How do you find the puzzle difficulty?
edit: Please see EDIT1 for help
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I left another clue, that one is arguably the easiest one to understand, is just 2 clicks away from this thread.
edit: Check EDIT4, I've made way easier to input the code correctly now! And if not check with Valve... 2 clicks away
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Check EDIT2, I think now you'll be able to be the first to complete the puzzle :]
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Or just check on the wikia of such games, the answers are of single words so that makes them easy! Also q10 has 2 valid answers now and I can confirm that you've played it on Steam, however you don't have q9 game on Steam.
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Think of what character was on your wrist pretty much the whole game, and that it was in your best interest to see him smiling and happy! He's pretty iconic
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Since I haven't done any major update to the puzzle today I will give you a huge hint... everyone is waiting for the 4th game to be announced on this E3
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I'm stuck at Q4 and Q10 :3
I could wait 24h, but I'm so anxious ._.
EDIT: got Q10, feeling silly I didn't get it before.
Now, only Q4 to go...
EDIT 2: GOT IT... in my defense, it was a long time ago since I played it...
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You actually made me laugh hahaha you managed to "unstuck" yourself in about 15-20min with no further hints, congratulations!
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To be honest, the hardest part for me was finding the puzzle. Because I had aready read the puzzle guide, I didn't read it again. Two days later I did, and everything made sense :p
The Q4 was hard because I wasn't finding it looking for the date... until I did and I was like "oh, sure"
Q10... I played that one a lot, but you know how sometimes you don't realize a name is a name, if that makes any sense? xD
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Right now I am too stupid. Only found clues #2 and #3. I will give it another try later.
Thanks anyway :)
Edit: Now I feel really stupid, that I did not see clue #1 :(
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Actually clues 1, 2 and 3 are meant to be used together to understand the proper use of the FINAL clue ;)
It's not that hard to use the final clue.
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But sometime you just don't see the most obvious things. I will try later.
Edit: .... (feeling even more stupid) why did you not name the clue "#4" :(
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Because it's the FINAL clue, the most important one D: the others are only clues to help you understand that one
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Found the puzzle. The hints are very good - with a clear head. Thanks.
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Then those ones are the most important clues, without them you couldn't understand the final one. MINDFUCK
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No, I did find a puzzle with the same mechanic and NO clues by myself, but I didn't want to be so mindfucking... I might just state that the 3 first clues are optional, the important one is the FINAL one
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Well, you need to find my first bread crumb! Then there's 3 clues to help you use a FINAL clue, then you'll face the true puzzle and if you succeed you'll find my Pain Train! It's painful but not THAT painful, I've seen way worse
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Yes I supposed that the usual puzzle solvers wouldn't have too much troubles, for everyone else I even mentioned a guide but I guess only truly enthusiasts will actually type "puzzle guide" in the damn Discussions search bar...
However I'm quite curious to know if someone will solve the puzzle without any further hints. I might reconsider shorten the time until the hints are shown if people have too much trouble :]
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You all have 1 week, also after 24h the years appear, this might be quite handy for your Google Fu!
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You can enter 3 more GAs now, have until saturday to do so! (if you haven't finished the puzzle, now you can)
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I've only gotten Q3 and Q4 so far, but I wanted to say the question for Q3 is only used for that character in the version of his game that was released around 8 years later. It could apply to other characters in the games in the series between those two, whose names I originally put in, but not to any games in the series that were released before the game referenced in Q4, if that vagueness made any sense.
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Oh crap, you are absolutely right! In the first entry it doesn't apply... I got carried away by the famous meme, will edit Q3. Thanks a lot!
edit: since it was my mistake I added 2 extra descriptions of Q3, now it's going to be the easiest one.
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If you don't know the answers just wait 24h, I inputed plenty of hints! You also have a whole week to take it easy with a few answers each day :]
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Yeah I messed up... I wanted to change it to 60min from monday on, but now I can't :(
I promise to give you more hints for the difficult questions, just ask them on my 2nd comment like perrolijo did please
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You can enter 3 more GAs now, have until saturday to do so! (if you haven't finished the puzzle, now you can)
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If you are quite sure about the game, check the US release year and then proceed to check the spelling of the character on the wikia! I've added multiple hints now
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You can enter 3 more GAs now, have until saturday to do so! (if you haven't finished the puzzle, now you can)
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Stuck on Q7&8
I think I might have the right games though, just not the right characters
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Check the game's wikia for spelling of names, they are both of less than 5 letters :]
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I think Q7 is definitely the game I was thinking about, I just have no idea who the character is.
I was wrong about Q8's game though.
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I just edited my answer with more details. Q8 is not on Steam, but it's previous game remastered edition is! (although it should be on steam, scumbag Studios)
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Ho ok, I was looking for a game that was on Steam
EDIT : it has not been released on Steam, but is it still released on PC or not ?
