Do you like Curator groups? Comment why or why not
No, because all experience I have with curator groups is that they have one goal in the end, which is make money in any way they can.
They start out small, innocent, cute, honest reviews, and once they grow they get power hungry, give good ratings in return for money, threaten developers with bad reviews when they don't get free copies, and so on.
I hope you will stay true to your beliefs, but I don't follow Steam curators because of the above, and because watching a gameplay video tells me 10.000x times quicker if I should buy a game I have the slightest interest in, or browse Steam myself and just look out for general positive ratings by random players.
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Agreed. Curator groups tend to have their own self-interest in mind rather than putting out accurate and appropriate reviews. Not all of them are like that, but most I've come across are.
In all honesty, I wish Valve would remove curators entirely. User reviews, particularly with the revisions to their policy, are more than enough for me to make an informed decision about game purchases (along with Twitch, Youtube, or off-site reviews).
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Removing curators could have it's benefits, especially with what jenoer said
and because watching a gameplay video tells me 10.000x times quicker
We have YouTube, Steam's videos that the developers upload, and friends that recommend games to us. However, there are some curator groups that I do think would be good to keep. I'm talking about the one's like "Free As Can Be", or other's that help people that need to find games for Mac specifically Great Games for Mac
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I do believe that some curators tend to be greedy, and ask for copies, threaten, etc.
However, I am trying to make the group a more "everyone curates" type of thing. I am personally new to curating, and I feel that I should just give it a shot and see how it works out. I'm hoping to stay true to my beliefs, and buy games to give to the curators of the group myself, rather than asking small developers to get free copies when they themselves need the money. I'm hoping for this group to be more of a "community" rather than a "Let's Make Money and be Assholes!"
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you don't need gifs
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I've seen a few, as I mentioned in an above comment
We have YouTube, Steam's videos that the developers upload, and friends that recommend games to us. However, there are some curator groups that I do think would be good to keep. I'm talking about the one's like "Free As Can Be", or other's that help people that need to find games for Mac specifically Great Games for Mac
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As Steam says
What are Steam Curators?
Steam Curators are individuals or organizations that make recommendations to help others discover interesting games in the Steam catalog. You can follow one or more curators to see their recommendations appear on your Steam home page and in your community activity feed.
Basically, curators are people that offer recommendations to those willing to take it. We have popular curators like Cynical Brit gaming and smaller ones like Great Games for Mac.
A majority of curators aim to get free games, that way they can enjoy the game, and provide a brutally honest review, however some curators take advantage by contacting numerous developers and getting a giant amount of free games. Curators also host giveaways, of which help others' get games for free too though.
As a curating group, our goal is to buy the games to give to our followers, and members as time passes. This way we can help out developers by giving them that extra boost of money.
A lot of curator pages are seen as useless, and others' see them as good. It all depends on your opinion, I personally only see about 1/4 of the curator pages being good, as the others are just trash. I'm not focused on getting followers as much as other curators, I personally just want a good community.
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New Curating Group!
We're a brand spanking new group who wants to make it to the top! Our goal is to recommend the perfect games to our followers and group members, and we plan to do this by recommending all types of games, in all sorts of ways. The group will be hiring a variety of different curators, who show passion in all sorts of games! Whether it's retro, 2D, FPS, or something as simple as a clicker game, we want your help reviewing and recommending these games to our audience. We are currently looking for all types of curators, whether you review your game in a short and funny meme-like way or a long and serious way. I will personally be rewarding the curators of the group for their hard work by giving them free games (mainly for reviewing purposes), and entering them in a curator only giveaway!
These giveaways will be held at the end of every month, or so often and will only be open to the curators of our group and/or the curators of another group. Currently, we have no partners so it would only be open to the curators of our personal group. However, we will also have giveaways open to our group members that aren't curators
Our non-curators will get the chance to be in other giveaways, for different games. This is to reward our followers and members for being supportive, and helping us out throughout our curating experience! We will be giving away games such as Airscape- The Fall of Gravity, or something better like DOOM. but this will all depend on how many members we have. I will also be contacting small developers, and Greenlight Developers to see if they can provide us with a few free sample copies for giveaway purposes once we reach around 1,000 members.
Have an idea but don't want to curate?
That's fine, our moderators an admins will always be open to helping you, or listening to your suggestions and edits. Our goal is to provide you the best of service, and we will aim to do that by hearing your applications, helping you with a problem, or creating a recommendation just because it fits your category of preferred game style
Still not enough information? Go check out the group description:
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