When it initially came out, there was so much hype about how this was the MMO that was going to be different, but then I played it when it was in beta, and got bored during the tutorial.
I got it much later from a friend (thanks Cow!) and like you, I'm really not much of an MMOer, but this was Elder Scrolls, so I persevered.
These days I've gotten bored of the level grinding, and just log in occasionally to get my daily items and do my crafting stuff.
As an Elder Scrolls fan, the things I enjoyed about Elder Scrolls (or about Morrowind) are not REALLY there: The quests and locations aren't that memorable or interesting, even visiting places you loved from the other games.
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Do you think 10€ is a good price for it? I'll watch a few gameplay videos, and the game is downloading, so I will be able to form my own opinion tomorrow.
Yeah, I expected the quests etc to be very bland and not memorable at all - what I hate about MMOs, other than (for the majority of them) gameplay.
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It depends what €10 means to you. If it is what you expect to spend on a game in a month, and it makes up a significant percentage of your earnings (or you are not earning yet or don't have job), then I'd say no.
If you're an earner with a steady and reasonable income, and occasionally spend up to €100 a month on games, I'd say go for it, at least just to try it out.
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I'm enough of an Elder Scrolls fan that I managed to spend some time on it over a couple of weekends, but frankly I think that whole generation of MMOs, including Neverwinter, Star Wars, Elder Scrolls and many others completely miss the mark by failing to pull the player in and actually tell a compelling story. It feels like they're in such a rush to get into the grindy, standard MMO stuff that they forget all about player motivation and making the game actually fun. Despite the age, I think LotRO is a lot more fun to play.
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I think you should try to give ESO another go while it's free! I actually loved the questing in ESO+, during beta it was terrible so if that's your rubric then no wonder you thought it was bad. ESO has 99 problems but a story aint one! lol
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Hated how they treated their old players before they added the Gold Edition.
Those who bought the regular or Imperial edition are forced to play 3 times the amount for all the DLC while those who bought the Gold Edition after it came out suddenly gets a cheaper all in one go price. There is no upgrade cheaper offer for the Normal/Imperial users.
Gameplay experience....You need bloody Mod Addons, because without those and going Vanilla, you're going to have a bad experience.
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Yes. the Gold has most of the DLC. You don't get the Imperial Race though since you need to buy it.
The Imperial Edition is no longer on steam because Zenimax wants to screw the old player base and force Normal and Imperial to pay 3 times the amount for all the DLC unlike the Gold Users.
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This is every Bethesda title ever. Anyone buying this early was almost certainly an existing fan/customer and so already knew full well this was giing to happen. Not to mention it being an mmo and as such a price cut was all but guaranteed in order to stay competitive/maintain a player base.
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You expected different??That is the whole point if gold ect.That is to have all content for a lower price.Also it is the same for Skyrim,Fallout 4,Oblivion ect. so given there track record why would you think this is different?Though many others are also guilty of this so share the hate.
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I was about to purchase the normal edition until i read about this, while the normal edition cost me 112.5 ARS (6.5 USD) the Gold Edition price is 462.50 ARS (462.5 / 112.5 = 4.11) so the GOLD cost 4 times more than the normal.
The DLC are:
Are there another ways to get this DLC if i buy the Normal Edition?
I really dont want to waste much money, i play de closed beta and the dont like it much, bored, lag, megaserver awfull full of people running like wild break the inmersion when you play as stealth. Also the montly subscription model cost was too high for my wallet, i just want to check if the state of the game and see if the experience is fun, not like it was at the begining.
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I actually play pretty regularly off and on, fun game to curve the WoW addiction and since it's Buy2Play instead of Monthly or P2W/Freemium it's my preferred method of payment, I can buy it play a few months buy what content I want take a break, rinse and repeat. if you're a hardcore elder scrolls fan there is a TON of lore here, it's an amazing Single player game with MMO elements imo. It all works out though because dungeons are fun PvP is crazy. The biggest problem right now is there isn't a decent flow of content for the high end players, so once you've played a few months at level cap and done all there is to do over say a year (some may take less time) you end up sitting on your hands waiting for the next DLC to come out so you have something to kill again.
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Well, this is one of the best games to play "casually" in my opinion so it doesn't hurt to try it while it's free!
Gold vs normal... In game they have this thing called ESO+ basically it's your typical subscription based model 15$ a month (or whatever currency) and it will unlock ALL DLC + some cool features like 10% more xp/gold and an AMAZING feature called crafting bags which basically gives you an enormous amount of bag space for crafting supplies. It also gives you 1500 crowns, now these crowns can be used to buy the DLC out right so when the subscription ends you will be able to keep the DLC that you purchased with crowns.
For example, Dark Brotherhood cost 2000 crowns in game, so if I subscribe to ESO+ for 2 months I will have 3000 crowns, I can buy Dark Brotherhood and I will have 1000 crowns saved up for whatever else!