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Sadlly... it's the best game of its (small) franchise and it's the only one that isn't on PC... I just checked today because of you and Perrolijo observations, will update hints on puzzle since it's a console exclusive :/
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Alright, then I think I know which game it is, but I can't get the right name...maybe there's a trick since I'm pretty sure what game it is now.
And the character I'm thinking of also appears in the 3rd like you said, but the name I found has 6 letters
EDIT : ok got Q8
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EDIT3 done thanks to you! This will be more helpful for everyone
edit: when you finish the puzzle please state which character you were thinking of on the first GA, I'm curious to know
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You can enter 3 more GAs now, have until saturday to do so! (if you haven't finished the puzzle, now you can)
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Well wish you have time on friday since the GAs end on saturday, also there are a lot of hints on the puzzle now :]
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But to be fair I've been surprised with some puzzle solvers before, there are some obscure games that have been found with little information :]
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bump for solved ! I was about to give up on Q7 ^^ thanks for the hints
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Yeah, the puzzle difficulty went from Hard to Normal. I might take it to Easy tomorrow if people are still too confused
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Thanks for the expanded hints. Will try again - and again - .... :)
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Yes, not only added more specific hints but added one on Q11 too! Good luck now
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You can enter 3 more GAs now, have until saturday to do so! (if you haven't finished the puzzle, now you can)
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Suggestion: Q10 needs another correct answer. It's the same character, just an alternative name for them. I was confused that this other name was not accepted and I gave up on an originally correct idea :-)
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Yes, it has been added by perrolijo's suggestion, now there are 2 correct answers (sorry to have only included the name in the english tongue, lol)
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Congratulations! Don't worry, no one has been able to complete without hints! I've spread a lot of hints to make your lives easier for the games you haven't played yet
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So close now! Q2 is ultra super famous, Q5 is arguably the best RPG of its handheld console :]
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Are all answers supposed to be in line with the puzzle title? For example Q11 doesn't seem to indicate that, are there other questions that are outside of the genre? Only got 2 right answers so far. Going to have to come back tomorrow and think a bit more.
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Q1 to Q10 are all characters of classic console RPGs, some of them are even on Steam! (well Q6 isn't a classic, check Edit2)
Q11 is a bonus question, it has multiple answers, 2 of them are super easy. Think what's the most OBVIOUS to answer it.
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Yeah, there are 5 possible answers, you got 1 of the 2 most obvious ones! I just wanted a bonus questions tu insert more hints for you guys :]
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Go here plz
So I've been gathering some games for this... MY FIRST TRAIN!
But I didn't want to be a normal train, so this is also MY FIRST PUZZLE!
Prize: A 10-wagon Train! First wagon is Level 0 and last one is level 3, then plenty in between!
All 10 GAs end on Saturday May 16th at 11am (GMT-6)
Feedback on the poll is appreciated :]
Good luck and have fun!
Now, for the first bread crumb, look for the image, and the for the info hidden there...
Tier 1 (Very Hard - Hard Puzzle)
Tier 2 (Normal - Easy Puzzle)
They will last until saturday 23 and are just Level 1, you have 1 more week to complete the puzzle if you were already participating, PLZ GO NOW
VERSION HISTORY (from "Fuck you... very hard" to "PIECE OF CAKE" version)
Edit1: So people are having troubles finding the puzzle and are telling me to go fuck myself (LOL), so I'll clarify that the only thing that matters to find the puzzle is THE FINAL CLUE (now called Reaper Raw Code), however to be able to properly input the characters I layed down 3 clues that the Puzzle Lovers found really easy but the rest of you didn't. I'm also facilitating the link to Zelgh's awesome guide since most of you are so damn lazy -___-
Edit2: If you find the final puzzle, it's not that hard... but the hardest is Q6 since it's the only game not regarded as an RPG classic. As an extra hint it's a game published by Konami and it has the character in the cover of the game. This is a spinoff game of its franchise, besides this one Konami only released an HD remaster of the 2 main titles, so no 4th game... F*ck you Konami! Not even a Steam release for the HD games! (sorry for digressing)
Edit3: Now each question of the puzzle has 3 hints, this will make your lives much easier, you just have to wait 24h to answer those answers you don't know, but if you've played some of the games the answer will be super easy for you! You'll have to wait for the hints to use your Google Fu though
Edit4: So I uploaded a new image with far easier instructions now, I think you won't be needing much more help now to find the questions.
Edit5: Decided to make public the year of each game so you won't wait 24h, then added some hints of at least 1 of the systems the game is available. Now the puzzle is officially VERY EASY!
Edit6: Have you played hangman before? Well now the question answers detail the number of letters :D
EDIT7: Wrex fought bravely for Edit7. He's the best. ENTER THE PUZZLE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! Reapers may disrupt the signal anytime now...
EDIT8: So the signal has been scrambled again... however there's a huge clue on Steam to find the Puzzle chamber, check the Timer to know how much time is left. This is my last update, may the force be with you all (a sith name is a valid answer in Q11, but there are easier answers than that).
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