How many tokens did you get?
so if I buy a background here, I can never get rid of it anymore?
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The tokens are just a trap to get you to spend more.
Assuming you start with 4000 tokens, you will need to spend $90 in order to get 15,000, if my calculations are correct.
In order to get that immediate 5 dollar discount, you need to spend 30 at once. You cannot spend 15 and then 15, it has to be at once.
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Its a 121 tokens per 1 euro spent, at least on my client.
Pardon, I used the wrong denomination. I meant 90 euros.
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yep, got a shiny new clam badge which is all that even interests me (besides the discount which is way out of my range) and it just happens to cost the exact number of tokens i got.
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Thought 1k was great, but then I saw the poll results! :D
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Yup, I use it:
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I've read from various places that 5K tokens is reportedly the max. Also, nobody on the Steam reddit mentioned getting over 5000 tokens in their envelope.
For the record, my account is over 14 years old and I have spend thousands in those years and I also got 5K tokens in my envelope.
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at the time when I made the poll I based the options on this thread
"5k. Looks to be the hard cap?
EDIT: seen a 7500."
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It would have only lasted you until the end of the sale, and with the option of a positively insane investment of tokens to last another month at the most.
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It's not an year, it's only for one "lunar cycle", which is one month:
Extend your golden-ness until the end of the next lunar cycle (March 6th, 2019).
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Huh, I assumed that everyone got the 2K tokens needed for the badge. Reading about how the amount of free tokens was based on one's previous purchases, I hate this blatant cashgrab "event" even more.
That's a new low for Steam. They're downright selling .jpegs now, not even bothering to make it look like we are earning something for free.
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I got 1K, I guess it sees how much you spent in the past year/quarter/last sale...
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It's just weird that before everyone would be able to get the badge for free, one way or another and now it depends on how much you spend? The great thing about the badge was that you could get it without spending. It just sounds weird to me and be honest, you really think people are going to spend more for it?
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before everyone would be able to get the badge for free, one way or another and now it depends on how much you spend? The great thing about the badge was that you could get it without spending
Exactly. I really dislike how they handled it this time.
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yeah, steam not offering anything, they bad, they offer something they bad.
evil valve that they offer additonal 5eur discount on 30+ eur first purchase, which is for now actually could be more in most cases than humbles extra 10% on subs.
evil valve, if you plan to buy games anyway you can get another 5eur discount.
valve is sooo evil, that they give enough coins for an emote even to those who never spent 1 cent on steam.
epicstore is great with great forums, review system, mod+screenshoot+artwork support, that they dont want your DNA if you want refund, nice same prices, great competition because of monopoly exclusiveness, farmable money because of cards-items customers gets from nearly all sales etc.
Valve is the satan!
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yeah, steam not offering anything, they bad, they offer something they bad.
Don't be naive. This is them incentivising the customer to buy more stuff so they can get the items. This is directed towards those that feel the need to get all seasonal items and Steam has a lot of those people using their service.
evil valve that they offer additonal 5eur discount on 30+ eur first purchase, which is for now actually could be more in most cases than humbles extra 10% on subs.
Yeah, a legitimate bonus that lasts until you're subscribed versus one that's on during a sale. Also, you seem to be willing to ignore the fact that Humble doesn't require you to spend a fuck-ton of money just to use their -10% discount, instead opting to let the user use it for any purchase. Plus, it's just a bonus for a different service, a service that actually is a good deal overall on its own and which has a discount small enough that it isn't incentivising people to buy the Monthly solely for the discount...
evil valve, if you plan to buy games anyway you can get another 5eur discount.
Are you ignoring the basics for marketing and economics on purpose? This is an incentive to spend more, not less. Not sure what aristocrat rich boy you are that you have enough money to spend 30€+ on games just for a discount, but most people don't do that. Incentivising large purchases during sales is Marketing & Sales 101 and it is there to increase purchases, not to help you out.
valve is sooo evil, that they give enough coins for an emote even to those who never spent 1 cent on steam.
