7 years ago

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There is a website for this. Post there instead.

7 years ago

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ok thanks

7 years ago

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You are not using the reply button and are not allowed to organize trades here, so you are bound to get suspended if you continue.

7 years ago

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sell? okay.....

7 years ago

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I can't understand why someone is willing to pay to have a discount.
Why the hell does someone sell/buy a coupon?
Isn't it against the coupon purpose?

7 years ago

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The ides is:
If I want Portal 2 NOW I could buy it for full price or buy the 90% copon for 10% of the price and buy it with 80% off.

7 years ago

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OR you can visit a coupon group and get a coupon FOR FREE to buy Portal 2 NOW with 90% discount...

...because coupons are free (I bet you didn't see this coming, right?)

7 years ago

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Well, yes, but not for all games...
Sometimes a 90% for a good game can be pretty damm rare.

I would never try to sell my coupons and dumped them in said groups most of the times, but there are indeed some you could get away with selling.

7 years ago

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No cupom is rare if you look in the right place: Coupon Dumpster Group Website
People need to know how much they are being fooled...

7 years ago

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99% of the cupons there are bad percent, for cheap games and/or for bad games.
Like 99% of steam copons after all.

Really good ones are not rare because people do not dump them, but because the drop rarly.

Your absolut statements are just plain wrong.
Maybe it's 1 in 1k or even 1 in 1kk, but there ARE copons that are worth selling/buying them.

7 years ago

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The problem is, there are plenty of individuals and groups that are dedicated to giving away such coupons for free. So even during "down periods" for sales, the coupons still don't have value. For example, there are three 90% off coupons for free on CD right now- and more often, the copies of a coupon on CD range in the 80s. Even where quantity is low, if you were to actually offer some cheap payment for one, you could likely readily get people offering you one of any such coupon for only a very small fee.

More notably, in consideration of your example- 10% of Portal 2's retail is $2. Generally, coupons trade for 1 to 2 generic trading cards, or equivalent. If you're spending more than twenty cents on a coupon, then.. well, hopefully you're doing that as a favor to a friend, then.

Likewise, this is a Valve coupon, and I'm pretty sure those drop with booster crafting. I'm under the impression that even the 90% off ones are pretty regular occurrences.

7 years ago*

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Yes portal is a bad example, since the coupons are pretty common and the normal sale discount is equal.

But if he had a 90% cupon for PUBG he sure could sell it for a few bucks (not that you would get such a coupon^^).

7 years ago

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That's the issue. Stackable coupons, or coupons which are both rare and unusually high discount, are extremely uncommon. Those have decent trade value, but they're not exactly the standard example of a steam coupon, either.

7 years ago

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If IWRITEMYNAMEINCAPS's Battlegrounds ever reaches the point where it
a) drops coupons randomly
b) uses a 90% discount
then I can assure you, nobody will want it either.

7 years ago

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My whole point is:
There are copons that are worht buying/selling.

These are just pretty damm rare. (I think for PUBG even 50% would be pretty good and worth buying, but not up to date to the current market value)

7 years ago

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It's a well known cancer, just look at that, 750 self-bumps of the own topic @ Thanks for the free bump, you've been reported for spam

7 years ago

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oh there's a fire on the most wanted coupons! xDDDDDDDD

7 years ago

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Ikr pure cancer

7 years ago

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I'll give you a small loan of a million dollars

7 years ago

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SarcasticKitten? Is that you? :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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You can avoid more of these comments by closing the thread- which you can do by clicking the green 'Open' in the top right corner.

As a passing side note, it is worth noting that coupons are generally considered to have absolutely no value (some people will even pay you a trading card to take them, just so they're no longer cluttering their inventory), unless they're the extremely rare type which stacks with ongoing Steam sales. Rather than 'selling', if you're looking to do anything other than giving the coupon away, you should probably try looking into trading for a coupon you do want to use, instead; that approach'll have far better odds of actually working out.

7 years ago

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Sell? 90% in Steam Sales...


7 years ago

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I give*

7 years ago

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Make your Random act of kindness and throw it here ;)

7 years ago

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Oh man, you're really that desperate ? Give it for free to someone who will enjoy this game, it's just a coupon.

7 years ago

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totally reminder me "traders" from ST.. well if someone trading free games, its pretty normal in trades, but trade free coupons for XY€... its much xD

View attached image.
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7 years ago*

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That's hilarious.

7 years ago

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I will buy it the moment you reach level 5 on SG.

7 years ago

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Trades should not be posted or organized on the site

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Fyantastic.