Is there a program that automatically picks and plays the least played 32 random games?

2 years ago

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Why would you want something like that?

2 years ago

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...Farm cards.... Sell cards..... Profit! (Ehm, profit... Few Euros...)

2 years ago

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he only has 360 games, the rest are free games, it wouldn't give him any more extra cards. There's some free games valve gave away that do drop but it's not the thousand or so he added to his account. The 99% of the games he has on his acc will never have cards.

2 years ago

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There are probably thousands of programs that do exactly this. Personally I've always wanted one that does this but with 31 games and no one has made it. It has made me very sad.

2 years ago*

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I really like your comment. Thank you :)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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By the power of two, I compel you to repent for your sins and convert back to the holy numbers!

2 years ago

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Now I am intrigued.

What is the point of having a wishlist on Steam with 96348 things on it?

2 years ago

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It is to crash your own computer every time you try to load the wishlist to prevent yourself from spending money on games

2 years ago

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xD xD

2 years ago

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Phaha, a wise person you are indeed!

2 years ago

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Happy Cakeday, orio!

2 years ago

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Many thanks, skadogg! Hope you have a good upcoming week!

2 years ago

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Happy Cakeday :o)

2 years ago

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Thank you, Masafor! It’s my first year, but I’ve grown to recognize your name and avatar :)

2 years ago

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Thats good to know ;o)

Have a cake for this.

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Chanced upon your comment. Happy cakeday!

2 years ago

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That's nice of you, thanks KoRayven :)

2 years ago

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happy birthday

2 years ago

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thank you! I like your username a lot!

2 years ago

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thanks white list for you

2 years ago

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Aww thanks!!! I’d already whitelisted you a while back, in case you enter some giveaways in the future :)

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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What an amazing cake, and it's even a rabbit, thank you veebles!!!

2 years ago

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Happy cakeday on old topic

1 year ago

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Please don't necro threads.
You have added nothing to the OP or discussion.
Veebles has his own current discussion you could have commented in, instead of doing this.

1 year ago

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Happy cake day!

2 years ago

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thanks very much :)

2 years ago

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Lmao! Happy cake day!

2 years ago

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Happy cakeday :)

Also nice comment ;)

2 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!!

2 years ago

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happy cakeday!

2 years ago

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happy cakeday!

View attached image.
2 years ago

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That looks delicious :) thanks for sharing!

2 years ago

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lol ! Happy cakeday !

2 years ago

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I wanna get in on this! Happy cakeday! :)

2 years ago

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Thanks so much, MoonQueen3 :)

2 years ago

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+1 xD

2 years ago

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What is the point of having a wishlist on Steam with 96348 things on it?

I think they actually meant to add this to their wishlist, but got confused on the details. 🤔

2 years ago

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I almost made that same mistake, I don't blame them.

2 years ago

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Did you used to have a different name here on SG?

2 years ago

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I don't think so. I think I've stuck with this one the whole time.

2 years ago

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Dang! I felt bad for my 3k, now im feeling normal

2 years ago

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Because sometimes you forgot the names of the games you really want and the wishlist is perfect just for that purpose.

2 years ago

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Check my post and try replying again. Over 96k items on a wishlist goes against exactly what you wrote.

2 years ago

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How about you actually play some of those games yourself instead of farming cards and unlocking every cheevo at the same time?

2 years ago

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because there sad and have no life - if they don't want to play games then don't bother if i was them

2 years ago

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Still... I would be genuinely interested to know why they do that. I don't see the point of artificially inflate your playtime and the number of 100% completed games. I could imagine a kid doing that if they kinda wanted to brag, but in OP's case... the way it's done, over 4 or 5 accounts (if you count their alts), it's not even subtle. You can see at a quick glance that they use a third-party program so that can't fool anyone... and therefore, why do that at all? O_o Sadly, I don't think OP will take the time to explain themselves.

2 years ago

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Do these alts use SG? That's a ban for all accounts involved if so.

2 years ago

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No, it doesn't seem like they have their own SG account. Sorry for the late reply.

2 years ago

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I'm not aware of any programs that do this, but you could Google "random choice generator" and input names of each of your games (though this is tedious and time consuming, you could sort your games by time played on Steam and only input the ones with the least time played).

