Meh the drama in the "join the group" thread. The guy who is screaming (clearly referring to deleting comments) and saying to the other guy non censored to play it and buy it and nearly getting his head ripped for asking how many players. He was kinda interested to buy it, now, I'm sure they lost a customer :p
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Report one steam. Reason for report : banned for no reason xD
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Hey new developement. Apparently two new private profiles saying the same thing:
How do you want to be taken seriously like that? I mean, one of them seems to be trolling as I saw the post history and it was in perfect English but the other one? Copy pasting?
Anyway, I expect to be banned at one point despite being courteous AND having said that I would look how the game will evolve (and also pointing out that the insulting guy should be censored and that if he was the dev, he was lacking public relationship - comment got censored). I answered someone and warn him that the thread will be expected to be deleted.
That said, sure, if now, I'm pretty sure I will not buy the game.
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thats my alternate steam account on that first picture :D
I got banned. This is why -> I posted a link to a video review.
They deleted it and i posted it again. This happen 3 times and they banned my afterwards.
Is there nothing we can do? Are they really allowed to delete topics and ban people for saying their opinion?
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Well I suspected that you would have been banned for that. They have time to delete and lock threads but not to answer a topic like "Some technical questions".
The only thing I can think of is to relay that on other gaming forums. Reporting the game without a good justification isn't possible. I've screenshots of the forum before and after the cleaning.
I'm still shocked that the nipples comment on a thread isn't censored, that the guy insulting people isn't censored AND that the thread about no reviews or discussions is still up at this moment.
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Looks more like a prequel 25 or 30 years ago.
Here is a overview from WIP GOTY's
Scam artists they are (from the looks of it). But Valve is cool with that, i don't even know how any of the games passed Greenlight.
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"I don't even know how any of the games passed Greenlight"
Because it's Steam Greenlight. Where moderation and curation is handled by the community, and the community on the whole is of the opinion that "let's vote for this shit! So Random ! kek! lololololol! " with a side order of "hey! upvoting gets me a free key for my collection".
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But why is it that the peak of all time is only 2, considering the fact that it's greenlit for a long time and already released to Early Access? Shouldn't there be more players if they got a key promised? Ok, promised doesn't ever mean they will be given out at all, devs can promise all day long and don't have to deliver anything at the end. But where is the responsibility from the community? I can't think why anyone wants this game in the library, even for free.
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Don't know if there were keys promised for this game. If not, it's a case of pure "let's vote for this shit! So Random ! kek! lololololol!".
In other words, to answer "But where is the responsibility from the community?"
The community takes no responsibility.
And even if they did, downvotes count for nothing, and no-one knows what the magic numbers are to get greenlit anyway. (Well, maybe someone within Valve knows, but I doubt even that).
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The devs themself surely know the magic numbers because it's not the first game they had in Greenlight which got greenlit, at least they know very well what goals have to be met. Maybe the keys are still pending or have been promised for the finished game only, not the alpha.
With responsibility i mean the value a game like this adds to anyones library, having todays standards in gaming in mind, i can see so many people that are really mad and disappointed about overall quality from games lately that i just wondered about the voters and their intentions. :D
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I wonder. Is it safe to click the link and see the Steam page of that game or will I get banned for checking it too?
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Yup. You could even browse and read if you are banned already, just not reply or create topics anymore. Don't worry, browsing is safe.
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The way they have their achievements drives me crazy
Specialist 1st Class
Specialist 2nd Class
Specialist 3rd Class
Specialist Class 4
Specialist 5 Class
It isn't that hard to make them all the same format. I'm going to assume this is the same quality of work they put in their game
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I never belived they repeat the story of...Digital Homicide and other indie crap devs stories. I can't belive why devs are going to be so evil to point they destroy the gaming,economy and future of gamers at whole. Thank god we have good people with senses.
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Steam makes it easy for almost anyone to sell their game after going thru Greenlight, straight scam artists, devs that abuse their power or tools given to them from Valve and are already known for it, those without any proof of background in the game industry at all, those with very bad reputation, almost any clientele that gets managed to fit into Steam's requirements, somehow. Even students or pupils that can only work as a hobby on games in very spare freetime (nothing bad about it). But at the end it's easy to blame Valve because it gives the complete opposite from scandal games like this one. Very cool indie devs that get managed to take trolling, criticism, even pure rants and nonsense as is because that's all part of every community on the internet and nothing to be mad about or keep censoring it. Good devs gather the positive and important to them stuff from the flow of information and incoming feedback and take the majority as is, even if you won't see them reply to everything or deleting everything instantly because they aren't devs to stand above customers and rule them and work against them but work with them and are part of the community themself. The devs from this game are simply straight hostile to any community and they also give Steam/Valve a bad reputation with their actions, the question is, if Valve recognizes that at some point.
