Will you buy this Greenlight bundle?
I bought their first greenlight bundle, and they've come through with the Steam keys once they've been added. Thus far I think they are pretty reliable, if perhaps it might take a week or two for them to email the keys after the game has passed greenlight and hit the store.
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Hmmm Elems seems to be the only one of those I own...
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yeah there is a reason Groupees is the only site that gets reasonable sales from Greenlight bundles
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I'm a sucker for stop-motion (claymation) animation, so I'll get this for that mouse puzzle game. Also, Penguin Factory looks like it could be interesting conceptually, although it looks like the physics, animation, gameplay might be lacking. I'm willing to take a gamble on it because if it ends up being playable it would be a great fun and logic-building game for my kids.
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Heads up:
This might be obvious to some people, but you don't get itch.io keys or download links with this bundle. All you get is the promise of steam keys if the games are greenlit and released on steam.
I think most of these games aren't on itch.io, so it could explain why they did this. Still, not giving download links or itch.io keys (2 of the games are on itch.io) is lazy and silly
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Yeah, this is similar to LazyGuys, although they have gotten better about giving itch.io keys.
That's why I prefer Groupees, because you always get a DRM-free copy to play, whether the game gets on Steam or not.
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Yeah, their first greenlight bundle gave itch.io keys so I was sort of expecting this one to as well. I should have looked into it more closely -- the way it stands feels kind of like a cheap gimmick in which I'm paying them money AND doing promotional work for their signed developers by some minor implied extortion... "vote for the game and get the Steam keys or else you paid us for nothing, MUHAHAHA"
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and just say they didn't think the extortion angle through properly, but it's an extremely consumer-unfriendly business model and I won't be buying their bundles from here on out unless they guarantee access to non-greenlit games.
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I'm going to send an email to their support asking they include itcho.io keys from here on out, and for them to ask their devs in this most recent Greenlight bundle to host their games at itch.io so we can get access to them in case they don't end up greenlit.
You may want to do the same if you have some time, the more feedback they receive on this matter the more likey they are to act.
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So the same deal as the Flobe itch.io key giveaway they sponsored?
I never saw it have an actual build up and as soon as it got went on Steam it disappeared from itch. Guess I'd rather get nothing than a itch.io link that's a lie.
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Bacq (otakumaker) changed the greenlight key thing because itch io is a pain in the butt to navigate around when getting steam keys sometimes.(probably other reasons too that i'm unaware of)
Maybe it will get better in the future.
Most people just want the steam key anyway :)
I've had lots of emails with greenlit steam keys for various Otakumaker bundled games so from personal experience I'd say it's ok .
Disclosure :
I've modded one giveaway on the Otakumaker steam group site.
He (Bacq) always seems to be very busy either making his own games or publishing new games for others.
I only "know" him through Steam which is probably the same as knowing someone on Facebook :)
I've chatboxed with him many times and he seems like a good guy .
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THE PENGUIN FACTORY was released on Steam
I tried to contact the dev, for talk about the keys I bought on this bundle, but he dont want to add me on steam, I explained why I added him but nothing by now...
TRYING TO SEND EMAIL to bundle@otakumaker.com (Responsible of the Bundled's keys)
gives me this error:
"The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser i22si46051edx.122 - gsmtp"
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Otakumaker went bankrupt as it was the name of the company running both Otaku and GoGo bundles. A bundle can't go bankrupt.
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yes, it's the same company
they even cross-shared links in their websites..
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Edit: Replied to the wrong person, point still stands.
The dev was under contract to Otaku/GoGo to provide keys to them in exchange for compensation that the dev likely never received. If you contacted the dev and he told you tough luck then as much as it sucks you're SoL. As stated, your only option would be to go through the bankruptcy courts.
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When something like this occurs you want to reach out to the developer or publisher. You can contact the developer at this email info@battenbergsoftware.com
Explain to them you purchased the game in the bundle and didn't receive it and that the bundle site has gone out of business. Providing a screenshot of the purchase in the email would be a good idea. Ask them if it is possible that they can provide you with a key for the game since you purchased it in the bundle and didn't receive it. Be nice and respectful as it will go a lot further than demanding it.
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Greenlight Bundle #4
$1.99 for 9 games
9 Games Only : $1.99
2 BUNDLES instead of 1 ( 18 keys Games ): $2.49
5 BUNDLES instead of 1 For ( 45 keys Games ) : $3.99
10 BUNDLES instead of 1 For ( 90 keys Games ) : $5.99
You'll get Steam keys when these games release on Steam.
Your Steam keys willl be sent at the release of each game, Please support the games by voting on greenlight!
P.S. - Want to know what other bundles are going on? Check out the MASTER LIST of ONGOING BUNDLES - w/ CHARTS (updated daily!) ❤
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