12 keys given away in the last 2 months. Its very sporadic. I think around 4-5 a week is what we are after. So when I say "3) you must be active" I mean, no idling for 2 weeks.
I mean, if you think you can do that, ill give you a shot, but if not, no hard feeling man. Just the way I want to run the group.
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I still think you are a douche. But ironically, all my friends are douches.
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No one liked you in the steam group...you got kicked out...now you just go around antagonizing people. Why don't you go do something productive with you life, instead of reading threads and commenting on things. Completely useless.
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The lack of replies to your post makes me think no :(
But I'll reply just so it doesn't look so lonely
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It wasn't random. I targeted you. You are welcome to decline but I thought your giveaways were very generous and hoped you would consider joining.
Also had a specific question about one of your giveaways that I preferred to be private. I apologize if the invites appeared rude. It was not my intention.
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again, I'm sorry man...I didn't realize you were "golden giveaways" guy. Please excuse me that I did not read your profile before inviting. Please take it as a compliment, as I do not invite everyone.
I would totally like to chat about something...hoping you could give me some advice. If you are willing to help (no I'm not asking for games) please accept my invite. I think you may be an expert in what I am trying to accomplish.
Thanks Zem
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Changed your tune pretty quick there with that edit. http://i.imgur.com/MkfNurT.png
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Yup, enjoy the blacklist. (and not just from me)
We shall rename you. Your new name shall be ....wait for it...wait for it....
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don't worry TrollTroll, someone out there loves Trolls...
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Fail to see how I'm the troll when all I did was point out how rude you were until you realized you had something to gain from the "golden giveaways" guy. You're uncouth and two-faced and your feedback history speaks for itself. Go on and send your blacklist muppets after me. Quite the threat. I really do not care.
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You join someone else's recruiting thread, to look for trolling opportunities...I cant see how in the world you are anything other than a troll.. Do you seriously need a through explanation of "trolling?" Instead of being a productive human being, you stalk other peoples business, instead of doing something with your own life. You are the epitome of a troll. You have no intention of joining a group...when you saw it wasn't for you, you should have left.
Im glad you wasted life investigating me. i thought it was humorous and then changed my mind. Two faced? no, not really. But you sir, are without a doubt, the internet's biggest loser. a Troll. Its official, you have sunk to the bottom. Congratulations.
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Have you filled out the application? Also requires you to take a urine screening. No drugs in this group bud...
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Talk about about bare minimum bro...you entered a lot yourself...don't think this is going to work out.
Good luck to you.
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1 month suspension. Followed by a jar of peanut butter. Come back when you have finished.
Oh...and the dog is a requirement.
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Like, this may sound crazy, but the last 6 people from Poland I invited...were kicked in 3 days. If you can tell me why I have the most problems with people from Poland, then I shall invite you.
This isn't a riddle...like I really want to know.
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So, do giveaways have to remain exclusive to the group, which isn't stated above?
Will people who are level 3 and below be kicked from the group, or allowed to stay?
Should or can giveaways be set to level 4 and above from now on?
Basically, what I'm wondering is, is this the new baseline?
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Giveaways do not have to stay exclusive. If they aren't, its split among the number of groups. Makes it hard to maintain a 3:1 ratio.
No one in group will be kicked as result of changed rules.
You shouldn't set giveaways to any level, as we have eliminated almost all moochers if not all.
Existing members will definitely get a pass for a while. just work your way towards that eventually, but its noted who was in group prior to giveaway.
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OK. FYI, the stats for the group indicate that there are still about 25 people who are level 2 and below:
I assume that some are exceptions you have made, and others may be people you have kicked, but whose accounts haven't sync'ed yet.
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you are 100% right, there are probably only about 7-8 people I made exceptions for. (friends) but the rest likely have been kicked. I have another guy helping monitor (D E M O N) which has been great.
Thanks for asking bud!
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To invite you I am not.
Lets see some more steady giveaway activity and then...
To invite you, I will.
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Why are you not thankful. I expect thanks. And thankfulness! Ungrateful druggie.
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We are again recruiting, eliminate all the naughty moochers.
A few rules
Strictly enforced
1) You must giveaway at least 1 game for every 3 you win. (if you hit 1:5 ill have to remove you) Try and stay on the happy side.
2) You must giveaway at least 1 game prior to winning any games
3) You must be active
4) You must be at least level 4
5) You must have a positive steam gifts ratio (as in you have given away more than you won, although I will consider close calls)
What you get?
A crap ton of giveaway chances in a community of only 200 people.
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