunno, I just find it funny because people now look back at previous sales that they said were "bad" at the time and give them as examples of "good" sales now. It feels like its just cool to complain.
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but I don't want to pay what I could paid the last sale. I waited at that time, as I hoped that when the base prize falls and the sale gives me 90% I have to pay less then the last time
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Maybe I have unrealistic prize expectancy, but if so you should blame Steam sales and other key sellers for having so cheap prices. Because of these I didn't buy games anymore if they are not really cheap. Before I got to know steam I even bought games in actual stores (like these where you have to go out of your room shudder) and paid the full prize. Then I learned that if you can wait a bit, you will get games for extremely low prizes. But apparently this isn't true anymore.
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Thats true of any product. For example, a car depreciates in value the second it leaves the showroom. Bundles, key resellers and sales have given more choice is all. Before when steam was the only show in town a bundle game for £3 was seen as a steal, now its seen as a poor deal because it was once free.
If you are ok waiting for a future better deal thats no different than waiting for todays iPhone to be cheaper in 3/4 years than it is in todays sale. The expectancy comes when a currently well selling product continues to be sold at even 50% off and is seen as a bad deal. If a new anything came out and 4 years later no new model came out but was on a 50% discount, it wouldn't be seen as a bad deal, it'd be a standard deal.
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I never bought a phone for the full prize and always waited for them to drop the prize.
It's probably good for my wallet if I don't buy games just because they are cheap and never play them, but some games I really would like to play are just to expansive at the moment, even for -50%.
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Yeah I do, but sadly it seems this point will probably never come.
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Actually I tend to look at prices for games I already own.
It is getting worse.
I bought the Age of Empires Legacy Bundle last year for $8 IIRC. Now its on sale for $22.
I also bought the Darkest Dungeon for $10 a while back. Right now its on sale for $12.49
It has nothing to do with people already owning the games. The sales are objectively getting worse.
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Absolutely, I didn't have the money at the time to grab both the sales you mentioned. I've been waiting through the summer and now Christmas sale for them to hit those prices again and they haven't. Furthermore most of the small indie titles on my wishlist that have hit $1 in the past haven't come close to that again since last year. :\ Guess I'll wait for them to be bundled.
There's a ton of sites and extensions out there that can track price history for any given game, all anyone need do is look at that info to see that the sales are objectively worse.
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People should take a deep breath and stop panicking
a) Prices don't update immediately, it takes time to update all store, especially when it contains over 9000 greenlight scam techdemos and "games" that exists only to give app id to card farmers games and DLCs, wait few hours before trying to buy something
b) Steam servers are already down like every major sale before, wait few hours before trying to buy something.
c) There is no dailies anymore, you don't need to hurry, just, you know, wait few hours before trying to buy something.
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Most of my wishlist has updated already if I view the game's store page... Wishlist is still lagging behind.
The sales aren't as deep as I had hoped, but they are still solid discounts for the most part.
I just wish steam would learn from the past and take more action to prevent their site from dying!
I'd be quite happy if they triggered the sale in phases instead of trying to do it all at once...
I'm not talking flash sales, but if they instead roll out the sale over a few days, every few hours adding another block of games, rather than trying to all at once....
Something like Day 1, 1PM, all 10% discounts are activated. Day 2, 1PM, all 25% activated.... etc.
And if they told people in advance this was it was going to be... Perhaps then the system wouldn't die... (provided all the sales ended at the same time)
It would keep people coming in... and would reduce the chance of mistakes...
And I'm babbling... I apologize. I have a newborn who decided I was not allowed to sleep last night...
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My only issue is that the two things I want (The Unreal Bundle and the Red Faction Bundle) are just still too expensive for me (Plus, I already spent my money on Starship Titanic earlier this year and any remaining cash is for gifts for my family).
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So many sales but everything is bad mimimimimi....sorry, but i'm happy about every sale, because they have so many cool Sales and my wishlist is longer than my life. xD
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Ofcourse still got $37,- To spend now what too buy....
Nothing, everything is still too expensive :(
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Once things die down, check for games that you're really interested in. Might be cheaper somewhere else.
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