The games from Lootboy come from Fanatical bundles a lot.
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Could it be giving away a game before it is added to the bundle list? Not things that had been free before you created the giveaway or had the list price go down in Steam, but newly-bundled titles.
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In theory? Not something to be ruled out, but unless it's a 50p (because a 10p game you wouldn't notice at level 9) game that was counted as non bundled before and then bundled, but how often does that happen? Now keep dropping every single time for atleast 6 weeks now, like i said since the "big purge", before that it rarely happened, more like once every few months a little.
And often i do already check the stars when i gift something away, because when it's 2 stars, i don't, and if it has no stars i would know it would drop eventually, but sometimes something can slip through.
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Fair enough, you already ruled out any other scenario I could think of. Hopefully you figure it out!
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I think this is steam changing prices. Iirc sg's database for CV calculation takes into account price changes in steam (I don't understand the technical stuff and API's and whatever else but as a concept it's simple enough). If you were unlunky enough with steam's pricing that might be due to this (no idea if sg can calculate region or simply the lowest discount in ANY region and counts for all - if I make any sense with how I typed this xD )
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Staff decided with this they did a whole lot of games, we are talking hundreds, but not only overpiced games, but also that been given away free at some point, or been sold at 90% at certain sites etc etc etc.
That's when the cv dropping really became from something every few months to every week. It could be coincidence and are price changes, but doubtful.
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I doubt that's what's affecting you. From memory what you ga isn't even close. But 90% and bundles is more possible. From one hand it's right but on the other hand no.. SG should at least try to make a change to add dates (when it was etc and when it was in a giveaway) in all these changes.. I don't even know if it's possible but it would be more fair. Aaanyway.. We're chasing our tails :P
Maybe a mod sees this and mentions something fingers crossed
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The amount is over 90%.
95% is sure.
All between 91% and 94% is a mod decission after checking how high the exploiting is. It gets reduced, as example when 20 guys from turkey give each 5 copies -and their regional price were, on top, lower as 95%-. It don't get reduced when only 3 users make one GA.
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Prepare for "if we change the rule in 5-10 years from now people will open their hoarding drawers and gain free CV!"
Blah blah blah and more blah blah later my opinion is the same.. The "many" get "punished" for the few.. But.. Why? I mean.. If people are.. "can't find the proper word" to keep a key 5-10 years to give it away for CV in sg I'm out of words xD And they didn't "grew up" at all..
It's funny to me that people care for abusers gaining CV while themselves claim to not care at all for it.
But let's not de-rail this..
I do agree with you on this. After a certain point in time games should go out of the 0 list (or the very close to 0 CV).
And I still can't remember if there is a limit to how back setting CV to 0 goes (iirc aaaall the way back). Now gifting a game full price only to see it drop to 0 2 years later.. Althought to this I'm uncertain. If I'm wrong please let me know
For this to work properly it MUST include dates of when changes happened.. Aka "divide" a game in 3. CV at first, CV after ga, CV after 5-10 years of ga (the years are random, just a faaar date to the future) but also WHEN the gifter gave it away (in which category it falls under).. Thaaaaaat means we need a whole new system xD (tbh.. And the one we got now needs huges changes anyway but that's again very off topic)
As for keys obtained by "apps" or "games" or whatever similar, that's also a huge chapter.
What you are pointing out is only a tip in how flawed the system is..
Obviously above all it's the "gifting spirit" that counts but lately from conversations etc..... Let's leave it vague.. I don't wanna be a party pooper atm xD I'm too tired and I had a horrible past month xD
I do hope they concider what you wrote though. It has been asked before and imo it's a fair request. Good luck!
And thanks for the music posts! It's nice to hop in and see something different than just X bundle got releashed, X new way to scam ga's, X new complaint xD
Edit: I'm not a huge level but I'm totally unaffected (CV) since my last ga
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Thank you for the insightful contribution and the appreciation of the music threads.
I started it all with a weekly jigidi thread (and yearly advent) way before you registered.
I wanted to bring it back at one point, but then people cheated, i believe that got somewhat fixed though, i would want to bring that back (or atleast have the advent again). Although things might financially change for me that i hope i can keep affording contributions (but also offcourse some games for myself too), time will tell. :)
But yeah you are right, sadly a few years ago (again way before your time) we had more people doing puzzles and giveaways then these kind of topics, sometimes i still see people trying (and some give up after one) sadly. But perhaps it's economically bad too for a bunch of people, rather then not willing or the forum becoming emptier.
