The blacklist feature on this site is completely ineffective for restricting users with poor contribution level or history of rule breaking from entering one's giveaways. For every user blocked, there are countless others who will slip through with the same attributes. I did not have this realization in the past, so have many users on the list for these reasons. Unfortunately I also didn't use user tags until recently, so can't tell which users were added for these reasons, and which for more valid reasons like being rude and offensive to others, or posting hateful comments towards specific groups, minorities etc.

I think it's time to reduce the size of my blacklist. I'd like to remove anyone who is blacklisted and requests me to do so, with very few exceptions. Here's how you can help me if you're on the list:

  • If you cannot access this giveaway it means you're on the list. How to ask to be removed? Feel free to add a comment on this thread (if you don't mind the spotlight), or as a bump + wink in any of my threads on the forum. This will do: Bump ;-)
    If you prefer to do it privately (understandable), just open Playing Appreciated group chat, click the little arrow near my name and then Send Message. I may be away, but if I'm connected to the chat I will see your message eventually. There's a small chance I'll decide to keep you on the list, but I will at least explain to you why. Another option to reach me is via the Discord.
  • Please don't add me on Steam for this reason. The methods above should be sufficient.
  • If you were added because you took a key from this thread (or tried to activate and it was already used), and you didn't say anything, I will most likely contact you before removal.

Thank you for helping!

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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Bump for finding the perfect game for this!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Sweet 16! :-)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump 👆⬆

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Happy to help. Here's a bump.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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New round, new GA (same game), you know the drill...

Who's going to be lucky #18?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump because of the giveaway, just 2 entries atm, naniiiii

7 years ago

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I've got 11 people on my blacklist, but I'll probably clear it again. Bumping for the poor souls who need to find their way off of yours, lol. :P

7 years ago

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Bump. Should I wink wink for ya?

7 years ago

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I will anyway ;) ;)

7 years ago

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You were never on my blacklist (unless you know something I don't).

7 years ago

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Bump !

7 years ago

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A blacklist...and I'm not on it...sheesh!!

Have a bump!!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

7 years ago

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Not on your BL, but thanks for the gib :)

7 years ago

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just bump

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Not on your blacklist... Kinda offended by that! Bump.

7 years ago

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You need to work harder to win a spot (though there are better goals in life to work for)...

7 years ago

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Well,looks like i've won a spot,just on another list eheh :D

7 years ago

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Sent via email! :-)

7 years ago

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I see that the gift is still in my inventory. Haven't you received the email?

7 years ago

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I've got your notification just now lol,i think i did accept finally XD

7 years ago

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I'm afraid it's too late now. Since you didn't claim the gift I had to ask for a re-roll, which was granted. Better luck next time...

7 years ago

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wtf? i tought i accepted it on my email? oh well,i guess it's fine.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Free Game Bump™

Game Free Key
Pixel Survivors Go here
  • Please don't take the key if you already own the game or are not interested in it.
  • If you took the key, please (1) activate it on your account, and (2) reply to let me know so that I can remove the link. If I see that the key was taken and there's no reply from the taker, I'll just include the complete link and their email address will be visible. Let's not go there, shall we? :-)
7 years ago*

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what a freaking way to get the key..
Thanks for the key!

7 years ago

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Enjoy! :-)

7 years ago

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Thanks man :) Already downloaded it - going to give it a try asap :P

7 years ago

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4 days to go for the GA...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bumpo, i wish you blacklisted me long ago so those 43blacklists i have will reduce, xD [ just kidding ]

BUT I am not on your list, anyways thanks..

7 years ago

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Please remove me from your blacklist, I'm sorry for being cruel to you that one time. It wasn't my fault, my cat stepped on my keyboard and it must have typed that horrible insult.

Oh whoops, never mind, it seems I'm not on your blacklist. :D

7 years ago

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