Can understand the issue with the batteries. But I hate wired products. I want to use least cable/wired products as I can.
Thanks for your answer. Have a good day.
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Never heard about Dobly Access before. Will watch some videos about it. thanks for mentioning it.
Have a good day.
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Do you know if the Logitech G230 are comfortable for people that wear glasses?
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Personally, I never recommend in-ear headphones cause they hurt with extended use at least for me.
I would recommend you Sennheiser. But they are most likely outside your price range.
Get some soft over the ear headphones which does not push too hard and you won't have a trouble with glasses. I use glasses myself when I read. Mine while comfortable as all hell, not that great with glasses so I have the sound going through a speaker if I'm using glasses.
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Do you know some soft over the ear headphones that won't make trouble when I wear glasses?
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Anything that is mostly made of plastic and has smaller speakers. Like most support center grade headsets. I wear glasses as well and never had issues with them. Plastic stretches around your head fast but metal ones stay strong for years if they are good enough.
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It's not clear to me if when you say you want to use the headphones for "music" if that means sitting in a chair listening to music, or if you mean on the go (e.g. with an iPod or phone).
Either way, I would strongly recommend a quality, over the ear headset for gaming and music at home. I do not believe ear buds can match the audio quality of over the ear headsets, nor do they allow for the same level noise cancellation. I wear glasses also and have never had problems with over the ear headsets. You should be able to get something decent in the $60-80 range.
If you want headphones for on the go (with an iPod or whatever) then buy a separate, moderately priced set (something in the $15-20 range). I haven't done the conversion between dollars to Euros, but I'm pretty sure that's still within budget for you.
I still, personally, would not choose ear buds even for on the go use. I've never liked the feel of them, and I believe using some a couple years ago contributed to an ear infection I had. Obviously many people like them and have no problem with them.
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Mostly headphones for music on the go.
I tried the overear headphones from my brother (He has the Sony WH-CH700N and it felt weird and didn't feel comfortable).
Maybe you`re right and I should buy seperate headphones for on the go and gaming.
Thanks for your answer. Have a good day.
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I have frames with flat arms but my glasses are a bit big.
Thanks for you answer and have a good day!
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I use in-ear headphones because I prefer the immersive sound, because they are extremely comfortable if you combine them with good-fitting in-ear tips, and because they don't destroy the hair after several hours of wearing. However, finding the perfect in-ear headphones takes some time because everyone has unique ears, because it depends on the in-ear tips, and because everyone prefers a different sound signature.
If you are looking "bang for the buck" in-ear headphones, I recommend visiting AudioBudget. AudioBudget has a leaderboard of the best "bang for the buck" in-ear headphones. The prices are ranging between $5 and $50. There are some incredibly good in-ear headphones like the LKER i8 and the TinAudio T2, but also great ones like the MEMT X5S, the EINSEAR T2, and the Swing IE800. I recommend all of them. Just make sure to order additional in-ear tips so you won't be disappointed right away if the stock in-ear tips don't fit.
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Will spend some time on the site to find some good in-ear headphones. Thanks for mentioning the site.
Do you also use in-ear headphones for gaming or only music?
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I use these ones and have for years (tried some other earbuds and they all ended up being terrible). That said, if you care about audio quality I would recommend getting a high quality DAC (like this) before worrying about your headphones.
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Do you have cheaper alternative to the headphone amplifiers ?
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I updated the link to the FiiO E10K (had it as the O2+ODAC before I realized that was out of your budget) which is very reasonably priced at $75.
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just got a pair of these the other week and theyre damned good (especially for the price) the company also makes bluetooth ones.
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Well they are overear headphones I guess they will make trouble with my glasses but thanks for you answer and have a good day.
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I'm not sure if you're looking for open-back headphones (my preference for gaming, music, etc in a quiet environment) or closed-back headphones (useful in noisy environments), or portable headphones for on the go, or what exactly.
In general wired will sound better than wireless. Over the ear will sound better than in-ear, and good over the ear phones are very comfortable even with glasses. I like having a pair of headphones at home for general gaming, music, movie use and a small pair of in-ear buds for travel.
Unfortunately, the open-back headphones I could recommend to you (Panasonic HTF-600, Philips SHP9500) have been discontinued, and I haven't found decent replacements yet. For closed back, you should be able to find the Sony MDR-7506 or MDR-V6 in your price range. For protable in-ear buds, the Panasonic ErgoFit are good and dirt cheap.
Wirecutter have a variety of good guides that may help, with sub-guides under each specific catagory:
Comment has been collapsed. lots of good quality in hear headphones
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Well, these are what I use.
I spent quite a bit of time checking mic-quality reviews on Youtube, as far as headsets go it's way better than many of the more expensive options, even by more well-known brands like Logitech.
Sound quality, as far as I'm concerned is just about as good as any other headphones I've used, but I'm not an audiophile.
Pretty sure the only complain most youtubers had were that they were too big for their heads, but my head is on the larger side and I use glasses so that was actually a plus for me. They're very comfortable.
My only complaint is that I sometimes get headphone hair.
It has a single plug but it also comes with a splitter, so you can plug it into a phone or laptop jack, or you can use the splitter for more traditional PC input and output audio jacks.