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An event doesn't have to even have a prize :P Not a "monetary" one anyway (any game could do or something else nice -> if one does art, an avatar. It can be anything and nothing really.. Even a leaderboard just for fun)
Jigi's somehow became harder and harder.. But somehow nobody thought that auto solvers don't care anyway.. Same for those puzzles. Unless one personally knows 5-10 people there is no guarantee nobody will cheat.. Heck even in monopoly people cheat xD But it does make happy and people.. And since you can't control simple ga's at all either..
My point is.. "Go for the cheater, don't tear down the house" :P
I like that those posts give a sense of "community" to the forums. They are carefree in a way :P
(it isn't the economy and gifting ability alone.. people are more "grumpy" lately imo)
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Yeah, but i feel i like to have gift something behind it, there was 1 person that did it without. But nothing stopping from you doing it either. ;) It's really not hard, you upload a picture, select pieces, and it's done.
And you can't really catch the cheaters unless you ask proof of every single person (and winner) a screenshot that they solved it, and that goes a bit far far for me, and even simply a leaderboard people want the best time and try to cheat there (even in online games that got scoreboards you see people with impossible times).
People are also more grumpy i think because they are getting rightfully so worried about their financial situation, how to pay the rent, food or their gas (here it goes up by 600 a month..), but how governments also make a lot of wrong decisions atm, the war(s), the whole world is kinda going down the drains atm.
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True.. I wish I had more time for this.. "Things" got in the way of time. When I finally started to actually understand "everything" (for event creation anyway) about sg, it was too late for me. 2022 needs to goooo xD Especially with summer over I can't wait for x-mas! Which has THE best event of the year.. SURPRISES! (another reason I like events is also this.. If it isn't something extremelly hard it's a nice "surpriiise!"
Oh no! I still remember that white one with a bordered square.. My eyes still feel the white xD It's not "just" a picture tehehehehe
I agree on the last statement. Although Masafor also had a good point ( ). Like you now that aren't "happy" with that CV. It's perfectly understandable to not want to get punished for someone else. But I loved the "So lean back, relax and be happy that your win chances in the higher levels raised because the bad boys got kicked down :-D" from eeeeven if you created this thread for a totally different reason and with a totally different "motive/incentive"
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The screenshot thing isn't 100% too because it give a cheat that the fitting parts get colored. Which means they can solve the jigidi in the "normal" way but because of the colored parts, that show the ones that could be added/placed to the already placed ones, they can solve it much faster.
If it gets combined with the timer cheat, autosolver etc., you can let it look as "real" done.
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Nope, the jigidi thing is, sadly, not fixed.
They can still cheat.
And the "not much do something..." is very easy explained.
Lesser nice people, more greedy assholes that see the gifters as GA dispensers (that have to hand out the win after 5 min. -don't send the win for 1 or 2 days and you will see what i mean-), the word "thanks" are only known from the half of the users, the abuse higher as in the past, the cheating with autojoiners and multiaccounts higher as in the past and many more.
All in all demotivating and why spending money for other people if the result is "too often" negative ?
I can say that i spend a higher percentage of my "gaming" money for myself as in the past.
Infos and tests, made from other users: (The interesting stats) (public GA, Entries: 2,038) (invite only GA that was posted in the description of the public one, Entries: 63)
One of my members and i catched in the last weeks 44 autojoiners.
The catched ones are/were 31x level 0-1 (16 perma suspended), 13x level 2-7 (9 perma suspended).
200 autojoiner tickets are still open.
Besides that got 22 multiaccounters and regifters catched in the last few weeks.
And yes, all this stuff are a part of the reasons why i am retired from the hunting and reporting front and don't do this work anymore.
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Really puts a downer on my yearly jigidi advent event then. :/
Yes i know these people had to be "taken care of", the same as the cv abusers you also hunted, and that's all good, but why do "honest" people that mostly given games from normal bundles be taken like this? That's my point.
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Because the database don't make differences.
The database and the mods, can't know YOUR source of a key.
You buy it, maybe, on steam for the full price, or on HB or Fanatical and all is good with that but other ones maybe buy for the same game on +2A or +neba (yes, i don't write the full names), with a discount of -95% a key.
Or you give a game from a bundle but someone else bought for the same game, in a shady RU store for 5 - 15 cents, a key and give it away.
