Checked and it was given free once.
I really REALLY wish SG would still list the free games in the drop down, and when you select it explain why making a GA for it isn't allowed. Lots of people game the system trying to get free CV, but I'm sure there are loads who just select the first that comes up and just assume it's the same game.
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Yeah, SG should just make the CV = 0 and allow people to give them away. That way people who missed out on the free game opportunity, can still get the game, and those who are giving away a free game gets no points. This should also reduce the problem with people listing the wrong game/dlc.
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Yeah, I can understand the load it would put on their end. Although with the new 15 min. load times helped alleviate that, and due to the 0CV the calculation would be moot. The only load that would really be affected are the people who are accessing that free game on their list of givaways. But if there are a lot of those games being submitted, there there will be a lot of people claiming them and in turn having them removes from their list of eligible givaways to enter.
Personally for me it is more of the disgust that I get when I try to gain a free promotional key, but there are people farming these keys. They farm all the keys and I don't get the opportunity to gain a key. Then after that all the givaway sites take them off their list of games. I still miss out on the opportunity to get the key even through a farmer. My only hope is that at some point they get included in a bundle, where I would consider the price more reasonable.
Oh well, such is life.
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Why would they if they were ZERO CV. Only people giving those would be people who want to give.
Also SG just got an update where they said we are golden.
Meanwhile there are many many people who missed their chance at the free giveaways, or they were of such small numbers, who can't ever win that game.
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I've dumped two or three in threads, but I'll be honest, I'd much rather (and be more likely) to do it in a GA, than letting some bot or ninja do it. At least the GA I know who got it, and who to blacklist for not saying thanks :p
And yes, I have a small file with codes for games that are free that I don't really want to just dump in a thread. Maybe one day I'll trade with em. Few times I've sent them to people I knew were looking for them (or friends, or dropped on other non-steam centered private forums for peeps there..)
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Okay, you keep bringing that exact point up in countless threads, so I gotta ask-
Are you assuming an exception will be built in where free games don't count as +1 toward slots and sent ratio?
Because I know a lot of site abusers that try to inflate ratio with cheap hyper-bundled trash games already, they'd have a field day with free games.
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They wouldn't count as anything, beyond given games. No CV, no points for everyone, nada.. hell could even add a "Free games gifted"/won if they wanted to go all out so it wouldn't count for numbers of giveaways made/won. Would just be an organized way to allow you to give out games that otherwise we aren't able to give/get.
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Ya I don't want anyone to gain anything by it, apart from a more organized and fair way of giving out former free games to those who want it. Dropping it in the forums and such is just milked by bots and ninja's, and not even seen by many people. I mean they are gone in seconds. Hardly fair.
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due to the 0CV the calculation would be moot
Due to how code and database processing works, the games being 0 CV shouldn't change anything in how they're processed.
[Well, except for the 15 minute point update checks: if no other not-free games at all were uploaded during that time. Presumably then, it'd skip on updating points, so there it'd be different in effect.]
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The reason is fails is you are judging siteload right after doing it!
It you make them 0CV (aka you get nothing out of it, apart from a warm fuzzy feeling), and allow the initial flood to finish from anyone who has saved keys, it would die down fast.
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It's not only because of the side load. This (load) was a big issue before the server upgrade and I believe nowadays (even with the additional load balancer) they could handle the additional load.
But actually those free giveaways serve a purpose and either developers pass on earnings or a private company paid money to achieve something (mainly PR). It would be just completely wrong to encourage people to take the keys from those promotions -thus reducing the impact of those giveaways- to build reputation here on sg.
So yeah, not happening for whatever reason ;)
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But actually those free giveaways serve a purpose and either developers pass on earnings or a private company paid money to achieve something (mainly PR)
But this is opposite of the quoted text. People get multiple keys and they rot in their txt and xcl files instead of eventually finding a person who would play the game. That's what developers would want, not for the keys to lay forever forgotten.
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Technically, your point is valid, though that's because people already think they can get away with it.
You're basically saying "Well, since people are screwing over the devs and being total jackholes already, lets go ahead and cater to what they want."
That seems a bit.. distasteful :P
Rather, the issue is that the devs don't have better standards in place to prevent abuse.
Orly's new policies are a good example of moving in the right direction.
Once devs move to formats like that, we won't even HAVE free games [for SG purposes] anymore!
So really, that is the ideal solution, rather than loading down the site with something you can already freely do with a random number generator and the forums, and catering to the desires of exploiters.
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The keys more often are given away by some 3rd party - like orlygift or Captain Froggy. That's why I'm saying the devs would rather have their game played and people remember the actuall game and developer (maybe someone will write a good review or recommend it to friends) instead of people comming back to distributors (who has nothing to do with the actual game) website to buy bundles and other games.
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They want to get PR by making huge giveaways to serve as many people as possible, but make it fairly easy to have low hurdles for people to sign up an account or the like.
They accept people breaking the TOS by having multiple accounts because adding more checks and verification would hurt their business. They want to have new people get to know about them and have old customers returning regularly to their site -not to sg...
I would even go as far as to say (especially for big giveaways from indiegala and the like) they don't really care if those games get played or rot somewhere in the form of keys as long as they get a few people spending money that otherwise wouldn't have.
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But that's mostly distributors, not developers themselves.
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Yes, you should mark it not received.
You can try contacting the creator to get the correct version, but good luck ...
Two Worlds II was given away for free, so a giveaway can't be created for it. The creator probably tried to get CV for a free game and created a misleading giveaway.
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I am new, and what is your point? You just tried to instruct manners to me?. Oh come on! Watch yourself! The first trade post I watched of urs and someone was saying to u "you are such a jerk" pfff hahaha. Go away, or talk with my hand, not going to answer -never again- ur rage posts.
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I won a game, Two Worlds II Velvet Edition, but the key is for Two Worlds II (I already have it), should I mark it as not received?
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