Was this a good change? or a bad one - note that this will not be the format for all my giveaways, just something to do once in a while. Feel free to discuss in comments
I tested the question, it does work and the answer is out there. I will change the date for the giveaway if SG allows to give people more time to think.
When you get stuck on a question it helps to just stop trying. Come back another time and try with a fresh outlook
EDIT: I added 2 days to the GA it ends on the 4th now
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you put in a URL like this https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/solution/
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Your call
Although, considering you still have a little over a week and you can go back to that one at anytime, you do not technically "have" to give up
Thank you for participating :)
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I believe :D
usually taking a break and coming back another time helps me answer those
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I am interested in the game and would do the 2 jigidis to be able to enter, but with 0 entries so far and people complaining about not being able to pass the last step, I can't see myself wanting to spend the time to do the jigidis with the possibility of not be able to enter. Especially with the first jigidi that will probably take me 2 hours.
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This is why I'm experimenting, by the way, by my own standards I chose an easy 3rd puzzle.
Just shows us how people have different ideas about subjective things, right?
Thank you and others for the input
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That's true. I sometimes come across puzzles that I find really easy and a lot of other users can't figure it out and then there are puzzles that I try for hours and have no idea what to do, yet lots of people are easily solving it.
So far it looks like 15 people have solved both jigidis and there is only 1 entry. I'm not sure if there is more than 1 ITH solver though because I can't see the ITH page. Some people might just be saving the giveaway link to enter later.
Edit: Oh, you had the start date wrong. So maybe there are more that solved it.
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Nope, no one else solved it yet. ITS keep track even if the solver does not have an account.
And not seeing the end page when people did not finish the SG puzzles is good, I want people to go through to it the right way.
People still have time, a little over a week to get in - the GA just started. I wish everyone good luck :D
The date has been fixed by the way, that is no longer a problem.
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I don't think people should be able to see the ITH without solving the other puzzles, that would defeat the purpose. I was just pointing out that I can't see the page so I don't know how many people solved it. I was guessing based on how many people entered the giveaway, but sometimes people chose to not enter the giveaway right away even if they have solved the puzzle.
I'll watch the thread and see how many people are able to solve it after a couple days and then decide if I want to try :)
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oh, I must have misclicked the dates when I created it. I'll fix that. Thank you for pointing it out
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sadly as you can tell from my description of the puzzle here, it wasn't - that was me derping :p
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can people find/stumble upon the itstoohard link without people sharing it?
I generally find that our community doesn't cheat much
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yeah, there is that possibility among a few others such as changing IPs - or not being logged in counting multiple entries as possibly new people
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Every IP address (or maybe device, not sure) will be considered a new user on ITH. If people try and answer from multiple devices like a home computer and phone connected to a cell tower, they will be counted as a new user. If you want to get more guesses without waiting 30 seconds between each, you can use multiple devices on different IPs or a bunch of proxy servers on 1 device, but they will all show up as different users. This can cause some confusion with the puzzle creator and make them think people are sharing the link.
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It all depends on how much you want the game. If a giveaway was behind 10 puzzles, you would have to really want the game to go through all that and you would have great odds of winning because of it. I like more time consuming or demanding puzzles because it weeds out the users that just want games to collect and will most likely get the game to someone who wants to play it.
Also, people that have that much time to waste solving puzzles probably have more free time to play games which is another reason it is more likely to get played.
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don't worry, you have until Feb 4th. you can leave it for now and come back another day
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Not fan of this idea, myself, though I enjoyed putting together the second Jidigi (Hollow Knight b). That's a really neat picture :)
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I'm glad you liked the image, I linked the artist in the puzzle page, you can go check out his work - neat stuff
thank you for the feedback
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Thank you, I'll look at it next weekend.
I am getting off the PC now and won't have much free time till next weekend.
Rotating pieces would make the puzzles more realistic but also a lot harder, huh?
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There are a couple of reasons for my choice of words in the question. What is your native language?
EDIT: I looked at your steam profile, unfortunately I do not speak Turkish. I will think about my working a little longer and see if I can make it clearer without compromising
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I did not understand your suggestion, can you rephrase it?
EDIT: I reread your sentence a couple of time, I think I understand what you are saying now.
I specifically wanted to have as few questions as possible. So I chose this subject.
This questions does not lend itself for a lot of dissection - I can add more questions, but they will make the puzzle harder, not easier.
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I am open to ideas, but as of this time I do not intend to change anything.
I still do not consider this a challenging puzzle. I will give it time and see.