It don't give a way to know the sources and there hit the "all are in the same boat" hammer. It gets reduced and that affect all users.
But the difference is that you gave game X 1x away and the ones that abused/exploited the extreme cheap price gave it 5x away.
You get hit from time to time in a soft way, the constant exploiters will get hit constant in a much harder way. And maybe the one or other exploiter will learn that it don't bring something when they get constant hit and not as the last time after years.
I seen a few that changed their gifting behavior from the total exploiting stuff to bundled stuff.
Mostly from lootboy and IG feudalife challenge, so not the perfect change but a small step in the right direction.
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Hence my "cry" for a different calculation way. There MUST be a way to somehow add dates in this.. Ffs people went to the moon xD
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I know they can't tell the difference where a key comes from, and yes i agree with you russian sites are obvious exploiters and those can be added to the list, but are they really doing that from reseller sites too now? Because i didn't really knew that.
Because as with free games i thought there would have been a minimum amount to be counted for, and who ever can tell how many keys such a reseller has? It could be merely 10 or fewer.
Because then you can add half to the list seriously, because i know from my own experience (for myself) that games are often way way cheaper there, it does not happen as much as it used to be, but when kickstarter was a thing, people sold a lot of their keys on there, and also curators selling their keys. For example now Brok the investiGator you can buy for 1 euro..
I don't see 9.70 to 9.59 to 9.60 to 9.59 again being soft (as at this level you need to give a lot to even get 0.01) but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
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Well I think that's bogus as noone can tell how many copies there are, a curator can get 5-10 copies, or a kickstarter his one copy and then there is absolutely no way to abuse something in a big way by many people, unlike something that's massively sold like on fanatical or humblebundle or some other big site, but whatever.
And yes i expected you would have reported it.
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Oh come one, the stuff on Gamivo etc. that gets enough attention that people seen it because of sg, don't get sold with 10 copies or lesser.
First when the games are available for a longer timeframe they get listed somewhere AND appear then (much) later as GAs. After 1 or 2 GAs none search around or report them.
Bulletstorm Full .... as example were there buyable for WEEKS for a extreme low price. Calculate by yourself how many copies that mean.
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For example now Brok the investiGator you can buy for 1 euro..
Careful there: the developer gave out prologue keys to the "curators". The ones who didn't pay attention and sold their keys on grey market sites may be in for a nasty surprise (and their customers too).
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Oh boy then i'll probably be in for a surprise too, although i can't remember it saying anything about prologue but possibly beta key (as do many others).
In my account it says Brok the Investigator (bought in shop).
Should it say anything in account details or ingame or you won't know? I got 2 games bought around same time and those say for Beta Testing.
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Heard about it from Bellular News on YT. The curators with the prologue keys tried to review bomb the game to hurt the developer. Finally, Valve took action and we are a few curator groups poorer now:)
For the details:
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I gave away full CV games like 3 or 4 years ago that got retroactively bundled some time this year I think. I don't know how they were able to discover that far back or why it took them so long to find out but I thought that was really unfair.
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I think that possibly they marked as "bundled" games that were never bundled but have been on a -90% sale on Steam. There are some games like that that I gifted on Steam and were, very recently, marked as bundled.
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Short examples. I will not make myself more work with it.
And the mod found than, as he handled my ticket, more infos as i added till back to dec. 2018.
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Barter doesn't show Gauntlet was discounted to 90% when I made the giveaway. Cheapest was the Fanatical bundles starting from 2017, 3 for $9.99. Gauntlet's price was always $20. $3.33 is less than 90% discount. Plus my giveaway was an inventory steam gift so it had to be bought on steam which according to isthereanydeal was never more than 75% discount on steam or 80% from authorized seller.
Bulletstorm, the earliest timestamp it was reported was Dec. 2020. You're saying you reported this back in Dec. 2018 and it took the mods 2 years to handle your ticket?
I don't know about CoD: Ghosts. I'm guessing it was reported on grey market sites but my key was from a physical retail disc.
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I shown you, in the screenshots, that my ticket for Bulletstorm was from the 12 Dec. 2020.
And wrote you that the mod found more infos as i delivered till back to 2018. And 2018 was the date that the mod picked then, obviously.
Which day or months, i don't know and don't care, the mod will have picked the correct one that he found because the mods have better to do as to fabricate a special date to hit someones cv.
