Just to add to what I said, I have the exact same setup (it seems to be one of the most popular combinations on the AMD side), and even on ultra settings, the framerate can usually hit or surpass 60.
If you're willing to spend a bit more money, you can also get either an R9 280x or a GTX 770.
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You'll be able to run almost every 2013 game on high I guess. Depending on your display resolution. If your monitor is 4K-enabled...
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i have that card and cpu, yes it can run 2013+ games at 60fps on ultra but 144fps? lol no.
A GTX Titan can't even run games like Metro Last Light, Crysis 3, Battlefield 4 and Batman Arkham Origins at 144fps. These games are just are not optimized well enough, maybe when Mantle releases in December you will see a big boost in performance with AMD cards for supported games like Battlefield 4 but even then i doubt the 7950 will hit 144fps.
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Majority of single cards won't be able to run games at 144 fps on maxed out settings. OP would need to SLI eventually. However, I genuinely have no idea why someone cares so much about FPS above 60... 60 and 120 already look extremely similar, I imagine 144 is just overkill. As long as you're able to sustain 60 fps, you do not need more fps to have a fluid gaming experience.
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If the OP wants ShadowPlay, PhysX, and the ability to stream to a Shield, that could be a great card.
If not, the 7950 has a larger memory interface, meaning that it'll be bogged down a bit less by ultra high res textures and/or large amounts of post-processing. Mantle also has the potential to make the 7950 significantly better in the games which will support it, so it may be worthwhile to go AMD just in case that's successful.
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While theoretically true, every review Ive seen has the 7950 laggin behind the 670, even at higher resolutions. With the awesome cooler that is the twin frozn and the factory overclock as well as a lower cost (atm) the 670 is my vote.
Also, I dont put much faith in "maybe" or "down the road" kind of speculations as far as Mantle is concerned.
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The 670 usually gives slightly higher performance than the 7950, but only by a few frames, not something that you'd notice during normal gameplay. However, for the price (which would have to be Amazon's), I'd agree that the 670 is a better buy if you don't trust in Mantle, even if only for the NVIDIA specific features that I mentioned. Whether or not to trust Mantle is kinda up to the OP, though.
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The 8350 is what I'm getting :D! But anyway, I don't think 7950 can achieve 144 fps though... What's your limit for your budget?
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You don't have to have 144fps to experience fluidity on 144Hz monitor. Fluidity will always be there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CML9GaMSdg
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This... If OP really wants high fps, go for a 120 Hz monitor, you won't see a difference when compared to 144 Hz. Unless you plan on playing in 3D (which you haven't mentioned). Using the extra money to get a 7970 would be a better choice imo.
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Get a 280x instead of the 7950, and you don't need a huge CPU upgrade. Spend more on your GPU. Don't worry about a 144hz monitor, seems like a waste since most games are moving up from refresh rate to resolution anyways.
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No offense, but OP, please ignore this person. Getting a 280x instead of a 7950 is fine, but it's just a more expensive, more powerful card. There's no massive advantage that can justify the extra $50-75, aside from the expected performance increase.
As far as the CPU goes, never underestimate the importance of a good processor. Every game has a max framerate for a CPU, which normally isn't noticeable, because there's a GPU bottleneck anyways. However, the less powerful your CPU is, the lower that framerate is, and the sooner you'll run into games where, no matter what graphics settings you use, you can't get the FPS to a good level.
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Thanks for the suggestions guys! After all I've read,I'm now sure i'm sticking with the AMD setup.
However I'll reconsider getting a 144Hz monitor,and aim for a 120Hz one.
Also people seem to have missunderstood me as I said I wanted to see ih i could get 60+ (120) fps on HIGH settings,not ultra high,I'll be more than happy with 60 on ultra
Also,can anyone confirm to me that the ''Asus ve248h'' monitor is 120hz? It's like 180$ which is an awesome price for such a monitor.
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Nowadays people are hyping overclockable Korean 27" monitors with 2560x1440 resolution. Overclocking a monitor means increasing the refresh rate and people have been getting at least 96Hz and some monitors even go above 120Hz. They go for about $350 including shipping, which is a bargain for that kind of monitor. Downsides are the build quality of the housing (panels are the same as the ones used in more expensive monitors) and very limited warranty or none at all.
