What gaming genre is the most competitive?
MOBA. You are 5 people who need to coordinate perfectly. New patches/champions force you to adapt every couple weeks.
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I'd say MOBA. Last year my friends didn't miss a single match from Dota 2 championship although they're neither THAT addicted to the game nor have a high mmr (3-4k).MOBA especially Dota 2 is full of surprises a team could be leading the whole game then one of the opponents become op (Jungle,kills....etc) and lead the rest of the team to the victory.These champion ships are very fun since you learn new moves and become motivated to try them yourself especially these glitches we used to have last year (Pudge hook from the base).Also,Valve sometimes tease us with upcoming heroes in these championship,HAHAHA!i'll never forget Techies first appearance the chat was full of lol's & WTF's......good times!
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I'm gonna say MOBA, simply because you can play FPS with just shooting things (online/offline), but there is no MOBA game where the point isn't that you have to win a round.
Yeah, this also stands for fighting more or less, but.. I dunno. MOBA it is.
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Fighter games like Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat. These are people spending years of their (20 years now) time mastering 100+ moves, punishment and crucial timing. Since Arcade times.
FPS and RTS I find equal contenders because both require strategy or skills to react quikly and swifty.
No sorry, you can't sell me the MOBA-Hype. You already noted RTS.
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Depends on where you are at. In North America it seems like FPS is mainly the most competitive. In South Korea and Japan RTS seems to be top there.
Personally I prefer FPS, but I play many different ones, driving, flying, RTS, FPS/RPG, SHUMP and so on.
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Can anyone explain why every fps now and days has to have some sort of 5v5 or 8v8 game mode?
A couple of year back everyone was like, 16v16 that is to little, then we got 32vs32 everyone was happy and now all of the sudden 5v5 or 8v8 (even 12v12) is most popular. I don't get it.
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Fast TTK, Obj-driven gameplay, class-based teamwork works better in those setups.
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I prefer FPS. I have my own 5 player team, and all I can say is, that coordinating a team, and make working strats are harder than just "shoot it down if it moves". And I'm not talking about CoD, thats not a competitive game.
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Since I played them all, I can't decide between fighting games and rts games. Starcraft 2 is extremely hard to get into and requires you to give 110%, but I would say the same thing goes for fighting games too.
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First instinct is FPS, but that Super Smash Bros. crowd can be quite feisty.
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Arcade dancing thingies.
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Fighting games, and it's not even close. You'd have to be a fan of the competitive scene and/or play them to understand why.
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From the choices offered, anything except FPS.
In contrast, FPS competitiveness has bene on the decline as the genre grew to become the more de-facto standard. By that I mean that while most gameplay variants went into a team-based direction, the players themselves seems to have gone in the opposite direction. Effectively personal glory is considered more important than winning matches by the majoriry of players and by how FPS games tend to present player ratings. That on the whole isn't too healthy for the gameplay either, unless you go back to good old, old-fashioned free-for-all deathmatches.
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if you ever been part of a simulator racing community you would know =P
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FPS because it requires skill, every character is the same, you only can choose weapon.
MOBAs have tons of characters with different stats, some counter each other and it basicly is about team composition more than pure skill (which is also important). When you go 1v1 on FPS you can choose same weapons and it will be pure skill match. In MOBAs you can choose the same champion/hero/character but then you heve different runes, summoner spells(lol), items.
Also RTS have more machine like players. Every match feels the same, at least at the beginning. In case of Starcraft you have to build a base, spend resources as fast as you get them to build next workers/buildings and in case of building army you can: recon and build counter units/ build average army that is ok in every way/ guess and build something that may win or get squished by enemy
And fighting games? It's usually learning few good combos (or one that annihilates the oponent) and thinking that you are pro. Then a guy pressing random buttons kick your ass (can I say "ass"? won't I get suspended or something?)
Actually you know what? The most cometitive thing is your ping. Just check what ping best players usually have and then check your ping. My friend changes server in LoL just because he checked that and he had 120 ping to average 20 in LoL challanger. The other cometitive thing? Your PC and your graphic settings. Pros say that 200fps is much better than your 120, but you want to see that nice grass texture. Then you lie in the grass with sniper rifle and you realise that this grass won't allow you to see through scope. And you know what? 50 metres in front of you the grass doesn't render. You can also set lowest setting for grass and it won't show anywhere. Or you just got sniped by someone with pistol from 100m. You think that guy is a pro or just lucky. No, this guy plays on bigass monitor with 4k and GTX 980 (comparing to yours medium setting on resolution 1600xsomething) and when you see him as few pixels he actually sees you well. What I'm trying to say is that the only competitive matches are when the teams are in the same room, on the same PCs in front of each other (or rather in front of their fans in many cases).
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The only Really competitive FPS out there is CS:GO, everything else is way less tense, but then, with Real money often Riding on what happens in the game that's a given.
MOBA on the otherhand is the fastest growing Genre out there, and the prizes are Real, Were talking 10k 25k even 100k prizes for being the on the Champion team, and then with some of the games like Dota 2, there are even items that randomly appear in box/chests that are worth up to 10k in some cases, maybe more.
So, Prize money, and Money from Farming Rare items, makes MOBA very Very Competitive
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I would go for Fighting, because it all happens so fast; moves. mindgames, strategy, etc. And takes a lot more practice.
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