I know that the mods invested many hours in checking stuff, on top to the checking the stuff that they get from the users in the ticket. So i know they check, at least, ITAD and barter, often more (like a search in the internet, wayback machine/archived sites and such stuff).
You find the picked date when you create a new GA with this game, hover over the * and you see the listed date.
I will not discuss it further because it is wasted lifetime and i don't have to proof something.
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Gauntlet is a strange one. It got marked as Reduced Value on Jun 9, 2017 presumably because it was part of this Fanatical bundle. The bundle was one of those expensive pick & mix "3 games for $9.99" deals, and the game's base price is $20, so the discount was only 83.3% ( (20 - 3.33) / 20 ) which, afaik, is far below the threshold for something to count as Reduced.
The first time it became available at a serious discount was in the Martian Mystery Bundle on Sep 17, 2018 where you could get it for 83 cents (95%+ discount). This bundle predates your GA by 3 months, so not getting full CV for it might be considered fair, assuming Mystery bundles are treated the same way as normal ones.
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Maybe they made a mistake with the Fanatical bundle. I should open a ticket and see. Where does it say the date it received reduced value?
The Martian Mystery bundle shouldn't count as the games are randomly picked and mostly likely rigged. I seriously doubt there's an equal chance to get Alien Spidy and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Also Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Arkham Knight, Dying Light, Mortal Kombat X were in that mystery bundle and they all still have full value.
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Where does it say the date it received reduced value?
Go to the Bundle Games list and search for the game. It'll show the dates.
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I dropped 0.16 and later again 0.02. But it isn't important.
I am level 7 and will be this forever.
Yes, it could be demotivating but in the last crusade got 800? tickets handled and on top 400+ games added to the free and bundle lists because the mods had time.
And, from my own tickets, can i say that this included games that i reported 3 years ago.
So yes, it had a bigger impact on the cv of users, mostly the ones that abused the games but yes, partly on the cv of innocent ones too (but in a smaller ammount). Very late changed status and cv, in many cases, but better as never.
I assume the cv reducing will be much lesser in the future because not so much need to be added to the free/bundle lists.
So lean back, relax and be happy that your win chances in the higher levels raised because the bad boys got kicked down :-D
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Let's also hope they can keep up.. (future ga's etc)
But Lugum's idea isn't bad. Why punish a game for eternity for something that happened ages ago? Obviously YOU can't answer that as you don't control the database xD But I'm hoping they'll make changes and in a more broad way.. It would help a lot if they could improve this
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If the mods handled my tickets when i made them and not 3 years later then some games shown, much earlier, the correct type (bundled/free), of course same for all other tickets and for all the manual checks that they done by themself -mostly now because the uproar was/is high (gifters are lately really pissed from the extreme cheating of a bunch of accounts [and i fully understand and support this])-.
But the mods can't handle all when it happens, so it need to be done retroactively. In the future hopefully in a smaller amount.
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I have no idea about specific values, but I did go from Level 4 to Level 3 (by about 0.03). I did panic a little, because most giveaways from the community train were level 4, so, I gave away two games to climb again.
I'd say that games that are actively on the Community's Wishlist shouldn't be added to the free value indefinitely, I mean, there's still people that want them, but no reason to give them since they do not give CV, and I think people wanting them should outweigh some maniac that kept that key from years ago. If anything, I'd have to applaud their commitment.
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Totally agree.
I would love to go to the Community Wishlist and select what to give away without having to worry whether it gives CV or not.
At least around one page per price bracket would definitely be nice.
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I heard if you gave a game when it first comes out and its like $60 and then say in a few years later it drops price permanently to like $20, it will only count as $20 for you now instead of $60 because the values are pulled from the steam API or something like that
So say you give away Spider-Man right now and you get 60 CV cause it costs $60, if it drops price permanently (not a sale) and now it's regular price becomes $20, your CV will be updated to $20
someone correct me if I'm wrong
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My cat's name was Leon xD
But Satan sounds nice! Maybe for my next cat!
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I'm finding it difficult to give away games myself. There's just so much effort involved and so little reward, and I'm only a level 5. I can't imagine the agony of being a level 9 and having that crap happen. I see myself walking away soon if this continues.
CV should be locked in to the lowest value of a game within 30 days of the giveaway. Don't tell me it can't be done or is too difficult to do; as a programmer I know better. Also after a sufficient amount of time has elapsed (e.g. 30 days after free keys have expired) games given away should regain their CV.
