Sorry to hear that bro.
That happened to me too 2 days ago when i bought something from indiegala and there was a problem with the buy.I'm still waiting an email from support or to receive my money back which are blocked on my card
Oh,and happy birthday!
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BundleStars, Indiegala and GMG never gave back my money from when I've purchased games from them in the past... this is honestly bullcrap to me. Im starting to lose trust in the internet.
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My mastercard cant receive payments... its a prepaid card... so pretty much, theres no way to get a refund for me.
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Dude, GMG Credit is useless.. cause I have got about $10 worth of GMG Credit on my PlayFire account and I sent in a support ticket 28 days ago asking if they could add the currency/credit to my GMG account and still have no response...
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I got a refund from GMG when they sent me a region-locked Skyrim: Hearthfires code. I did send them a Steam support log though.
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When I went to buy the game, it said there was an error, and then I checked my email, it said I bought the game... so pretty much, they gained $30+ for nothing.
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So are you even bothering to contact them, or just coming here to throw a tantrum? I can pretty much guarantee they did NOT just take your money. They will provide you with the product or refund you.
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I did contact them, but every time I do(which I've contacted them for other reasons as well), it takes them 1-3 weeks to respond..
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I know it sounds silly, but get a twitter account. Harassing them on twitter about their slow response will get them to look at your ticket quicker. Unfortunately this is now the way customer service works.
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@OP: They're a trusted, legit source for games; they're not just going to leave you with nothing after a purchase. I'd understand if you were here complaining after getting a response from their support but since you didn't it's kinda pointless. Mistakes do happen with online purchases sometimes.
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This shows $20
I bought mine for $8.6 from Nuuvem.
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I honestly just stumbled on this post, but oh look, it's the person who LIED ON STEAMTRADES AND LEFT FALSIFIED NEGATIVE REP ON MY ACCOUNT. He left negative rep because I unfriended and blocked him after he added me, and instantly started begging me to buy his games with my TF2 Keys. The games weren't even ones I had expressed any interest in on any of my trading threads both on here and reddit.
I've contacted this jerk on various websites (like his YouTube channel) and he continues to ignore me. YOU CANT LEAVE NEGATIVE REP BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT TO TRADE WITH YOU.
Someone ban this guy. And really, who the hell would pay $30 for Borderlands 2? On top of that, I've bought dozens of games from Amazon, GMG, Gamersgate, etc, and I've never had a problem. I own just under 900 games, and I've still never had a payment/key issue. I've also been a member of Playfire Rewards where I've been rewarded with the credit just as advertised aside from a few missed entries, and I've even used it to buy a few games already. It doesn't work perfectly, but it's getting better every day, and it's definitely not a scam.
To clarify why I didn't want to trade with him, was because he had nearly no reputation, 2 Vac Bans, only 60 games, and he almost instantly started spamming my chat after I accepted his friend request.
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You didn't specify where "here" was, but I did report it in detail on the stickied "Misuse of Feedback" thread over on steamtrades. That was 2 weeks ago, but no action has been taken by anyone.
And he did actually respond on YouTube, but with only "Dude... I don't know who you are.. just stop... seriously". Clearly a bold faced lie especially considering my username and avatar identical on all the accounts/sites I've contacted him on.
I pretty much gave up on it because I figured he would be banned eventually, but I just randomly found this post and recognized the username.
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Send them a support ticket on Steamgifts under "others". It's weird I know, but it's the standard procedure for getting such feedback removed. Support took over a month to get my -rep removed, so good luck.
Not that it will matter much, with all that +reps you have.
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Alright, I'll try that. Thanks! :3
And yea it's not that big of a deal, but it still bugs me. >.>
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"Here" is referring to here on Go to the Support section and open a ticket here. The staff should be able to help you out.
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Dude, honestly, just toss off... You're both a liar and a scammer. just stop spamming me on every single site asking for me to take the -Rep down.
