especially after this reserve things. your thoughts ??

9 years ago*

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IMO Groupees is pretty good. Although Humble still gets most of my bundle purchases by a large margin, the current 2nd and 3rd place for number of purchases are Indie Gala and Groupees and they're only a few apart. I'm not sure how good their new reserve option really is, because it's a blind purchase. Purely in terms of price, it is better because the cost is lower. But without any clue as to what's in the bundles, I'm often reluctant to reserve them because I could end up with a bunch of games I already own or don't generally like. Groupees bonuses are often a mix of items, and seem to frequently add music or comics or something -- it's typically not all games, like other sites (e.g., Humble) do with their bonuses. That's not necessarily bad, just different. In terms of a site with not-great bundles, that would be Indie Royale for me: they do a lot of "debut" bundles which I always skip, their "mixer" bundles (while a nice idea) haven't gotten me to purchase them, and I feel like their bundles are slightly smaller and higher priced than most others. I've currently skipped 6 in a row, and before that 15, 3, 11, and 11. While I always skip some bundles everywhere, it seems like I skip Indie Royale's the most lately.

9 years ago

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that's pretty much me too

9 years ago

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I buy Groupees bundles more than any other bundle site, so I don't agree.

9 years ago

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toooo much "its on greenlight" junk

best atm is humble and bundlestars

9 years ago

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Yes. It was pretty good and indie gala sucked. Now it's the opposite, indie gala started to do decent bundles and groupees do only greenlight trash. But the worst of the worst is indie royale.

9 years ago

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BUMP regarding this new so called bundle .


or it can even get worse?
3.29 for this trash

9 years ago

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9-11 Steam games for $3.29? Sounds like a TERRIBLE deal.

9 years ago

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by your logic, 200 junk games for 10 cents must be a real good deal.

9 years ago

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$3.29 won't buy me a pint of beer. It's not like it's a lot of money and it was less than half that on pre-order.

I know the games aren't very good but honestly I still can't get over the fact that you can get so many for so little. This is the kind of price I'd pay for one indie game on a cassette in 1986. I don't know, maybe my expectations are low or something, but I don't really see anything to complain about here. I'm like a kid in a sweetshop/candystore with this kind of thing.

9 years ago

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I dont get u . Is it caus of steam game counter . It doesnt make difference even if they give 100 games for dollar when they are garbage . Better get 2 decent then 10 trashy ones.

9 years ago

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I agree it's better to have 2 decent than 10 trashy, but no, it's not about steam game counter.

The way I see it is that if I played them for 5 minutes each before dismissing them then it would take 45 minutes to go through them all. I don't mind paying $3.29 to occupy myself for that amount of time even if I don't find something to my liking at the end of it. I actually doubt I would only play each one for 5 minutes when trying them out. I'm sure one would at least hold my attention for half an hour or so, maybe longer.

In the same sort of way I might pick up a cheap paperback book, read it for half an hour and then decide I don't want to continue. I don't see it as a big loss of either time or money. It's almost an adventure - I might find something I like even if it's poorly rated and if I don't then it was cheap, no big deal.

Plus then I think that someone actually sat down and programmed the game, and probably worked for quite a number of hours for it. Even with something you might class as shovelware, there's still a bit of effort there. I don't mind throwing them a few pennies here and there for their work.

Edit: I'm not trying to say everyone should think the same sort of way as I do, nothing like that. I don't think there's a right or wrong here. Just sharing the way I personally think of bundles in general and Groupees fits in with that as well for me.

9 years ago

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Ok i get ur point . I can see that u are indeed nice person. But there are allways two sides of story . Other side of ur story : how many indees nowdays put little or no effort in their games just to gain easy money ?? Greenlight and guys like u are their best friends.

9 years ago

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Yeah, I can see how it can promote a certain laziness from some devs out there, looking to go straight to bundles almost, putting out crap. Similarly their's straight to DVD/Blu Ray/TV movies that don't ever get shown at the movie theaters, and they're often lower quality too. These devs could well be laughing at me and others, and running off to the bank with the relatively easy money they made.

I don't have much of answer for that in all honesty. At the moment I still hope that there's some stuff I'll like in there too if and when I actually try the games out. Maybe that hope will die one day, or perhaps I'll get bored of it all. If I do then I'll stop buying all these bundles for definite.

9 years ago

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It had rly noce bundles in old times

9 years ago

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I ressurect thee in the name of the Bundle Lord.

Also a valid question now considering all the shut down turmoil there over the last few years.

9 months ago

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please don't spam old threads for no reason and of course they are rubbish now

9 months ago

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It's not spam, it does you no harm whatsoever, and it was of course a valid question. You are saying they are rubbish now. That implies you understood the reason and I appreciate the response. I feel it's better to use existing threads on a topic rather than create new ones.

9 months ago*

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well i guess it wasn't sorry and yes as was stated and also what i say here

i wouldn't trust where and how they get the keys and mostly they are over priced for what they offer anyway

9 months ago

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Hey, I appreciate the link.

It's crazy that they would be so brazenly shady. I definitely will not be buying stuff from them.

9 months ago

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To be honest, I'm surprised I didn't see a discussion about this on steamgifts a few months ago
Maybe I missed the thread on it.
But essentially the answer is here:

9 months ago

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Good looking out. That was interesting.
New owners, purchases not being fulfilled, potential sale of stolen keys.

I appreciate the answer. I will steer clear of Groupees.

9 months ago

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Yeah the comments on their current lego bundle are all either getting the wrong game or not getting anything at all.

9 months ago

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9 months ago

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Thank you for that insightful update.
I was wondering why their new bundles weren't being posted here, and this answers it.

9 months ago

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It wasn't great, but now it just seems outright mess. Like there is something weird going on. It is not acting like a bundle site.

9 months ago

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It is weird that there would be new owners keeping the site alive by using what seems like completely messed up methods. I wonder who the new owners are.

9 months ago

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