The objects in space could be absolutely anything, but of course people automatically jump to it being alien spaceships. As for the video of the alien in the Amazon, it's an object next to a tree in a grainy video (why can't it ever be an actual good camera that catches these videos), which is more likely than not some fungus or an ape of some kind. Until we actually make physical contact with them, the validity of these aliens is less convincing than there being a real headcrab.
Now, I really do believe that there are aliens SOMEWHERE, but people need to wait for more proof than this before jumping to conclusions.
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You didn't know? Headcrabs are real creatures. Real Headcrab #1 Real Headcrab #2
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I am ready to accept my new alien overlord masters.
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Note a few things
1) Above top secret website is only slightly less credible than random scrawlings on the washroom wall by blind monkeys
2) The youtube video is from "The Sun" again slightly less credible than getting financial advice from a hobo
3) Seti already has discredited multiple issues with the 'sighting' in general. Again see 'credibiltiy issues' above
If you want to discuss your conspiracy theories, feel free to stick to those websites where you will find a receptive gullible audience. Otherwise I will have to bitch-slap you with inconveniences like 'logic' and 'facts'. :P
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So he was just getting my hopes up? Dammit, I was pretty sure Aliens would control us better then the local governments are controlling us :-(.
I am now depressed.
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While I agree that perhaps 'improvements' are obviously desirable in our local governments, I would like to point out that if you are living in any modern western civilization, your station in live is about 1000 times better than a good 95% of the planet's population.
For example you could live in rural China where:
1) Trucks run over children, then re-do it to ensure they're dead because it's 'cheaper' to compensate dead people than living ones
2) If you happen to be alive no one will help you. Mostly this is because there is a 90% chance that it's actually a setup and you'll be jumped by a gang of thugs who will first murder you, then steal your money because it's easier to steal from dead people.
3) If you DO help someone, there's a 100% chance you'll be framed and sent to jail because "Logically because you helped the victim you must have done it"
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While my Google-fu is quite strong, I'm going to have a hard time looking for some Lithuanian (according to your profile) video/article about some NASA UFO conspiracy. Again you might want to consider the credibility of your sources when a detailed search on the topic comes up with no hits, or hits that are predominantly of questionable quality.
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I was half joking, I know that fully well, although I do think America(Where I live) could be doing a much better job, there is always going to be better/worse places to live, thats reality though, and even in the best place there will be problems. Yup.. :-)
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Still, there's news articles everywhere. Journalism shows and news publications pretty much gave me all this today on the TV feed. There's also a recording with NASA members discussing and approving that those are indeed UFOs, but I can't find that one.
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You might be referring to this perhaps?
Yes an asteroid is coming very close to earth and NASA is tracking it and astronomers are pointing every piece of equipment they can dig up to find out more about it since it's approach is so close. It is not a "UFO" by any stretch of the imagination.
Note that I can't find any 'news publications' printing anything remotely close to your original articles. A search of Google News with NASA tags doesn't pull up anything. Again if you are going to claim these kinds of things then cite your sources. It's hard to believe it's 'everywhere' if I can't pull it up on the first three pages of Google News.
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Hmm. I can't find the actual 100% source. I might be wrong, but if you are willing to search the net for an episode that came out a few hours ago, it's called 'Kakadu'. It has the sources and information, but it's a show hosted and collected in my country so you won't understand much if anything. Oh, and what you shown me is DEFINITELY nothing related to it. I was talking about a VIDEO wit the nasa scientist talking about the three alien 'spaceships'.
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Well, I did it. He's been pulling our legs the whole time. When the site loads, click the thing that says KK2 (he failed to tell us that Kakadu is the old name of the show, it's now called KK2) and you'll see that this appears to be a far from reputable source.
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Like I said, check your sources. I guess if you're in Lithuania you might not know of the 'notorious' nature of websites like "Above top secret" or "World weekly News". Any more than I might regard KK2 or Kakadu (They might be good or bad but I've never heard of them so I have no idea).
Now the asteroid coming close to the Earth is some cool stuff! Real space stuff is always more interesting than fake ufos.
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Well I didnt mean to imply that KK2 is bad or any news outlet in your country is bad. Again those 2 I noted are American and about as bad as they come. Every place has good and bad news sources. Even the good ones sometimes get it wrong, and badly.
It really shouldn't be our job to be 'journalist' to sort that out. But fortunately with the Internet we can do that and try to understand the world around us.
Not trying to beat you down or anything.
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I, for one, would like Aliens to come take over the planet. However, I would think if they did come, they would take one look at the planet and be like "Forget that junk of a Race, its not worth our trouble. Just give them few hundred years and they will kill themselves and the planet will be free for the taking without any work on our part."
If there right, then there is nothing we can do. If they are wrong, then it may give us time to Advance our Technology enough to defend ourselves for a while.
Anyway's, now that that's out of the way, I will stick with what lokonopa said, and add that I'll only believe it when I see it.
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A guide if you stumble across one..
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Quite a useful guide. My own addition to it: No matter how civilized you think we are as a species, we are still little more than a bunch of warring tribals who fight over the simplest things.
Comment has been collapsed. > it says NO space ships!
and it all started here >
sorry dude :)
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Oh, I clicked on this topic expecting it to be a Mass Effect 3 thread or something like that. >_>
Also, fun fact: According to the Web of Trust extension for Chrome, the News site that AboveTopSecret links to is all kinds of untrustworthy. :D
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231 Comments - Last post 23 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
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125 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Vee79
Recently, some NASA scientist or something spotted three giant alien spaceships heading towards the Earth.
I saw the report on our country news and decided to share it with you guys. Here's some sources:
The three giant alien spaceships:
According to the source, photos from telescopes can be taken somewhere since September.
Original source above.
Alien caught in the Amazon:
Raw footage of an alien accidentally caught on camera in the Amazon Forest. It appears to be real so far, but professionals are checking if it's fake.
Guys, now please bear with me I don't believe in this as well. But the frickin' NASA is approving this!
So, what do you guys think? Do we get new technology? Do we get war? Or do you think it's just a hoax?
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