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Also, just think about it logically for a second. If I actually had scammed you, wouldn't you have taken screenshots of the chat, and then proceeded to make a post accusing me as a scammer, as well as stating so in the form of negative reputation on my profile? You did none of those things, and the rep you left says nothing about a scam, but only that I was an "unfair trader...". Oh, and don't bother changing it now, I've taken screenshots of it. And why would I even scam you? I have 57 reputation, 869 Steam games, and a username across various accounts with a pretty solid online identity. You are nothing. You make a few YouTube videos that no one watches. I haven't made a video in an a long time, and I still have nearly 8x as many subscribers.
Please, someone ban this liar. He doesn't belong here.
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The feedback you gave is "Unfair trader... didnt give me a chance to offer him for keys.. -Rep". Seems like he's telling the truth. Not wanting to trade with you is not scamming and is certainly not grounds for -rep - you really should take that down.
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What the hell is with everyone.. I get 2 vac bans for changing my TF2 Gun camo over a year ago... and people make it out as if its a big deal
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and he won 2 PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack giveaways
while he also did a PAYDAY 2: A Merry Payday Christmas Soundtrack giveaway himself. Hmmm
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I've bought waaaayyyy too much from GMG, and I've never once had a problem with them. They're my preferred seller, actually, since they give such good deals and then coupons for added awesomeness.
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Sorry, but nobody's going to gift you borderlands 2. It's kind of obvious that is what you're hinting at, y'know... posting on "".
Go post this on the forum of the site you actually bought the game from (well, apparently...)
Or at least prove some order history of the game with a print screen and maybe, if gmg don't give you the game, maybe someone so kind enough would gift you the game. But seriously, you'll just get banned if you're begging on the forums.
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Dude, what the hell are you talking about... I wasnt begging for shit... Im just saying GMG Scammed me...
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Well gmg does provide the best deals around but their support pretty much sucks. The playfire doesn't track the achievements and I haven't got response from them till now which is more than a week. I feel sorry for you but while sending the support ticket you should attach a screenshot of the transaction or the email you got. Probably you have to wait for a week or two maybe
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It does track the achievements. It's missed a few for me, but it pales in comparison to all the ones that I have already been paid for. And you have to realize a few things here:
And before the playfire rewards started, I contacted them a few times about various things including the free Civ V/Mafia Golden Joysticks event, and they replied quickly and solved my problems. They have treated my nicely, and while I will admit there are issues, they in no way deserve the hate they are getting. If you have the time and enough games, you could very easily have over $100-200 in GMG credit by now. They are giving away tons of money here every single day, and yet they are still somehow getting hate for it? And the best part is, not only is the credit higher than any other rewards program I've seen, but the deals you can purchase are great as well. Dark Souls 2 could have been $28 if you bought it and completed the rewards.
PS: If you have never received a reward from them so far, you may have not connected your steam account correctly, or there is a possibility that they wait to check for legitimacy before paying your account to prevent some type of abuse.
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Dude really your last statement made me laugh. Do you really think people r that stupid???
I am not criticizing them as a whole but their support system. Have you ever visited the playfire forum or seen the gmg twitter handler its full of people saying that their achievements aren't tracked.So basically I am not the only one here who has that problem. I know its in beta but still they should make fake promises they can't fulfill.
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It's easy to bash a company without giving them time to respond/take action. As far as I know GMG is a legitimate company and will definitely not 'take your money'.
As addition (to your reply on tanim's comment) Team Fortress 2 material overwrites are not the reason to any VAC bans. Source material files are packed in .vmt's (basic text files) and .vtf's (basic image file).
The world doesn't end when you have to wait for your game or money for a few days.
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Well I've never hacked a game in my life, besides modify the camo of my guns
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So they took your birthday money, despite saying that it didn't work? What didn't work? The purchase? You do know that if the purchase doesn't go through, no money is withdrawn from your bank account/card. The bank account, however, will reserve the sum of the purchase, making that money unavailable for a time until the cancellation goes through.
And if you spent all your "birthday money" on BL2 GOTY, I kinda feel bad for you. I would have waited for a (edit: better) sale, at least.
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I didn't buy a single game on GMG since when they switched to pounds instead of dollars.
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Well I just bought Borderlands 2 GOTY and as soon as I bought it, it said that it didnt work and so they didnt even give me a code for the game... they just took my money.. how nice of them to take all of my birthday money ....
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