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Can anyone tell me any 120Hz monitor that is cheaper than the ASUS VG248QE (270$)? I was thinking i could get a 120Hz monitor for maybe 50-60 dollars less than a 144hz one,but if the difference is like 20$,I will ofcourse pick up the 144hz one
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Please I just need clarification on this and then i can close the thread
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Why sacrifice picture quality by buying a tn panel? I would much rather a monitor that looks amazing with good color reproduction and viewing angles then something that can display at 120-144hz. a 7950 won't play everything at 120 fps and if you're not utilising the extra hz then why even have the monitor in the first place. 60 fps is more then fine for 95% of games out there. Don't you want to actually enjoy what the game looks like, not that it can run at 100+ fps?
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Look,the difference between 60 fps (60 hz) and 120 fps (120hz) is day and night the latter looks much,much better and to be honest i preffer fluidity and picture and movement sharpness than colours,and also i am playing pc games here,from the chair not a couch so viewing angle isn't a problem for me.
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Well your 7950 won't be enough then pal. I'll enjoy my IPS display, you can enjoy your TN display. I never told you to do what I said, I was just advising you on the disadvantages of a 120hz TN panel.
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I currently have the LG IPS231 monitor but I've seen some samsung 120hz monitors in game caffes and the game experience is much better so i think i will go with the 120hz.
Thanks for the opinion
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Modern FX CPUs aren't much better than late-model Phenom II CPUs. Unless you have a few CPU-limited games in mind, I'd concentrate on putting more money into your GPU.
As for GPU, your selection is good. Nvidia offers nothing comparable in price at that performance level. But if price is no concern and you want the best single card FPS (no single-card SLI/CF), The AMD R9 290X beats the 780 at most gaming benchmarks for about 80% of the price.
The AMD R9 290X is almost as high-performance as Nvidia's Titan, for far less money and no stuttering issues caused by multi-GPU solutions.
I doubt we'll see Nvidia with a response in the next six months. I think they'll be too busy with their Tegra mobile GPUs, which they're putting in smartphones and tablet PCs. I do believe that tablet PCs will surpass consoles after this coming generation, and Nvidia's in on the ground floor. This experience should translate back to desktop PCs well.
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LMAO a tablet replacing a console. Those are two very different ball parks my friend. A tablet will never replace a feature rich living room experience, ever. The tablet is trying to replace the notebook if anything and it hasn't. it's just making room for itself.
And as far as you thinking nvidia has nothing comparable to the 7950, a 670 is the same price +/- a couple bucks. With higher performance. LinusTechTips has always benched the 7970 against the gtx 670 because they were closest in price and the 7970 is a tier higher. Prices on the 670 have gone down to 7950 levels and it can't compete.
Please don't try and spread word that is false.
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Unfortunately for you, the R9 290X can beat the 780, but can't when you actually buy it.
The reason? The stock cooler unit on it can't cool the card fast enough even with normal use, thus slowing down the clock speed. On the other hand, the GTX 780 has a good stock cooler, thus is able to beat the R9 290X practically.
I highly doubt you know what you are saying here. The Titan is not meant for gaming, and it never will. Also, AMD's CrossFire is still not as good as Nvidia's SLI.
Uh, they kinda do have a response. The GTX 780 Ti will probably release within the next six months. Also, tablets can't surpass consoles when it comes to gaming experience yet. The experience probably won't translate back to the desktop PCs.
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So yeah,I plan to upgrade this lil' thing i have sitting near me,my PC.
In it i currently have the Radeon HD 6700 and AMD FX 4100
I can get 60 fps on high on pre 2010 games but anything above can't reach that.I can get 60 fps on medium and low,but that's not the point.
I want to get the Radeon HD 7950 and AMD FX 8350.Do you think this can run 2013+ games on atleast high (not ultra) at 60+ fps?
The reason i want 60+ is because along with this i plan on getting the ASUS VG248QE monitor that has 144hz,which i need a pc capable of doing 144+ fps on games,to get the fluidity.
So yeah,can my (new) pc run games at 144fps? So that I can pick the monitor up?
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