Well, there are still some good games coming out of it.
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More like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699758392
I'm still waiting for it to get released. :/
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Ohhh! That actually sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
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In no ways would I be able to do something like that! I wish :D
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[Speaking as someone that enjoys browsing greenlight every so often:]
There are on average roughly 2 games that stand out per greenlight page, and 4 passable to decent ones (6-8 if you're lenient, but let's take a critical approach). Each page is 30 games. Of the remaining games, assume half don't get greenlit, for the sake of comfortable estimation.
With that assumption, (12|6) 2/3rds of the games released on greenlight are garbage, or 66.6%- not 95%.
Without that assumption (24|6) 4/5ths of the games released on greenlight are garbage, or 80%- still not 95%
Yes, it is unfortunately pretty surely a firm majority (even with the most lenient estimations, we get 10|10, or 50%, which pretty absurd in its own right), but 95% is still not close to correct. :)
Mind you, when you apply subjective valuation to the games, the numbers might seem to be 95%- certainly, that's about what it'd be if I only evaluated off of games that I was personally interested in.
In other words, I'm firmly with you that Valve runs a shoddy shop, and greenlight is a pretty clear expression of their policies- but, at the very least, it's not quite as bad as it seems. ..barely. ;P
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You caught me there, I barely check greenlight. It'ss infuriating that steam client freezes for me each time a youtube video AUTOplays, and greenlight demo videos are youtube ones... As a devil's (and my) attorney - having a good concept on GL doesn't mean that game will leave GL anytime soon. Sadly a lot of good concept is voted on, waiting for the devs to finish it, while the truly cheap ones are just puked out and they slap an EA or done sticker to it, can be sold :\ Also I'm sure that indiegala's demotivation shovelware motivational monday bundles surely enforce the idea in me that GL's majority is a mediocre mess at it's best
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Oh, I so appreciate where you're coming from.
Before upgrading my modem, youtube crashed my internet 100% of the time [due to a specific quirk with Google-based sites]. With the normal store pages, you can deactivate the clips (and they're not youtube besides, so they ran fine for me anyway). With greenlight, Valve forgets to adhere to even basic internet professionalism. :X
And while I end up being pretty pro/con about other sites, I'm not sure I've ever had something nice to say about ScamGala, so don't expect me to argue that point, either. :P I mean, they're a good resource (assuming you don't mind the risk of getting stolen from) for indie visual novels [and shmups and HOGs, but those tend to get rebundled a lot more often on other sites], but they still mostly specialize in shovelware spam. ..'course, Groupees has firmly gone that direction now, as well, and they seem to be holding to even less redeemable inclusions now than IG has.
And none of that is near as bad as Otakumaker or CubicBundle or the like..
There's definitely a horrible culture there that Valve is wholly responsible for permitting [and encouraging], which dominates Greenlight- but that doesn't mean Greenlight and EA don't help support some amazing gems that pass through them.
Off the very top of my head:
And there's hundreds of others, many of which you probably never realized were greenlit (due to them never having been included in greenlight/etc bundles) [though Underrail actually was- lucky bastards what got that bundle =O].
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I'd like to think there is still the same amount of good game on GL, but the shit one's number multiplied :\ I know greenlight's main idea was to not to be controlled, but I think it's more exploited at this point than used, and some quality control could help on it. But I'm still 100% against closing it down, because of the not so many, but wonderful games that happen to be there.
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More like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=699758392
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True, but 95% potatoes probably isn't wide of the mark...
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Greenlight is fine, the problem is Valve not doing anything about released games that end up being exceptionally terrible.
If a game has an overall 'Very Negative' or 'Overwhelmingly Negative' score for a certain length of time (say 6 months) it should be automatically removed from the store.
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Add a minimum number of reviews to that as well- I've seen several games hang around that for months, at just 2 or 3 reviews, and then jump up to positive reviews once they got some attention.
That said, even games like Orion: Prelude and Batman: Arkham Night [ie, ones that redeemed themselves] didn't get down to Very Negative, so otherwise your point seems valid.
'course, I personally think they should remove all videos from their service as well, since they're not bloody putting any effort into making them manageable, searchable, or watchable. Then again, typical Valve..
The fact is, Valve doesn't (and absolutely has never, ever, ever once) care(d) about quality, they just care about quick profits. And those games you're mentioning give Valve a nice cut of trading card profits- they benefit by letting scammy and inept developers flood Steam as much as possible [seemingly assuming that customers will still spend roughly the same amount of money on quality games regardless].
'course, I'm someone who first used Steam just a few months after it went active, and yet found it unusable until 2 years ago (and even then, the store revamp was less to credit than me finally giving in to the enticement of bundles), so I'm certainly not known for tolerating Valve's deliberate, customer-unfriendly ineptitude. :X
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btw wasn't there a game totally fake with a malware "demo"... last year or so?
Regarding ZombieRush, just read their explanation on Steam how this could have happened and how they weren't involved in any of that, haha xD... such fuckwits.
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I take it you're referring to Journey of the Light? [◣‿◢]
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Just like with Early Access it's not really Greenlight that's the issue its Valve's complete lack of moderation. Valve won't step in and handle any problems until a dev has fucked everyone over and begins to have a more direct negative impact on them.
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Oh come on, read that again. I didn't say IP bans. I said track down accounts BY IP. IE cross-reference reviews from accounts and IPs to build up a record of accounts that are being used purely to spoof these reviews.
Then ban them. From reviews only if necessary.
But you're just trying to find something to get upset about, aren't you?
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you know what I member.. when people didn't think their own taste should dictate the taste of everyone else.. When someone thinks a game is garbage, another person may think that game is amazing..
To sum up Greenlight.. outside of times when votes are bought off with free game keys or other unsavory voting tactics, if a game makes it through even a game you think is horrible, people actually told steam they wanted that game..
So the game is released.. if it's truly a garbage game nobody will buy it. Opinions differ between people, your opinion doesn't make something fact... nor does someone else opinion make your opinion less true..
Ultimately shouldn't we all be happy and enjoy games, if they suck... odds are it'll get removed.. If it doesn't suck and people enjoy it and buy it, but you dislike it... just ignore it...
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I just make somebody aware of the whole operation and how did this crap get through Greenlight. That's it.
People will buy crap games for trolling purposes or just to collect cards, so these "devs" will always have some profit.
If the game is broken, it doesn't please anyone.
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60 Comments - Last post 11 minutes ago by Adamdoodles
147 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by devotee
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348 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Microfish
330 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Microfish
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66 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by NymCast
9,988 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ha14
Long story short from the past. The guy (probably dev or a dev's friend) was review-botting Zombie Rush game what made the game to reach the top 100 rated games on SteamDB. Other games were also involved. I believe it might be connected with greenlight voting too!
4 months ago we have all heard it from Steam Spy.
Other sources:
Reddit #1
Reddit #2
Now the spreadsheet with involved games is public again. Original link:
It seems it's quite organized action.
What do you think?
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