When you'll start to giveaway good games. And you may start to think about thousands autoenter bots and lowlevel (here) users that leeching giveaways just for +1 in their library
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It never bothered me when I had an easy access to the giveaway, but if you have to solve a puzzle before accessing the GA it's always worth to check this first
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How did you get that giphy GIF to display properly? Mine usually end up displaying as a link instead of a picture. P
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I assume you're including the "!" before the url, as with a normal image, right?
As far as I know, I'm not doing anything special to make them work!
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Mystery unsolved, then. Sometimes giphy's work for me, but usually not. P
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I'd understand the frustration if such restrictions weren't mentioned for a puzzle, before you solve it.
But for direct invites, just because you weren't informed in the thread title? I'd say that's just a 'problem' that you have to accept, especially if you are only level 0 or 1.
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not at all; actually, I enter only three kinds of giveaways (games must be wishlisted on Steam and have achievements and/or cards too, I don't own a single game without achievements xD) thanks to this website's search strings:
never had any kind of problem since well I don't write giveaway threads and I don't enter giveaway threads, making use of the strings above.. and when I make giveaways, if they don't meet specific requirements (like great/good games, cards etc. that of course go to my whitelist and someones to adult world gamers and/or my other few groups) I tend to make them all level 0 or 1+, rarely I go over 2 or 3, just for games that cost more than 1€/$ and/or are quite nice even if casual or such
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I understand your frustration, and it is certainly frustrating to find giveaways and then realize that you're too low level for them.
But I want to ask you a separate question:
You've won 24 games over the past 5 months, many of them fantastic games, but you've yet to actually play any of them. So..., what are you entering and winning games for? Card farming? +1s? I'm genuinely curious as to what your goal is.
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Ok, just to be clear, I'm not that frustrated, is more like a small annoyance.
As for the games, I must have done something wrong to my computer since now is not really working well. The screen tends to freeze after a while of using it and in many times it rebooted itself. I am trying to get it to work, or to get money to send it to repair it, but until then playing games there it's pretty hard...
(Besides the fact that I have other "hobbies" for lack of a better word, and I'm also studying in college so I tend to get derailed pretty easily.)
Yeah, I know it's not very smart to enter giveaways in that condition, and I have nothing I can say in favor of that. I just can't resist the idea of potentially win free games. (Yes, I probably need some help...)
But you're right, I guess I shouldn't complain much considering how well I'm doing here, I just wanted to voice out something I had in mind. So I'm sorry if it came out the wrong way.
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Your computer problems sound very familiar to me. Nvidia released a driver some months ago which had the effect of frying certain types of graphics cards. (Mine was one of them.) They recently released replacement drivers, but the damage had been done. I'm not saying your video card is bad, but the symptoms sound the same as a damaged card.
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If you were using an AMD graphics card, then the recent issue with the Nvidia drivers does not apply to you. It is possible that AMD may have its own issues with the drivers, but that is something other than what I was referencing before.
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No. People do whatever they want to do with their topics(under the rules). The ga might be there just cuz, but the objective of the topic is entirely different~(and because if there's no ga people will not bother to comment~, we're basically "paying" for people to talk. How far have we gone).
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Not really since I don't visit those threads just to enter giveaways, most of them have something else going about them; whether it's to raise awareness about something or simply to announce that one of our fellow members or their account are a year older.
People don't need to specify levels for their giveaways in such threads. The only time I think level should be specified is in puzzle threads, because spending half an hour or more to solve a puzzle(s) for giveaway(s) you can't even enter is a huge bummer.
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Yeah, I also found it most frustrating with puzzles but it's not too big a deal.
One of the principles I try to remember to operate by: If it only takes me a minute or so to do and it will save at least a couple of people, or potentially even more, the same amount of time then it's worth doing.
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that's true, but i stopped when finishing a puzzle would take 5+ minutes to have a 1% chance at winning a 10 cent bundle.
i really don't get neither why people protect those cheap games with puzzles, nor why users waste time with them. easier to spend $1 and buy idle themselves. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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It doesn't bother me since I don't look out to enter giveaways when I visit the forum - If I stumble across a giveaway for a game I want within my level, then it's a nice surprise but otherwise, I don't really mind much.
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If I can enter, I can and if I cant, I cant. Maybe that will encourage people to make a few more giveaways to get to said level to be able to enter. Personally, it doesn't bother me at all as I cant enter some trains and such due to giveaway rules but that is up to the person gifting. However, being a high level myself, there aren't many I cannot enter so I suppose I don't have as many issues as yourself. Being able to enter as people above have mentioned is a bonus to the thread rather than just entering the giveaway and ignoring the thread.
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Because I kinda does for me. Yeah, I know I'm probably nitpicking but imagine this:
I enter a thread for a giveaway, which is generally for a game I want. But the level of the GA is not specified in the title of the thread nor in the description, so I assume that the GA is free for all. So I get my hopes up, enter the link for the GA... only to find out that I need Level 2 or higher to enter... :(
I know that it's not that big of a deal and I don't want to sound like a dick, but I feel like it's a downer when I end up in a giveaway that requires a higher level because the people who make the threads don't do something that would only take a few extra seconds.
So yeah, I just wanted to get that out. What do you think? And more importantly: How much my blacklist counter will increase because of this thread? XD
And before you ask: No, there's not a giveaway here. No hidden links, no puzzles, no nothing. Sorry people. :(
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