Well the first one, he is asking of the game as improved since it was released, and it was released today? Either he is trolling, but I'm leaning towards them being ESL (English as a 2nd language) and just phrasing it wrong in which case it would be harsh.
2nd post, people are always going to have an opinion on the prices of games, but did he have to say "but that price is out rageous for a game like this"?. I agree the game looks..well..not great, but I would find that insulting if I was the dev.
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Even Digital Homicide (i'm pretty sure everyone knows them) gets managed to do some proper pricing on their games after receiving community "feedback" from those interested in their game, it's not that Early Access prices are set in stone, every developer can request a change they see fit from Valve if they want to.
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I'm on Steam for more than 5 years, i never have been banned from any discussion since then, only a single time, where i trolled piracy in a professional way, which is a very sensitive thing to do according to Valve, i learned my lesson.
Of course there are a lot of things you can interprete as ban-worthy and developers can have their own standards but the biggest plus for developers is always when they are open to the community, not thin-skinned whiney babies that spend the majority of their time silencing any criticism or negative feedback instead of developing the game they wanna sell to others, there aren't any moderators as far as i could see, so this alone requires effort and time, feedback is part of the process the devs signed up to on their own, nobody forced them.
After banning all those that gave negative feedback, who remains at the end? And was it worth it then? It's only a matter of time until the game will be gone. Not because of attacking the devs but because of their own behaviour and barely anyone buys or plays it. They don't want to hear anything, only praise at best, which doesn't work on the internet, never has.
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thin skinned babies? You don't understand the difference between trolling and constructive criticism...banning negative feedback is one thing, but banning trolls is another...
Especially your post. "GOTY"? You think that's constructive criticism?
I don't give 2 shits about the devs or this game, because it in fact does look terrible, but you cant tell me anything you posted as an example is criticism...or even "negative feedback". Its all trolling.
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Of course, you can just go ahead and delete the internet because of trolling, behind which rocks did the devs hid the last 10-15 years?
What i did at best was joking, not even that, when you read what i quoted in the last linked screenshot, then you can see it reads as a direct quote from the devs own feature list of the game from a pinned topic, that reads: "Incredible graphics".
Now who should have been banned for trolling, me or the dev i quoted? It's not edited in the screenshot i made, the original topic where i got it from is, instead of "Incredible graphics" you can read now "Nice graphics with support for Directx 11". Of course it has been edited after i got banned. So at least he recognized it, in some way.
But for me that's even more trolling on his own, even worse than my inital quote. xD
And well, i'm actually surprised what developers think with a game like this will happen, right from the start when i saw the game i had the impression it's made exactly like this for a reason, they actually love to get the negative attention, it's better than being totally ignored. And being able to play god in the forums for a while before getting back into school boosts the ego immensely.
Devs are little whiney kids, that's all i can say.
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Insulting or not, that is not reason for banning, it shows a great lack of professionalism.
EDIT: Nevermind, I had a look at store page, it just screams 2 guys working on the game part-time after school, and not in a good Introversion sort of way, more like a "hey look what I did in Unity", "Dude, we should totally get that on Steam" kind of way. As generic as you can get.
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I...wasn't gonna buy it anyway. "The first-person shooter." "Don't forget about the shot in the head!"
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Why is there a black guy who looks like Snoop Dogg speaking RUSSIAN in that cut scene?
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I think I've got it figured out.
The black guy is actually working in the CIA Foreign Language Department and he's interrogating a KGB spy in RUSSIAN.
Wow, I can tell the developers really put a lot of thought into this game. It's meant to get you thinking.
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Why is there not a single review in its store page?
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Removing anything negative about the game, that's why.
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Probably this.
According to there is not much going on. The game has 2 developers, the only people that own the game. :D
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I'm pretty sure you haven't, maybe as a gift for someone hurting your feelings. :D
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How to identify shit games tip #5: Other than English, the primary language the game is offered in is Russian.
