So, here's the thing:

I'm working 12 hour shifts at my job the last couple days because management is being a bitch and are traveling around, so I am left all alone at the hotel I work at to make sure everything is going fine. And boy, you wouldn't believe what stupid shit I have to deal with.

Luckily, today is my only day off for the weak, so I thought "Awesome, gonna sleep in late and do absolutely nothing!"

My day:
6 am: I am awakened by the most horrible sound humanity has ever invented. The annoying beeping of an smoke alarm in the flat beside me. Walls are paper thin, practically just existing so I don't have to see what my neighbor is doing at night, just able to hear it.
Well, hopefully she'll be dealing with this. Nope, hours pass, still beeping like crazy. I'm slowly starting to develop a nervous twitch in time with the beeping. Nobody's home at the flat, so nobody can fucking deal with this bullshit. Getting called in to work a few time, actually happy to get away from the noise. Landlord isn't that much of a help either.

Only after 12 long hours he shows up, 2 of my other neighbors are also developing a nervous twitch. He says he can't do anything, so he tries calling the police to get approval to call a locksmith. Cops are being extremely bitch "lel, nope, gotta live with this"

It is now 9 pm ... after 15 hours of constant loud beeping police finally gave their approval, so now we are all waiting for the locksmith. I finally developed a nervous twitch, the beeping is burned into my head.

So here, have this while I try to to hold on to the last of my sanity:

Thunder Wolves: 292AG-I20PG-CF7C(3+5)
AI War Collection: HZDLN-2E3(3+4)G-EWFBF
Blockland: L5(9-3)XK-IABT9-HQ28F
Pressure: EDXQT-RVPYL-(5+2)WWIP
Luxor Evolved: WYTZV-W95H7-L8L(10-1)E

11 years ago*

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My first ninja! Thanks for Blockland. Already got other games.

11 years ago

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Congrats! Have fun with the game

11 years ago

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All gone, Jeez

Thanks anyway!

11 years ago

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they're gone

11 years ago

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beep Sorry beep to beep hear beep about beep your beep awful beep day beep : (

11 years ago

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I've ripped down about 1/2 dozen of those smoke alarms over the years. :P They don't shut up quick enough.

In all honesty... I would have weighed the cost of renting a hotel for a day vs breaking a window and risking the potential backlash from that. I feel your pain & value my sleep when it is needed.

11 years ago

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I always keep earplugs by my side!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by Jekaterina.