Hi stlpaul,
Thanks for your warm words.
Conditions in Valencia are slowly improving as aid arrives, mainly from the military, which is making the difference with its heavy machinery.
There are still many people without electricity, drinking water, it seems that looting is still going on despite the arrival of many police from all over Spain...
Yesterday the King, the President of Spain and the President of the Community of Valencia were rebuked by the people of one of the towns with more victims so far. Violent elements threw stones, sticks and mud, hitting the Queen with a mud ball and the President of the nation with a stick.
The people are extremely angry with how everything is being handled and there is a lot of despair. I think it's totally understandable. However it seems that the violence is coming from extreme right wing groups who are not even locals.
Spain's king and queen pelted with mud in flood-hit Valencia
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I saw a photo of some of the cars swept up into an enormous pile from the water, and the mud slides. I hope many of those missing and unconfirmed are just out of contact and needing working phone or something. The shifting storms have been brutal.
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I'm portuguese and i work remotely on a spanish company, the HQ is there so we're concerned about of some of our colleagues. Some of my colleagues live in Spain near me (I live right in the border) and they are trying to get some cars and transport food, clothing and other kind of products who might help people in there. As I said in another post, i'm a single mom of 2 and my wage is very low but my heart can't handle that there's such amount of destruction in there, people who lost everything and loved ones so i decided to help them aswell, sending some stuff, not much, but at least is something and something + something will turn into something bigger <3 I really hope they get all the help they needed... as many people say, the spanish government isn't doing much unfortunately so the "people is helping the people" =(
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Thanks Dayannah for your help.
Have you heard from your colleagues? I hope they are safe.
As you say, many drops make a sea.
I would like to go there and help but I am a father of 3, including a 1 year old baby. My wife was also of the same opinion but our family situation does not allow us to go and lend a hand. Besides more people there is probably counterproductive and what is really needed is people who know how to manage all the means, governmental and volunteers.
I don't follow much the social networks but I know that there are lots of people going with 4x4 from all over Spain (the roads are impassable and the police have closed the accesses as far as I know to people who don't live there).
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That the regional government didn't trigger the alarms till the evening reminds me so much of the Ahrtal flood we had in Germany in 2021.
Irresponsible that we have an increased chance for such events to happens thanks to global warming, yet it requires such tragedies for administrations to get serious and prepare better.
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I'm from Spain, not from Valencia (I live in the northwest) and watching all this situation it is infurating. The government being completetly useless towards an emergency and being slow and unefective.
And because we have a corruption in the roots of our politics, there won't be any culprits and they will blame others for their failures, even if those fails were hundred of deaths. I can't afford travel there to Valencia to help manually to clean, but I hope the situations get better, but knowing the actual information the number of deaths will increase, too many people that were probably dragged by cars that hasn't been discovered yet... 😢
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Lighthearted story, no one died: over the past ~10 months some services of our project have been moved to Barcelona Supercomputing Center. It was a significant effort, finished about a month ago - which was important as decommissioning the old site was past due already and they only kept it running for us. Now BSC is also flooded, the services are down, while the old environment physically doesn't exist any more.
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Truly devastating! I feel for my spanish comrades. Hope the situation gets better soon.
And please take care of nature everywhere you go, as anything small can turn into something big. Unfortunately we can't count on the governments to take the lead.
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3,685 Comments - Last post 34 minutes ago by FluffyKittenChan
Hello everyone.
I don't know if you know that some regions in Spain (mainly Valencia) are going through very difficult times after the biggest floods of the century (and I would dare say of the previous century as well).
It all started 5 days ago and right now there about 200 confirmed deaths but estimations on 1,200 and 2,500 missing due to calls from relatives. The lack of warning to the people is pointed out as the main problem, since people did not know what they were facing. Alerts were received when people were already dying.
Spain, the citizenry, is trying to help everyone within their means since the government's action is being late and insufficient. Not to mention the problems between different political parties and acts of looting.
We are seeing the best of the people of a large majority with a multitude of anonymous heroes who have saved many people with their actions and the worst with a few individuals who are trying to take advantage of the situation by stealing from shopping centers or from houses where they have almost no money. nothing anymore.
We see mayors on TV, angry people asking for help, food, water, baby food... the situation is very difficult and distressing.
As it is highly likely that some of the Steamgifts users are among those affected by these floods, I would like to send you a message of support.
I share here a link to a news item from BBC:
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