The main way this is useful is if you intend on spending the 15$ a month anyway (I do it just for the crafting bags alone) but while you're are subscribed you will have access to all DLC, as soon as your subscription runs out you will lose access to any DLC you have not purchased. Hope that makes sense, basically saying you don't have to purchase them right now and if you subscribe for many months you can basically get them for free (I've almost gotten all of them for free on my account!)
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I understand, but my point was more about paying a subscription and with it getting the crowns you can later use to keep the DLCs you like. Sounds like a good option to do, considering subscription already gives you all for that time. The amount of crowns you get looks very good.
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Noob here, i have a question, i see that Crowns can be purchased on Steam but can see the ESO Plus subscription. The crowns can earned by playing (i assumed a lot of grinding) or the only way is to purchased in store (microtransactions)? Thnaks.
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Crowns is there shop currency, you can only get them by buying them, but I believe when you purchase ESO, you get like 500 or so included for purchasing?
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Thanks ;)
I was looking for the ESO+ steam store page but cant find it, i have to google it and paste the link on a post on a steam forum to get access to it, i wonder if i can see it "normally" cos i dont own the base game or is just another "issues" due to the newly added support to my local currency
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New ESO Functionality on Steam
We’re happy to announce that The Elder Scrolls Online now offers convenient new functionality with Steam. This means that starting today, our players on PC and Mac can now seamlessly launch and play ESO directly from the Steam client and more.
Here’s a short list of everything new you can now do with ESO from within the Steam client:
Launch and play the game
Purchase an ESO Plus membership
Purchase Crown Packs
Link your Steam version of ESO to your Steam account
Is this still working?
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Hmm, I completely forgot about this... Theoretically yes.
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"...if you're a hardcore elder scrolls fan there is a TON of lore here, it's an amazing Single player game with MMO elements imo."
What you said here interests me very much. So I can play all alone and don't be bothered by other players?, or I will be forced to see them and join them while I play? All I want is to be alone and nothing else, and also being able to play it while offline if I'm not connected to the Internet.
Thanks for any info.
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The world is populated by players, you see them, and there is chat that you can turn off. But it's something that you don't have to take part in. You can go from level 1 to cp160 (what level cap is) and beyond just enjoying the questing by yourself doing your own thing minding your own business.
It's a single player game being that you do the same thing you did in say skyrim, go here kill this person, come back, get reward. MMO elements because there are other people around doing the same thing, you don't HAVE to be a part of the group though you can just say "Screw you guys I'm going home"
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No problem, I was looking for something to curve the WoW addiction and had tried just about everything, started looking at some youtube videos for this after I tried the beta and was horribly let down. Liked what I saw and figured I'd give it a shot, so anyway that has the bandwidth and the time should also give it a shot since it's free imo!
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LoL, Az, playing with others is supposed to be what MMOs are about..
Being able to solo pretty much everything and not getting to meet anyone really in game was what made me quit both LoTRO and Champions Online.
Both games were just solo with background chatter it seemed like. But then, I grew up on EverQuest (a REAL man's game, corpse runs, lost exp for dying, tons of torture) and WoW
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You cannot play it offline.
Also, while I'm also more of a singleplayer gamer, it is more beneficial in ESO to have at least some contact with others. There are a couple of multiplayer dungeons that are basically not possible to beat on your own, and while they're sidequests, and not part of the main quest, it's irksome to have them listed there and unbeatable. Also, some things are faster if you have a partner (like levelling up in crafting by getting more experience by deconstructing items made by someone else rather than stuff you made your own).
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Yes. It's a bit boring, to be honest. And the multiplayer is kinda like a desert. xD If you find a group though, you may enjoy the dungeons. :P
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Recent patch fixed multiplayer, it's no longer a desert there are now trillions... Yes... Trillions of people around... "One Tamriel" or whatever it was called
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You mean there are huge sieges now, like the amount of people during the beta? :O
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As far as PvP goes it really depends on the time and realm you go to, I didn't see the sieges during beta but I heard there was so much lag that there wasn't much besieging going on anyway. Things stay pretty busy on Trueflame and Haderus
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During the beta, the sieges were so awesome. There was lag, but the sieges were magnificent, like a war was happening. xD
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It was sooo close to being a thing! I signed up for the beta and everything... Another 12-14 years of development and they'd of had it ready for release!
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Eventually? It is a thing for a while now: http://www.fonline-reloaded.net/
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I've played the game when it came out and it was very boring. After a while, hearing that the game changed for the better, I've bought it during a sale on PS4. Nope, still the same boring nonsense. Of course, it's better to play the game yourself (especially when you can do it for free) to judge whether it suits your tastes. Maybe you'll find the game very enjoyable.
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I never played any MMO, but given that it's The Elder Scrolls, most of the gameplay is singleplayer anyway, and there's a free weekend, I would be inclined towards trying it, but... on top of having to reinstall Windows, the download size is scary: 85 GB!