If you think the game looks like shit not worth 10 cents, why not being able to say just that upfront, even if it's not the best wording? Isn't it still as valid as opinion as writing that the game looks very bad? In that regard, the Steam community is very self-regulated and the majority of hubs allow badly written opinions like that, with only a few exceptions.
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I know, I got censored quickly (without being banned) but it took them two days to take out the insulting posts towards others. And they've still not answered a post with technical questions. They have time to clean and delete and accuse Sterling but to answer potential customers? That's really showing their lack of PR.
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He will be banned himself very soon, from the Steam Platform. Don't worry, I've seen dev's like him before which were less worse than him and got banned as developer and their game got deleted, people kept their games or could ask for a refund back then. The last one being Paranautical Activity, but that guy outsmarted Steam after his game got deleted and after he got banned, he said he socalled sold his game to someone else who took it over, but it's just his new Steam account that took it over and invented a new developer's name. Steam is kind of stupid.
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Not really correct there on the Paranautical Activity. It may be still the same team doing development work, but they did hand off marketing & distribution to another company (Digirati, who also handle Letter Quest, Battlepaths and a few other games from tiny dev studios.)
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I would like to believe that but when you e-mail the current Marketing Leader because you got banned previously on their forums for a simple question like: "When will you fix the main menu because I can't even start the game" when the socalled first team still was working on the game, I still receive the same reply like previously, very arrogant, insulting and unhelpful. So I don't believe it's a different company who is handling that. Somebody told me to e-mail the Marketing Leader in my review I made a year ago with the same answer like you, they have a different team now, well I received the exact same answer like before. It's the same person with a different name, basicly like every cashgrabbing developer does on Steam. Creating a failed uncompleted game, calling it Early Access, not releasing 1 patch, dumping the game and Steam Account, creating a new Steam Account and inventing a new developer name to release another socalled "First Game" from the developer to cashgrab and redo the process. 95% of all games on Steam released since 2013 are socalled by developers making their first game, it's bullshit and you know it. Last time I've seen a Early Access game getting launched on Steam by a developer that launched his second game is almost not possible to find. I always click on the dev's name. They all use those "Game Creator" softwares, most of all the free ones, and create a game literally within 30 days. I know the developer of Hero Siege personally, Elias, he was in my university class 10 years ago, he created Hero Siege in 1 month using the software "GameMaker: Studio". The difference is that he kept updating his game for almost 1.5 years as of today even if his game doesn't sell anymore, I've played the earliest version of the game and you couldn't even see it was made within a month with a free software. It's very easy to create a game using that software and everybody is doing it, most of them in a unfair way to cashgrab and run away and never use that developer's name/account ever again, but instead creating a new one. They are basicly the new thieves of the internet and Steam is supporting them.
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I have a friend with a greenlight project in the top 100 and he posted the stats of his project - I don't know if the ratio of yes to meh votes that counts of the sheer number of yes votes, but he had 2-3000 yes votes maybe. (Game is a fine-looking puzzle platformer, but this is irrelevant now)
It's enough if you promise keys outside of Steam, or in a closed group or something and start spreading the word, you'll eventually get a few thousand votes.
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You could get to it directly from the discussion but here it is
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Anyway this censorship policy drives them nowhere. You either should have excellent product or huge marketing budget or work very closely with community. Sometimes people who devs treated this unpolite way can find a lot of time and resources to make dev's life a neverending nightmare ;-)
So Devs make good games and be friendly with your community ;-)
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The game i'm talking about is Second Warfare. It released as Early Access on June 22 and costs whopping 14,99€ (out of their mind) which will increase in the future.
The dev has enough time to censor the community hub, deleting comments and topics including banning in batch, not only there but also the announcements section.
This example:
Even a very regular question like this gets locked, without any developer replying how they justify the current price tag or why they close the topic:
Now you might ask how i know topics vanished and people got banned, you obviously can't see that people have been banned if their posts have been deleted or their topics, that makes it a lot harder but yes, i have been banned too but i'm not mad about it, i don't even care because i think the game is a scam and that is why i'm trying to warn you. I think that all other Greenlight entries are scam too. You can see a relative clean forum for this game and also clean topics with only a very few replies that says a lot.
I got banned for this:
What a bloody joke!?
A small update, if you are interested in the censoring part and you wanna follow a bit, you can subscribe to the main hub discussion here to get notified about new posts, topics and moderation:
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