That's just my two cents.
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If you think 5 is already bad, It starts really becoming to feel slow at 7, i am level 9 for 1 1/2 years now, and at this rate it might even take another year, if you solemnly give away bundled stuff, it's gonna take you a long long way.
I been lucky to have had tremorgames for a few years (doing tasks for games).
Really hope you find a way to stay though.
And difficult or easy, the owner isn't just so much receptive to other people's ideas, that's the issue.
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I wish there was a mechanism for games to go from Free to Reduced CV or even Full CV given certain conditions (e.g.: x days after a free promotion ends or as soon as a game appears in a bundle), but unfortunately, with the current system, it's a one-way street. Value can only be downgraded over time. Once free, always free.
Ideally, a game's value should correspond to the predominant source of GAs for that game at any given time. If most of the GAs appearing on SG are known to be from a free source, then obviously, the game should count as 0 cv. If, at a future date, the game gets bundled and most GAs for it are from people who paid for it, then it should count for something. Sure, those holding on to keys that they got for free will benefit, but they'll be a small percentage of the overall population. In practice, this is impossible without significant changes by the owner. Even then, it would be a nightmare for the mods to constantly readjust values. The current system is broken, but it has the advantage of simplicity.
What saddens me isn't the loss of CV, but the loss of game diversity. I bought Down in Bermuda recently at a -90% discount only to find out later that it was 0cv. It was never bundled or given away. I assume the 0cv designation comes from regional price differences where it cost -99% in certain regions and people where abusing that. Now, this perfectly decent game will be 0cv for all eternity and the incentive to give it away is diminished.
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Yeah, makes absolutely no sense to me either. According to barter, it was never bundled or given away in specials. It's not even available through keyshops, only via Steam and the biggest discount for it ever was 90%.
For some reason, it got downgraded to Reduced on Nov 24, 2021 and 0cv on Aug 1, 2022
I can only assume it's a regional pricing difference thing.
Oh well, to the trade pile it goes, or maybe I'll keep it for myself or for a WL giveaway.
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Even if it's 99% off in the cheapest region ever, doesn't make it FREE, no?
There's quite some games that landed on the free list lately that in my opinion don't belong there. But who asks me, eh?
Someone from support is very eager to prevent abuse. In this particular case, way too eager.
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Looking at the archive, I spot a few instances of people giving away 4-5 copies in region restrict GAs during -90% Steam sales. I'm guessing that's what qualified as abuse and landed the game on the free list.
To be fair, the problem of low cost region restricted GAs is pervasive and very difficult to deal with. Users from those regions have an inherent advantage and reducing CV is the only tool mods have to disincentivize or "punish" them. If CV values could be set differently for specific regions that would solve the problem, but that's not an option without some major technical changes.
I still feel that 0 cv is too harsh in such cases. Reduced value should be enough to limit the abuse.
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I've been on SG for 8 years now and this kind of gifting is extremely normal. It used to be reason to put a game, that has never been in an actual bundle, on the bundlelist. I can't think of any reason to put it on the free games list, since, y'know, it hasn't been free.
In my eyes Dead in Bermuda is 0CV totally unjustifified.
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I think there is no good solution for the region restricted giveaways unless site administration introduces a method to count CV differently in cheaper regions. Otherwise they should probably just let the abuse slide. It's not like with 50P asset flips where only CV exploiters get hurt basically. Any time a game is set to reduced or zero CV because of regional pricing it hurts people in other regions who gifted or wanted to gift that game. 99% of stuff being given away on SG is bundle leftovers and freebies (the latter very often unplayable trash). The gifting of interesting non-bundled games shouldn't be further discouraged by the threat of a backdated CV reduction solely based on Steam's regional pricing.
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When people hardcore exploit/abuse it.
As example 20x 5-15 copies from the same bunch of users (they are, nearly all, always the same guys... mostly from turkey, RU/CIS or brazil).
Combined, somehow, with the price, i think $50 games that costs there only $0.17 are more in the focus as a $3 game that cost $0.10.
The numbers are only assumings from me because i don't know the exact numbers and amounts.
And it is obvious that the mods will not reveal the exact amount and price when they start to see it as exploiting/abuse.
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I dunno. I don't follow that statistic as closely (obsessively?) as some folks seem to...