At least, that's what's reported in the system requirements, the actual download size is surely a bit smaller (~70 GB, I think), but still, it would take me a minimum of 12 hours to download, with my current connection.
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Personally, I hated it during the beta, but few months ago I decided to retry it. IMO, it isnt bad. Quests are your standard issue MMO variety (some are interesting, most arent), but the zones are pretty and Ive been having fun with dungeons and crafting.
Id recommend giving it a try while its free. Never know, you might enjoy it
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I know right? T_T On a good day it reaches 400-500 but that's it..
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I played it in some of the previous free weekends, including when it first launched. It had some moments, but for the most part it was unplayable due to bugs and lag. I'm sure many/most of those issues are resolved.
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only mmo i personally can recommend anymore really. most the rest i tried were just too forced p2w or p2p. it's imo pretty much skyrim online minus dragons though and not very heavy on multiplayer for the main storyline. could party with others if you choose, but none of the main story is difficult it enough to require it. it's still great to have the multiplayer aspects for socialization & trading though even if you don't want to party with others like a regular mmo.
as far as worth it. i paid the $59.99 price-tag for just the base prior to the price drop and thought it was back then due to how freely open it still is without a subscription. so certainly do even more so now. =)
most non-sub games still require you to either spend money for the better gear or limit you in other aspects of trading or inventory. this one has no borders really once you own it other then DLCs & Cosmetic/Style/Skin stuff.
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Simply said - in terms of single player experience, it's not as good as Skyrim is and in terms of MMO experience, it's not nearly as good as WoW. It's a weird mix and it felt boring to me, but you might like it, there's only one way to know for sure...
I tried dozens of different MMOs back when I got bored of WoW (and WoW went to hell quality-wise) and years after I realized, that I can only ever like one MMO and all the others feel inferior to that. FeelsBadMan
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Played it in Beta, never touched it again not even when it went without subscription. Doesn't really feel like elder scrolls tbh.
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Better then WoW in my opinion but WoW is really bad and boring so yeh.
Bought it for $40 because i was like hey a new Elder Scrolls game played it for 2 hours and i was like is the elder scrolls?
Its also made by zenimax not bethesda game studio's
If u are a Elder Scrolls fan like me u will think its not a Elder Scrolls
But i'm not a big fan of MMO's in general they are boring because they are repetive and have barely any story or interesting story.
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I tried the beta and was a good game, didnt play it too much tho, because they told the game would be monthly sub and lost my interest on it.... after a few months the game become b2p and now its getting a big disccount.... if the game has an ingame store smells like f2p soon (like guild wars 2 and probably Black Desert)
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I played it in the beta, it was pretty broken back then tbh apart from inside dungeons.
It really really put me off. I even gave them a lot of critical feedback.
If this was offline, I'd pick it up but for now I'll try it out, if I managed to delete enough stuff on my HDD to fit ''the demo'' on.
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I played it for about 6 months when it was first launch. I am a huge Elder Scrolls fan and also a MMORPG fan so I thought it would be my dream game but it wasn't really. Graphically, it's gorgeous - one of the best looking MMO's out there and I enjoyed it at first but it never really felt like an Elder Scrolls game though I couldn't really tell you why.
I found the quests kinda boring, and I kept forgetting why I was doing something. The combat was quite fast paced and you always find yourself finding groups of enemies which I didn't particularly like. I think the biggest deal breaker for me though was the healing mechanics. I love to play a healer but I like to have control over who I am healing, but in ESO all the heal spells are 'smart heals' which will auto-target who the game thinkgs it should heal and it's all based on proximity. Combine that with the environmental effects (you have to move around a lot - you can't just stand in place and fight) and I just found healing to be a total pain in the butt which kinda ruined it for me :-(
But that's me, I'm kinda old-skool and grew up on Everquest. If you like a fast paced game with lots going on then you might love it. They've been making some cool changes recently and it has a ton of content.
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in ESO all the heal spells are 'smart heals' which will auto-target who the game thinkgs it should heal and it's all based on proximity.
Really? That sounds horrible...
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yeah if you're used to the kind of "target group member - cast heal spell" kind of healing, it's very weird to get used to. I didn't feel very on control and I basically sucked as a healer!
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Most people who i've seen complain about the game complains that this MMO... is an MMO! GASP! On topic i bought it like 2 years ago and played it quite a bit but quit before i hit max lvl as the endgame was not really great from what i saw. But they added a lot after that!
Sadly i do not feel like playing MMO's at all anymore so i might never come back but that is for a whole nother reason.
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I'll start off by saying I'm not a huge sucker for MMO games, and I never have enjoyed one for more than a day or two. I'm willing to give this one a shot because - well - it's The Elder Scrolls.
Has anyone here tried it and has formed an opinion about it?
Like it, hate it or feel nothing at all about it?
Also, if you like it - do you think the price is worth it?
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