They are wired only, I believe.
Sades have other wireless models, but quality varies.
I can really only speak for this model.
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When you say in-ear headphones, do you meant in-ear monitors (IEM) or earbuds?. I would recommend an IEM any day for any reason. IEMs have better sound quality at a cheaper price than an over the ear headphone due to it sealing the ear which provides noise cancellation. They're also more comfortable than both earbuds and over the ear headphones. Earbuds always feel like they're falling out, and headphones are heavier and will always have some pressure points that get less comfortable to wear for extended periods.
I use IEMs at the gym and at home I have a 500W surround sound system hooked to my computer for gaming and music. The IEMs sound just as good, if not slightly better than my big speakers. IEMs have great bass response, but you can't feel the bass like you do from a sub-woofer. At the gym, I only hear my music and they block out the sounds of weights clanging and people talking. I forgot to charge my music player once before going to the gym, but I wore the IEMs anyway just to block out the noise.
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New airpods from apple could be a nice choise if you will find a good offer for a discount price. They have good sound and they arent wired. But eventually all bluetooth earphones will end up as a wired earphones. The only way to solve it is to buy earphones with abillity to change batteries. But i dont know such earphones, But there are big variety of headsets with this option. And glasses arent a that much of a problem for a good headset. If i were you i would look for good headset.
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Hello, I have glasses too, and I just want to say how easy it is to lose in-ear wireless earbuds. I would suggest getting Bluetooth headphones or a headset, in my opinion, they sound better and the ones I got have a longer battery life than the earbuds.
But that might just be me.
Merry Christmas~
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I'd say go with on-ear headphones. They wouldn't get in the way of your glasses like over-ear headphones could. Plus you can usually can get good quality with them cheaper than the same level quality in-ear.
Also those little rubber bits on most in-ear can become disconnected while using, requiring careful removal.
As for wired vs wireless, wireless can often suck at battery life. So, search carefully if that's what you want.
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i use these black friday sale years ago though?
it can be bluetoothed, i dont like that too much though. although i did use bluetooth when i used it on a riding lawnmower back in the summer.
and the way the cushion goes around\on top of your ears! helps a bunch keep the outside noises out.
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Hello, I used in-air Sennheiser headphones with my glasses early but it hurt my hears cause long time of using. I'm using SVEN AP-U988MV now but it's need to try on it firsly because it could make troubles sometimes (depends on my hair length for me xD). This headphones have cool 5.1 sound (pseudo 7.1). It have 1 (dis)advantage cause highlight on it work always.
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Nope. They're completely separate.
Surround 5.1 refers to 5 speakers and a subwoofer.
Bluetooth 4.1 refers to software specifications, which included things like:
Mobile Wireless Service Coexistence Signaling
Train Nudging and Generalized Interlaced Scanning
Low Duty Cycle Directed Advertising
L2CAP Connection Oriented and Dedicated Channels with Credit Based Flow Control
Dual Mode and Topology
LE Link Layer Topology
802.11n PAL
Audio Architecture Updates for Wide Band Speech
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I'm talking about surround sound, not about comparison of 5.1/4.1+bluetooth and I don't compare 5.1 surround sound vs bluetooth technology For surround sound 4.1 (it's different themes).
5.1&4.1 have difference in forward speaker that include 5.1 option. Where do u found bluetooth here? Why do u talking about bluetooth?
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you're talking about headphones having 5.1 surround, and that's just not possible.
I googled 4.1 headphones to try to figure out what you were talking about and came across bluetooth 4.1 headphones, so that was an assumption on my part.
But there is no such thing as 5.1 or 4.1 or 7.1 headphones. By its very definition, that's just not possible.
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As I said, it's common to name 4.1 headphones as 5.1 (same to 6.1 and 7.1). And, it's (5.1 or correctly 4.1 headphones) possible - you could found lot of data about it.
I don't understand all terms that u give as differences but I understand some of it and it's not about sound cause it's about "how it's transmit between headphones and main device". Sorry dude.
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HyperX Cloud II.
Great for gaming & music. I also wear glasses, have no trouble wearing Cloud II's. Great sound & build quality.
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+1 for not having any problems wearing glasses with it, it is a comfy af headset. The mic can cause some issues if you are unlucky though.
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Love my Skullcandy earbuds and use 'em for everything (tablet, desktop, phone). They have great bass quality too!
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No doubts at all for at least 20 years of walkman, CD player, MP3 player and smartphones - Sennheiser headphones without thinking a second time.
You can find them the way you want, lots of bluetooth in-ear models for instance.. trust me, you won't be ever disappointed with that company - I recommend it only for headphones by the way, I prefer other brands for what concerns audio electronics (i.e.: microphones), but they're by far in my experience the best brand you can find.
And they are highly specialized in headphones ;)
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When on the street I use in-ear, inside I use some Bose headphones I got from a friend
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Hello guys.
I want to buy new headphones for gaming and for music and I want to spend about 60 - 80 Euro. First of all I think about bluetooth or wired headphones ( I prefer bluetooth).
In addition, I wear glasses and without glasses im literally blind. That's the reason why I think about buying bluetooth in ear headphones.
Any suggestions?
Thanks for every answer.
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