You sure it wasn't just a free weekend? Because that pattern suggests it was something like that.
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@raigeki, How the FUCK do you get 46.4 Mb/s ??? are you on Mobile 4G LTE :D
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Doesn't really matter, Steam/developer fault for making pricing bug.
If this were real, not-digital purchase, then what Steam done would be simply called stealing. For example, you'd see "buy 4 wheels + car" offer, then few days later salesman comes and says "upps, didn't want to sell you car, so I'm taking it away" and drives towards sun.
But since it's digital, they can do whatever they want since they are protected by stuff like "you subscribe".
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Nobody wants to take responsibility. Especially support techs are talking like a robot. Steam/developer fault for making pricing bug always but nobody wants to put his hand under the stone. Thanks god my problem solved. Short story @xKomachi said very nice before: Steam Support is not good support,but either you deal with them or you give up.
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Which is DLC pricing. Not deluxe game pagackage pricing so soon after release without coupons and something like the Summer Sale being involved.
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all i can say is( and i have been to the support like 1 time for TONS Of time ) make simpler statements( almost like 1 liners )
and as far as i know they dont do refunds that easily... maybe you should be asking for what you paid
ps. send them a Screenshot of the receit that you have on your email, and highlight that It had the base game!
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from the steam news thing it seams like the base game being added to it would have been an error
also why do you have screen shots from when you first installed the game anyways?
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I always take a screenshots when purchased any game on steam or another digital platform(GOG/Origin etc.) Even if the bill isn't enough sometimes. Like my situation.
Edit: I would recommend something like this to you coz ya know could happen to you mb tomorrow. Who knows right?
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I purchased this pack coz its included "Monochroma(Base game)+Collector's Edition DLC" on that date. If there is any problem in this situation, It's not my problem. I always looking content first coz contents are more important than any titles most of time. What they promised me on that date? This is important to me not any reversing. If supports or employees let change the contents whenever they want. They were victimized customers. Customers are always forced to do what they want. Thats ♥♥♥♥in hilarious...
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Ok, I think I misunderstood what you typed in the OP. I thought you were saying that it wouldn't make sense to sell Collector's DLC that didn't include the base game ("Any purchase of Collector's Edition DLC without the base game would not make sense to me right?"), but I think you meant that it wouldn't make sense for you to have purchased the DLC if you didn't know it included the base game.
I wonder if you'd have better luck contacting the Publisher. I'm not sure who changed the package after the purchase and thus who's at fault.
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According to steamdb, the package originally included base game, so it probably displayed like a standalone package on store page (i.e. no "Downloadable Content: This content requires the base game Monochroma on Steam in order to play." message). This is disturbing. I could fall for this ruse and buy the pack too. I wonder if I should start printing store page contents to pdf when I buy the packages, to serve as proof of "provided merchandise does not meet seller description" clause, just in case.
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I've dealt with Steam Support a few times and as long as you keep a few rules,your issue has a much bigger chance to be actually resolved:
Again,none of those guarantee anything,but they increase your chances. Steam Support is not good support,but either you deal with them or you give up.
I suggest you close the current ticket,wait a day or two,then and open another one that looks similar to this(feel free to copy it or add me if you need assistance):
On 14th August 2014,I have purchased a the Package 'Collector's Edition Content' ( Listed under the game 'Monochroma' ( from the Steam Storefront. This Package Included 2 Items: Monochroma,Collector's Edition DLC. The purchase went through and I was happy with it.
A few days ago,I wanted to play the game,but couldn't find it in my library. When going to the store page,Steam does not recognize me as an owner of the game,despite doing so at a previous date (screenshot #1). I believe the game was revoked from my Library,but I am not sure why nor have I received any notification from Steam about it. I hope that you can help me resolve this issue.
The purchase's transaction ID is <transaction ID goes here>
. Also attached is a screenshot(#2) of the receipt I have received in my email when making the purchase.
Thank you."
You need two attachments: First,Screenshot number 3 decensored; Second,a screenshot of your email receipt. List this under issue with Steam,product: Monochroma,Category:Purchases any Payments->Purchase not added to account. Remember to fill out the misc details(Operating System,Account Name,Email for Response,Payment Method,Language).
Best of luck.
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no need to be polite,polite customers tend to being ignored by support like meh this is not important and this guy will calm down eventually , you'll just have to make everything clear and a lot of complaining and also dont forget to mention about valve stopping making games .. you know half life 3 that kind of stuff
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its just some of marketing trick what i just showed you ignorant oldman.. try to think from different perspective will ya, atleast it worked.
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This is what I've learned from support (any support, actually)
Assume the person you are talking to cannot read and will not read.
Speak in one liners.
Use the format of this post as an example.
Be clear. Be very obvious as to the problem.
Do not make paragraphs. Clump relevant points like this. Separate everything else.
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Huh, you made the same thread yesterday but you didn't get any responses o.o
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Hi there,
I'm a member of the steam 4 years ago. I contacted support line several times but this time it's really hilarious I've been waiting for more than a month. Yes thats true. It's been a month. There is no summer sales or xmas sales there. Which mean it can't be an excuse. Also my new tickets are shutting down. Nobody help/care to me. Sounds great right?
Anyway what is my problem? Why am I contacted to support line? I purchased "Soundtrack+Collector Edition Content" on August 14th, which included Monochroma(Base game)+Collector's Edition DLC but have a problem with it(It was 3,99usd). I could access it first day but problem is main game has disappeared a couple of days ago. System or employees remove the BASE GAME that are included in the first content. Steam said you need the purchase main game again but I purchased this pack because it's included "Base game+CE Content" on that date. Thats why i purchased this pack. So what i want? I want refund them as soon as possible but Support Tech Timothy ignored me. He argued ridiculous arguments and deflect my issue.
If no one believes me check this please. There seems to be a period of time Monochroma was available with the Collector's edition content and then was subsequently removed from that SubID. So what should i do? Is there any place I can complain about this situation? Believe me friends it's very very annoying.
I know this post was too long but I don't know what to do.
Also Screenshots:
1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7
Edit: Finally my problem solved. Support tech Burton has resolved my issue. Some techs more insightful than others. Many thanks to everyone who helped. Like @xKomachi. You are best dude. I appreciate for your helps.
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