Another option is to Google "random owned steam game" and the 1st result will let you put the link of your Steam profile. It has a filter for "Unplayed Games", but that still doesn't allow you to select multiple games or choose "less than X hours played" (I guess you could reroll the result though).

2 years ago

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i guess asf can do that but i also can't see why

2 years ago

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Not out of the box at least. And if there is a plugin like this - I'm unaware about it.

2 years ago

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how come?

!play <bot> id1,id2

starts to play those 2 games
I tried it just now, and it works

2 years ago

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Then read again what topic author wants.

2 years ago

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but i also can't see why

To fake the game time in more games, and easier, as the way he use now.

2 years ago*

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Damn, your 2 weeks have a lot of hours.... mine have only 336h
Teach me da way

PS.: Good luck with getting all your wishlisted games

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2 years ago*

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Steam counts playtime separately for each game, and can run up to 32 games simultaneously (with some hacks even 33 IIRC). So, 336 * 32 is the maximum.

2 years ago

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Ah, thanks for the answer :o)

2 years ago

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Erm.. Why 32? I didn't even knew there was a limit.. It's set from Steam itself?

No sane person would run more than 2-3 games at the same time and that would be mostly to test their pc limits.. (not counting card farming)
So how we know this 32? Also.. even with a hack why simply a +1 making 33 and not more? (say pc limit isn't a problem -> pc crashing)

or you mean that the playtime feature can only count up to 32 games at a time but generally it's unlimited?

2 years ago

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Why 32?

Ask Valve

It's set from Steam itself?


So how we know this 32?

Obviously, not because someone playing 32 games at a time. It was initially found by people who reverse-engineered steam protocols for various reasons.

or you mean that the playtime feature can only count up to 32 games at a time but generally it's unlimited?

It means that steam tracks what games you start on your PC, and it can only track up to 32 steam games. In theory - you can run more, but Steam will only detect and send to it's servers information of up to 32 games.

even with a hack why simply a +1 making 33 and not more?

No that's tricky. As I said, Steam detects up to 32 games. But Steam also have a feature to add non-steam games to steam, and it send information about running this game too. That information is send separately from actual Steam games, so this is like +1 field in the protocol. And I've heard that people were able to send information about Steam game as this field, effectively making maximum of detected games 32+1. I haven't tested it and honestly, not even interested in the topic, so this information can as well be wrong.

2 years ago*

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Nice tidbit, didn't know that mate!

2 years ago

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Where TF did you get all these asian games and why do you want to "fake" play them? I don't know, but all that games looks like things you can download and play the same day.

2 years ago

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Congratulation now with one glance on your profile people can see that you're cheating.

Wheres the gain?

2 years ago

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Ironic, this is from a guide he wrote

How to make the trust factor green?

  1. Do not use cheats.

2 years ago

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Wheres the gain?

He will have the biggest numbers of all :-D

2 years ago

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I see all your reviews also just say Bruh or one foreign word that probably means the same stuff. I assume you're shooting for those people that go to reviews and say "wow so "cool" this guy has 10k hours in this game!", or am I wrong?

2 years ago

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people like you are the worst you leach wins and never give back and you then brag about not even wanting to play them - well not with my games you don't blacklisted you

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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thanks it feels a bit weird that people are agreeing with me

2 years ago

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I recommend setting level 1 on your giveaways if you're worried about this sort of user. This would stop leaches like this guy more efficiently, who haven't even given away a single game.

2 years ago

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Level 1? They have a single giveaway 4 years ago.

Level 2? Gave away like 5 games, 3 years ago.

Of course this did not stop them racking up hundreds of wins.
There is no wonderformula

2 years ago

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This ^^ exactly
Welcome in whitelist
Thats why i will never create no level GA or even lvl 1

2 years ago

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Wigglenose, sadly people who wants to play games just go ahead and buy them and don't seek sites where they can leech. No matter how people try to cry steamgifts is charity, it is mainly meeting of leechers, idlers, multiaccounters and resellers. 95% of users don't even look on names of games they are entering, maybe because of autojoin scripts, maybe because they don't even care.
I barely do any public giveaway because of such people and if I do, it goes to level 5 and higher. I tried out to giveaway games in groups that requires playing, even when it sounds funny setting a rule to "play a game", when someone enter for it for some reason. The most sad is instead of people enjoying their wins I found people who cheat playing, don't even care of saying thank you (yeah, it is a win, but they still got for free something for other pays) and one of my unbundled giveaways in such groups was maybe resold, cause winner had game hidden.
Over year ago I started whitelist my old winners that really played games from me and people randomly met on forums and groups, on which accounts I am 100% sure they really played win for joy. After year I found 30 such people (with 2 exceptations). So if I want game played, I don't do a giveaway for.

