Biting the first reply to seperate my own examples out. Less spam ;P
With self-isolation, I finally broke Mini Metro out of my steam backlog, and now being unable to sleep without being stuck in a white abyss full of shape outlines and brightly coloured strings to pin between them. I had a period in my life where for several years, I would get a L4D-themed dream at least once every two weeks. That's right. Several. Years. The zombie swarms and such didn't have any real nightmare fear quality to it, and they didn't cause the weird fever-dream effect of loss of rest, and some of them were even kinda entertaining. Though the most guaranteed tetris effect exposure I've ever had, was the bilge pump minigame on the ancient Puzzle Pirates MMO. How I miss that game. How I don't miss being forced to relive it every night when I tried to snooze. Chime and Droplitz tried to get me but didn't quite make it. Strangely enough Devil Daggers never effected me.
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I never knew it had a name.
Many years ago back in school, working on a major project. I dreamed in code for a couple weeks. Everything in the dream was lines of code, nothing had actual shape but it all made sense in the dream. lol.
I few years ago I was leaning Photoshop and creating procedures to train others for a job we were creating. I starting fixing cracks in the sidewalk as I walked outside, then being surprised when reality did not bend to my will. :)
But nothing was long term. A couple weeks every night for the one. Once in a blue moon for the other.
I'm sure its happened lots of other times but nothing that stands out that I remember.
Funny stuff.
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The tetris effect is usually a really short term thing, and it goes away even faster if you engage your mind on something else. So kinda like the 'earworm' phenomenon of having a tune stuck in your head.
Dreaming about code sounds awful though, that would be full fever-dream territory for me. The nearest thing to that I've had came from actual fever dreams when I caught a bad cold on my weekend off, and because I was working a soul-crushing warehouse job (sorting mail in high volumes over long hours), I dreamed a constant loop of just being at work again, and struggling to stack crates of mail. I think I prefer being chased by zombies ;P
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if you play games so simple they give you nightmares you've got just really bad taste. no cure for that.
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i get tetris effect all the bloody time and either find it hilarious or hate it depending on what is haunting me. most recent case is from playing 4 hrs of Into The Breach yesterday cos i had nothing better to do between waiting for the unemployment website to (try to) load and my dreams were in turn troubled with the invasion of Zak and the eventual downfall of my improperly managed team of Mecha.
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I think the last game that haunted me in dreams was Hollow Knight. +Before entering White Palace location I accidentally watched maybe 10 seconds from Path of Pain on youtube and thought the whole location would be like this. Horrible nightmare π
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I'd say it's gotten better since quarantine actually but during most of February into March I had the tetris effect with... tetris. Besides playing the game inside my head for hours when trying to sleep and then waking up to it, I also had the school theme on loop all day long some days. I normally love the song but good grief it was starting to drive me bonkers.
More recently I've had it with Dead by Daylight, will hear the huntress' lullaby and see the skill checks over and over. It's not nearly as intense/frequent as tetris was though, just on nights I play too long and sleep soon after.
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I get it sometimes, but usually not for more than a few minutes and then it's gone. (Unless getting songs stuck in your head counts--that happens all the time, and it can last for days.)
The worst gaming-related case I ever had was years ago. I got addicted to Flash Flash Revolution, and then I started seeing arrows floating in front of me even when I was out and about. I quit playing entirely for quite a while, haha. Took about a week for the arrows to stop appearing.
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Ah, necroing a thread because you wanted to segue into another branch of lunacy away from defending the siege of the capitol building in the other thread. And what a surprise, the guy that belches "fake news" at everything, and goes hard on whatabouting the BLM protests to defend the sieging of the capitol building... is also somewhere in the general vicinity of the antivax archetype..
Fun times, these.
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I mean, its quite amusing to consider someone sat talking to themselves, and telling their imaginary friend they need meds.
You know. On account of me being apparently fake.
Because you totally know what fake means, and aren't just parroting a cult figures buzzword.
And that the other stuff I said isn't easily verifiable either~
Which leaves us with either you as delusional, or just another over-reaching tosser who has zero actual substance or clapback. Given the first one is the fun one I'll go with that. Y'know, for comedy value, because the reality of stuff kinda sucks at the moment without you saying that shit with a total pokerface and seeing nothing wrong with it.
Now's the part where you say your catchphrase again, right?
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(No serious health issues, don't panic! It's tongue in cheek.)
(Also no giveaways here)
Now the disclaimers are out of the way, it's time we address an unseen (if minor) threat to our everyday health.
As we are all doing our civic duty to reduce the capability of Covid-19 to spread, an old health issue has been making a comeback. That's right, the tetris syndrome has been striking hard on many people huddled up with their gaming platforms of choice. While the health impact of this is minimal, those afflicted with the tetris effect that originates from playing overly simple games are more likely to have restless sleep due to a feverish quality in the dreams. The repetition of simple symbols and game mechanics causes the brain to spark minor lucid awareness that something is wrong with the dream-game they are playing, and in an effort to try plan ahead or make the game respond logically, it can make your sleep time actually less restful! The tetris effect spurred by more complex games are less likely to suffer this effect however.
This thread is devoted to those who are currently struggling with tetris syndrome due to their alone-time with addictive games. Have you been overplaying Animal Crossing lately, and now spend your time harvesting in your sleep and chasing villagers? Have you been burning too many hours on Doom Eternal and now your dreams are an infinite enclosed FPS arena?
Feel free to reply with what game has haunted the inside of your eyelids.
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