(If your ultimate goal is "Level 10" then you'll get there eventually, right? No need to get demotivated over some little speed bumps.)
Mandatory plug from me about how there would be no such things for people to worry about if there was no "CV" in the first place. (But I'm sure then someone would say there would be no site, which I disagree with but whatever.)
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Mandatory plug from me about how there would be no such things for people to worry about if there was no "CV" in the first place. (But I'm sure then someone would say there would be no site, which I disagree with but whatever.)
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Yeah, I checked SG tools just now. A few games (actual good games, not trash) that I got from Lootboy went to 0CV. I'm a bit pissed about that actually because I spent real money on bundles of those to give away at one time, over a year ago. lol. I don't even care about levels, just annoying that they're now counted as freebies when they weren't.
But it is what it is.
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blacklisted you cause You're a dick, you have almost 50% play percentage on games, and the piss poor giveaway value. leechers gonna leech.
(´∀`) laughs in 80% played games
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I was in level 9 when they first started punishing the rest of us for the few abusers of grey site keys. My level rollercoasted constantly and it sure was annoying and confusing to do 10 giveaways and then see my level drop .20 the very next day. Still, had to remind myself, that leveling is just a pretty meaningless mini-game, with some mysterious and messed up rules, that I would no longer be able to play anymore soon enough.
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for the few abusers of grey site keys
You surely wanted to write "the many users..." or "the majority of users...", because they aren't "a few". Sadly.
And yes, leveling higher as level 2 or 3 is more or less meaningless because of the very low amount of GAs.
Def. not worth to do it with normal unbundled/bundled games, without to abuse/exploit some stuff. At least if someone do it only for this purpose, when it isn't a sideeffect when gifting stuff away.
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Yeah yeah, Steamgifts Premium, pretty sure that's just some SG propaganda. I heard what really happens when you reach level 10 is that they make you work on support tickets without pay, or else you get dropped back to lvl 9.0, and no one wants this to happen cause the climb from 9 to10 is so brutal, so everyone keeps quiet about it too. Wake up, sheeple.
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I was on roller coaster from lv 4 to lv 5 and when I checked most games I gave away didn’t really change, so I don’t know what happened either.
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Interestingly, I gave away 4 or 5 copies of Razor2: Hidden Skies, the last of them two months ago.
It was already bundled, of course.
About a month ago, I discovered that the game was marked **, and guess what
it dates back to 2012!!!
My God, mods suddenly unearthed a mass giveaway that had taken place 10 years ago! Someone has been digging big time!
I didn't bother to ask our crazy mods about this, but you started this thread anyway, so I'm posting this here.
Someone keeps digging as we talk.
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All games will be 0 CV eventually at this rate haha. I didn't even have a Steam account 10 years ago and most people don't have keys that old. Seems a bit excessive to go digging to backdate it that far.
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The infos on some sites are the same if a game is free/bundled 2018 or 2012.
So it is in the most cases no additional work needed from the one that report the game or from the mdo that handle the ticket (if not the mod stumble by themself over it).
If they would add all Lootboy and IG Feudalife games to the free list it would hit the one or other much more.
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Have noticed nothing - apart from the huge grind it takes to go up .1 when progressing from 9 to 10. Have slipped back .1 on occasion, but then I do not donate every day, only every two weeks or so.
I don't think I have lost any progress in the last few weeks.
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17,438 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Agaster
I know a lot of crap games got removed that were 50 euro or more, or been given away free before, but i never given away such games (atleast not on purpose about the free ones), all my games always came from normal bundles, i never even gave away <2 euro games from f.e DIG, because i got some standards.
Now, I know dropping a bit once a while is part of the game, and hitting level 10 does not serve even as a big purpose, but it's just really demotivating that i had dropped like 0.2 points and if you think at level 7 leveling up goes slow, well it's 10x worse on level 9.
Not to mention in every humble bundle or fanatical these days you will find a game or several you can't even gift away anymore (atleast not get CV from it) because at one point maybe years ago it's been given away free.
I understand certain parts that there must been done something about it, but aren't we going a bit too far that this way we can't even gift 1000+ games anymore because they were at a point in time free, but it's also getting really demotivating to keep gifting like this, i just climbed up from 9.59 (after 9.70) to 9.60 and bam back to 9.59 again.
And yes i know a game can also drop in price, but my cv always been fairly stable in general, up until the mass adding of games to the list.
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