Cool. That's fine, I'd say. Better than nothing. But pretending like a low-quality emote is anything to celebrate over is a bit silly. Not to mention, in other campaigns, people could actually get cards, get even games a few years back and also get other stuff like emotes and backgrounds, all for free. These are just jpegs. Being glad or thankful over jpegs is fucking stupid. Shows how you're reaching so hard to find excuses for Valve.
epicstore is great with great forums, review system, mod+screenshoot+artwork support, that they dont want your DNA if you want refund, nice same prices, great competition because of monopoly exclusiveness, farmable money because of cards-items customers gets from nearly all sales etc.
Who said that? Most users hate Epic because they're anti-competition, shady and anti-consumer. Just because we don't worship Valve, doesn't mean we worship someone else. Don't get butthurt over legitimate criticism. If you have to get as defensive as you did over something as trivial as this, then you obviously have an issue with worshipping the company you're here to protect.
Valve is the satan!
Nice strawman.
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I don't know what kind of sale promotions you have in your local region, but requiring $180 ($150 in tokens + $30 following) in purchases for a $5 discount is considered rather stingy here in the States. Hell, the local grocery store gives $5 store credit for every $25 spent within the same trip. I know of at least two other grocery store chains in town that offer an identical promotion, though limited to specific weekends each month, and the other stores in town offer comparable coupons time-to-time, or offer bulk dicounting. Even online stores fairly reliably offer discounts (or free shipping) by $30 to $50, or $100 for those sites dealing with more intensive shipping and/or more expensive products.
It's hard to really tell what your comments were intended to really convey, given that they're more empty exaggeration than substance, but as far as $5 discount offer goes, it's definitely rather dubious in its appeal. The 2.7% discount of that offer is also not actually comparable to Humble Monthly's 10% discount, even before you factor in that Humble also gives back (your choice of 5 or 10% store credit, iirc) with each purchase as well, regardless of if you have a sub or not. In sum, Humble is a pretty poor choice for comparison.
As far as crediting Valve for offering cheap cosmetics (As far as I know, they're not free, by the way; I don't believe any tokens are given without you having spent money at some point?), that would actually be an exceedingly cheap form of marketing even if they were completely free, and wouldn't really deserve any credit at all even under that circumstance. Given the pay-encouraging setup they utilized for it, there are no grounds at all for praising the implementation as being based in any kind of generosity, because it rather clearly is not.
And I can't even begin to guess at what you're trying to say about Epic, with that random arrangement of words and unclear intent.
Broader considerations toward Valve or Epic or any other company aside are irrelevant to the fact that this sale just isn't very compelling with its retailer promotions. Unless you really, really value pig emoticons, of course. :P
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I like that bot accounts and 2nd, 4th, 4th... 20th accounts don't get stuff that can be sold somewhere and no games or other stuff for them too.
All that whining if they do something or if they do nothing... never is it good enough.
Stressful for me...
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Definitely concur there. I've been living on wallet since March 2016, which was the last time I used external funds on my Steam account and I still got 5K tokens.
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I should have read on the page first.
Are the rewards from the Rewards Booth tradeable?
No. All redeemable rewards on this page are locked to your account and cannot be traded or sold on the marketplace.
Now I have a pig emoticon on my other account :)
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For 15,000 you get 5 euro off. Is that what is happening here (in your currency)? It's auto applied?
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Well I've spent far less than 90€'s, I got 60 tokens per 1 TRY (20 cents). I guess everything is based on regional pricing and I'm happy with it.
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Yeah, I guess so. Main thing is that you got what you wanted :)
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p.s. they added more xp, yesterday it showed like 200 xp for 10th lvl.
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got only 2k coins. and spend about 2-3k euro for in-game items in csgo.. garbage. :D
I used coins for badge and emoticons.
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5000 tokens
I got the badge and a few emoticons. I still have 2800 to spend.
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Envelope can be found here:
And what will you do with the tokens?
Obligatory (crap lvl4) giveaway (change 21111 with CS2)
Edit: looks like it turns out only certain amounts are handed out.
Wish I could fix my poll now :|
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