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Something like that, e.g. if the original Question was :
What was the first movie directed by the actor who portrayed Man with No Name in the Dollar trilogy?
then an additional question could be just:
Who portrayed Man with No Name in the Dollar trilogy?
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I see I'm not the only one having trouble with the final question. There don't seem to be so many possible answers so is it something about formating?
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At this time I do not see the need for hints, but I can tell you that ITH does not care about uppercase/lowercase. I don't consider that a hint, it's stated when you create a puzzle.
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As I thought I had problems with ITH. As you mentioned somewhere else here, I heard it from the horse's mouth, but maybe I'm not understanding the name well or not knowing the exact spelling which could be obvious for an english speaker. I'm pretty sure that is the right answer, but I don't know how to write for ITH to accept it. There are 17 solvers as for now, so I know it's not impossible.
As I said, not going to enter the GA, but I would have liked to solve it.
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Since everyone can complete the jigidis if they want to, maybe it would be better for next time to put the ITH first and then you get the two jigidi links from solving the ITH. Then you can provide the 5 character giveaway URL by giving 2 characters at the end of one jigidi and 3 for the other. This way people can try to solve the ITH first so they don't have to invest hours in the jigidis and then get stuck. Just an idea :)
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not an option as you can find the Jigidi without solving ITH, Jigidi puzzles are not hidden
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I also agree with this idea. Maybe it would work like this:
You get ITH first and if you solve it, you try the jigidis. ITH provides at least one part of the answer, so if you don't solve it, you don't bother (if you don't want) with the jigidis.
Otherwise, for many people, having to do the jidigis and then get stuck at ITH will be very frustrating. I'm not very good at all with ITH, the few times I tried I failed all...
If each puzzle (jigidi, ITH, whatever) gives one part of the GA code, then it doesn't matter in which order they're given - but for some people that order is important. Consider it for next time, please.
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thanks Ardiffaz I had no idea o:
I learned something new
Ok, Next weekend I'll try to come up with something new
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Even tho I solved all jigidis, I couldn't solve ITH on the first because it said that I can't solve this(Wtf is it saying...). And after I solved the 2nd puzzle, I got the numbers for the GA. But obviously I couldn't enter because I couldn't solve ITH...
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the combination of the results of both Jigidi puzzles gives you the link to ITH, you can't reach the ITH puzzle after just one Jigidi
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No no I mean after I solved the first puzzle, I got the link. And after I solved the second puzzle, I got the 4 letters for GA. But once I entered the link to ITH, I couldn't solve because there was no quiz literally :( It said 'You can't solve this blah blah~~~'?? Sorry I can't remember but all I could see was that there was nothing on the site. So... even tho I got the 4 letters for GA I couldn't solve the quiz because there was no quiz literally 😂😂😂
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Oh wth😂 I thought it's for GA. Anyway thank you to answer me :) but I have no time to resolve😭😭😭
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my next experiment will be different
I learned a few things :p
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Frankly, I've researched it pretty well, and no answer worked, though after decrypting (I think, correctly) the very badly written question, I'm pretty sure, that I was on a right track. Giving up on it for now, but I hope, that the answer and reasoning behind it will be posted, when it's over - actually I'm curious, if there wasn't some error here, like the wrong capitalization or wrong source of the info.
Then, I did expect the trap, and the game itself for me would not "be worth" those 2 pretty large Jigidis - I got to IsTooHard just our of curiosity and because the Jigidis were nice, but without any high hopes. Still, I believe, that the order should be opposite: the unpredictable in front of predictable.
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OK, so it's the game that is mentioned just once on the Internet, and that in a comment by somebody else to a post shared on his profile on FB, and not mentioning any soundtracks... and in this YT clip. It's not in his official portfolio, it's not in any other place listing his projects. It's only once mentioned by him in any written text, that I was able to find, but without giving it's name, just as making music for my own games when I was around thirteen on Game Maker on Windows 95.
Frankly, I think, that obscurity of this answer, especially without a hint "earlier, than games included in his portfolio", would be overboard, even if the GA was for Cyberpunk ;)
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I am not looking to give Cyberpunk away at this time
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This one is a little different, you do not require a minimum SG level to enter, but in exchange you need to solve 2 jigis to get a link to a 3rd puzzle that will get you to the giveaway. Ends on the 4th of next month at 6am Eastern time
(all date issues sorted out, and I extended the GA from the 2nd to the 4th)
Hollow Knight
1st puzzle 220
2nd puzzle 192
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