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Here is what you do
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Don't worry, I already got the latest Jim Sterling News.
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"When people say the name 'Jim Sterling', they think of Jim Sterling. When people say the name of 'Kobra Studio'... they think of Jim Sterling"
quote from
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It's a shame because Unity in a fantastic engine and we can see great games made with it like Cities: Skylines, Pillars of Eternity, Broforce and Kerbal Space Program just to mention a few.
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That's really arguable. Unity is not fantastic, it's just easy to use and comes with lots of assets, for the small developers that can't dedicate a team of programmers to the project.
It all comes at a big cost, though. First the engine has terrible performance, and this is just the truth, and second it gets too often abused in the way described by Crusadden.
It has a number of good games, but they're good because the developers has spent more than a week on their game, they didn't use the stock assets and they had a good idea, sometimes even original.
Also, many projects died even in the hands of valuable staffs, just because Unity can't do everything, or can't do it so easily, without a real programmer that can code with a real language and add the missing functions to it, via a plugin or something.
The same can be said for the other widely used engines, though, like RPG Maker (we got how many? I guess 100 rpgs all using stock assets and all identical, and that just on Steam), Game Maker and all the other "you can do anything in just minutes!"-type of softwares.
You can make good games with them, but good free games. For anything else you'd better use a real language if you care about your customers.
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You are right that engines like Unity, RPG Maker and Game Maker are targeted towards small teams, usually just a few people and sometimes a single person. More professional game development usually uses custom engines. The amount of work that goes into a game, even a small one is staggering, which is why engines like this help by cutting the bulk of the menial work. No true game developer uses stock assets, they merely use the pipeline, personally I don't trust games that use stock assets.
BTW: Unity can be expanded with any functionality needed using C#, and performance has improved a lot with the release of Unity 5.
EDIT: Even Game Maker and RPG Maker can make good games. To The Moon was made with RPG Maker and Hotline Miami with Game Maker. It all depends on the developer and their commitment to the project.
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I found it by accident going thru the Early Access titles in summer sale, i searched for games i'm interested in to get off the remaining funds. I never had bought it, though.
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The Android version costs $3 apparently. Which I still think is too much.
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I may understand why developers acts this way, I mean, most of the game developers do this kind this of stuff in one way or another (like not answering tech questions, never updating their games to fix important know, abandoning the game right after release).
What I don't really understand is why so many people are so blind about it, and keeps defending these actions like they owe something to them, after the money already spent on just lies.
I'm not defending the developers, mind you, just saying that they act this way because there's people that allows them to.
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omg Can't wait to buy this game
P.S: For a friend.
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you should try twin souls, I really liked the precursor to it and it looks like they just made it even better
^you can play it free
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Broforce, Long Live The Queen, Papers, Please, Lili: Child of Geos, The Stanley Parable, Woolfe - The Red Hood Diaries.. a few that I can recall off the top of my head. There are definitely some good things that came out from greenlight but unfortunately there's a much greater number of absolute crap titles coming from there as well.
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The game i'm talking about is Second Warfare. It released as Early Access on June 22 and costs whopping 14,99€ (out of their mind) which will increase in the future.
The dev has enough time to censor the community hub, deleting comments and topics including banning in batch, not only there but also the announcements section.
This example:
Even a very regular question like this gets locked, without any developer replying how they justify the current price tag or why they close the topic:
Now you might ask how i know topics vanished and people got banned, you obviously can't see that people have been banned if their posts have been deleted or their topics, that makes it a lot harder but yes, i have been banned too but i'm not mad about it, i don't even care because i think the game is a scam and that is why i'm trying to warn you. I think that all other Greenlight entries are scam too. You can see a relative clean forum for this game and also clean topics with only a very few replies that says a lot.
I got banned for this:
What a bloody joke!?
A small update, if you are interested in the censoring part and you wanna follow a bit, you can subscribe to the main hub discussion here to get notified about new posts, topics and moderation:
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