2 years ago

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I've been doing level 2 giveaways mostly, but I've been thinking of bumping it up. As far as I know, every game I've won that wasn't in the middle of a series I have actually played (and the one I remember deciding I was going to delay playing, I commented that I was going to wait until I had the entire series and the person was okay with it), at least for a few hours... but when I just randomly look around the site it does seem like I'm an exception, not the rule. I really don't know what, if any, solution there is, but I would rather not stop doing giveaways altogether because of it.

2 years ago

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I set level 5 for public GAs.
That lowers the stress and problems with the winners extremely, compared to level 0-2.

Mostly because my BL have 1k in it, with only lvl 5+ users, so i can't block the black sheeps that are lower as that, without to set a level limit

2 years ago

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SG is mainly meeting of leechers, idlers, multiaccounters and resellers

If you are looking at the pure user base, yes, this has always been true because every Level 0 account is part of the user base. But in the "good old days" a couple of years back, the community who used this forum - which, kinda, is the community, anyways - was way friendlier, camaraderie was way stronger and nearly all people felt like they were in it together, like they were all part of something special and were sticking together and even standing up for one another.

Those times have passed, sadly, and they will never come back. In the end, SG is a mirror of society and the gaming society.

2 years ago

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I also blacklisted him.

If people are ready to cheat achievements and playtime they are ready to cheat anything anywhere and their achievements and playtime are also worthless.

This is why it is best to join some groups and see which ones do you like and do GAs for these groups. Or if I want to do public ones I think level 3+ works best for me.

2 years ago

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true i guess i should always level restrict or group restrict my giveaways

2 years ago

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Just checked and he has 348 games while he also has 2538 perfected games? 9,530.0 hours past 2 weeks and the list goes on. This is not even leech, this is something different. I don't understand people like these. He has a reason for everyone to blacklist him.

2 years ago

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Well, for some people even being alive is a reason to blacklist, so yeah, you're right.

2 years ago

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well to be fair we had a dis agreement in the past but at least your not try to fake your account on Steam for reasons best known only to them

2 years ago

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Personally I've never met such people here, though heard about some, but with this attitude OP doesn't have to go that far I guess.

2 years ago

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Just a friendly reminder that personal attacks and hate speech are forbidden on steamgifts (unlike winning games and not playing them). You can get suspended for this.

2 years ago

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it not personal but i dislike people like this who really are just there to fake and con people

2 years ago

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I just wanted to warn you that your comment above is against the rules. What to do about it (if anything) is entirely up to you.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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ill write the program you request if you post $10 worth of giveaways.

2 years ago

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Don't undervalue your time.

2 years ago

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dont worry about me, i got a time machine, guess who really knocked up the "virgin" mary.

2 years ago

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I don't get it, what is he even trying to accomplish?

2 years ago

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You know how some people grow extremely long nails? Like, longest nails of them all? It's inconvenient, it makes no sense, but they just do it. Well, this person does more or less the same - trying to maximize all numbers they can on their steam account: number of perfect games, number of wishlisted games, playtimes in last two weeks, etc. They also want all their games to have maximized playtime too, but steam only allows up to 32 games running simultaneously, and they are too lazy to rotate games manually, so they want automated way to do it. It's inconvenient, it makes no sense, but like people with longest nails - they just do it.

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2 years ago

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I guess I kinda understand what's going on now, incredibly pointless tho.

2 years ago

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apparently they have (at least) 4 other accounts they do this crap on...

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I think he's trying to make his steam account look more legit for CS:GO. If I'm not mistaken if your account isn't just playing csgo you get matched with people that are less likely to be cheating.

2 years ago

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That would make a lot more sense.

2 years ago

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  1. Sort your games by playtime

  2. Go here and change 10 to 32

  3. Take the number generated, and count up from the bottom of your games list.

2 years ago

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Playnite has a random picker and huge amounts of filters to play with

2 years ago

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So, OP, would you care to explain why you use third-party programs to increase your playtime and unlock achievements? I don't understand why someone would do that and would like to know your reason(s) to do so.

2 years ago

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I'm not OP, but my explanation of the phenomena is above, if you want it.

2 years ago

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could the request be to play VS IA on games where you cant? (but i doubt multiaccount is allowed everywhere, as seen above on CSGo)
anyway, dont like so much this kind of profile so...

2 years ago

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Thanks, I've read your post... Sure, to other people, increasing playtime (or having the longest nails ever) doesn't really make sense but I guess the person doing it must have their reasons, something other than "I just feel like it". ;) But yeah, at this point, we can only hypothesize.

2 years ago

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frankly, even though you should "never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." I'd still say it's for scamming.

like, most people when they get an invite on steam, they'd check the profile. when they see a low lvl, little to no games, hardly any playtime etc they quickly jump to conclusion it's a scambot so they just block and ignore but when they see a lot of playtime in multitude of games, achievements, lost of friends, positive comments and such on they profile they might be more likely to believe they're dealing with a real person. and since this account seems to focus on csgo badge, guides, reviews and as someone pointed out above this person is likely doing that thing on several accounts I'm inclined to believe it's all to scam people. either directly or by selling "legit" looking accounts to "real" scammers
although, you know, "never attribute to malice..."

2 years ago

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+1 this is exactly what it is basically. Accounts for separate things, a comment bot, 1 separately for "trading", 2 other sperate "main?" profiles. Unless he was planning on losing some of them eventually due to whatever reason it doesn't add up. 300 games on the account yet farming 10k hours in games that don't even count. 99% game completion, out of the 3000 free packages installed. Doesn't actually have any relevant cs go items to trade, so what is he trading. Just sus all the way.

2 years ago

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Oh, that's a good guess. I would have never thought of that, but that would make sense. Thanks for your input. ^^

2 years ago

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i can understand if you use sam (steam achievment manager) for achievments that got broken from 3rd party extensions, if your achievments are bugged (ultimate chicken horse, you could get the win 20 sudden death achievment without playing sudden death once or resident evil 5 ... i don't know how but played coop with a friend and he got the story achievment, but i did not) or to remove achievments to replay a game. i've idled games when i started with steam and humble free games when i was still in school. card drops, ig items and booster packs helped me to offset game cost if i wanted anything. but just game idling ... well i don't understand it either

2 years ago

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Oh sure, unlocking broken cheevos if devs aren't fixing the issue and idling cards, I'd say that's pretty common / normal. I have idled games myself to get the card drops... but in OP's case, nothing that you have mentioned seems to apply to them.

2 years ago

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Well for example there are games people get for free from various sites (NOT Steamgifts) and those games are usually very shady: there were and probably there are still undiscovered cases of random shovelware """games""" having crypto miners or even malware in their files. Valve claims they get rid of all these games but can you really trust them when it only takes 100 dollars (not a lot of money considering most monthly wages plus savings) to upload your very own game made with free Unity assets and a surprise malicious file? I'd rather not risk actually installing and playing any of those games, thanks.

Besides, why do you care if someone uses a program to unlock achievements and increase their playtime? It doesn't affect you in any way.

2 years ago

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So if something doesn't affect me personally, I'm not allowed to ask questions in order to get a better understanding? K.

So far, I've only seen guesses from other users. I was just genuinely curious to know OP's motives. I don't see anything wrong with that.

That being said... I might be dense but I don't see how your example relate to OP's use of third-party programs. Hang on. Say you have acquired some of those shady games and you don't want to install them. Fair enough. Those shady games probably won't have cards if Steam is "still learning about them", but I think they could have achievements. So ok... you unlock them all with SAM because... you absolutely need 100% completion. Still, why would you idle them for 100s if not 1000s of hour? Even if they had cards, dropping them surely wouldn't take that long. I think that your explanation would work (better) if OP only had those dubious games in their library -or if only those had insane playtime and all cheevos unlocked-, but that's not the case.

2 years ago

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Idle Daddy for Android.

2 years ago

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+1 , good app

2 years ago

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