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Oh c'mon it isn't that bad, a bit distasteful but people in the comments are acting like IG did 9/11.

8 years ago

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IG melting steel beams confirmed.

8 years ago

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Was an internal job

8 years ago

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Ba dum tss

I'm a moslem btw

and this is nothing compared to anything happens in my country

8 years ago

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To be honest, it's quite common to hear people screaming allah akbar when playing as insurgents
There is also a mod for that.

8 years ago

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IG giving people a realistic expectation of what playing the game is like

8 years ago

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Huh, feels more like a moral gray zone for me. Is clearly a joke without tact, but it's not like black humor is necessarily offensive, and they were just riding on someone else's sense of humor.

8 years ago

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Odd behaviour from a large company! As others have said though, its a joke in poor taste.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

8 years ago

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Odd behaviour from a large company!

It's like you've managed to miss the fact that IG has quite a negative reputation. :P
I've personally encountered about two dozen individuals now who've had their accounts randomly closed by IndieGala- in my case, I lost over $30 of keys. Mind you, they simply ignored my communication attempts over three different mediums, for over half a year before outright deleting the locked account.
IndieGala support is deeply problematic, they've had issues with offering broken keys and not replacing them, their giveaways and trading have always been notoriously mismanaged, and their website design and social interactions tend to lean in exactly this direction.
(Side note, they tend to have regular issues with Happy Hour, but inexplicably always seem to resolve those well. o.O)

You tell me one thing about IG (and their general lack of professionalism) that actually makes this not seem likely, other than the company's general success. :P

8 years ago*

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Woah slow down there, I'm not pro Indie Gala, I don't have any opinion of them really.

8 years ago

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Sorry, lost a :P at the start. Intended impression a bit clearer, now?
Wasn't directed at you. :P (Just persistent exasperation with IG, nothing else was intended.)

8 years ago

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Never liked Indie Gala since day one of their site, their site was coded very bad, and it's still bad coded, it lags, bugs, makes you "claim" your account tons of times, always makes you enter the security code that you get on email because Indie Gala can't keep you logged in for long time, its very annoying. Their security sucks, many exploits and simple stupid bugs due to bad coding were found and ppl exploited them to steal keys from others. The interface of the library where you get your keys is half bugged and works a way worse than HB, IG always tries to copy HB, but does everything very bad, it looks similar, but works very bad.

Then their bundles normally are very cheap bad stuff, their "politic" about selling bundles with that after 24h price increase is total bullshit, they rarely sell something good, and do it even worse increase price of something that is already not worth with original price. And they know their system about this sucks, because when they do a great bundle, idk if you noticed, but they just ignore their "after 24h price increase", the timer goes infinite or less than 0, and it's very easy to see they do it on purpose, because they know if price increases a way less ppl will buy the great bundle, and they won't make as much money.

Then their support is not best. Sometimes even when you buy a second bundle of the same, and you don't tick "gift" then system will bug it self and not you give you the bundle, so you will have to write a ticket to support.

Their IG giveaways and trades is just absolute crap of system. And etc, etc IG themselves are a joke.

8 years ago*

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their site was coded very bad, and it's still bad coded, it lags, bugs, makes you "claim" your account tons of times

agree with ^ ..

8 years ago

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Well, it's really common to hear people saying that in a lot of games, the joke is bad but the people replying to the tweet are overreacting a bit

8 years ago

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It's a joke, but how nice to see the white non-muslim SJW brigade getting offended on other people's behalf as usual.

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8 years ago*

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whitelisted :)

8 years ago

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Somebody had to be offended by this poor joke. And people who should be offended by this joke were too busy with cutting off heads or something like that.

8 years ago

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How often a SJW gets offended?

Every second, purely existence is offensive to someone else.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Man, what a d*ck.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I would say he is only making fun of it... you know... kappa or whatever name that shit has.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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His tweets there are worse than the actual offensive joke.

8 years ago

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You know is a troll, right?

8 years ago

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Oh, he was just pretending to be retarded? How embarrassing for me.

8 years ago

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Dear IG,

Humour isn't allowed on the internet in 2016 anymore, didn't you know?
Kind Regards,

Idiots who get offended by everything, a minority that thinks they're important and can dictate game designers their agenda

8 years ago

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But the game designers are the one who got offended...

8 years ago

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Creating a game where one team is made up of terrorists is srs bizness.

8 years ago

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Damn, I hope that the children don't get too triggered at a more than just the most blandest joke.
I get that they're a retailer, but still. They made a mistake, chill out. No need to wash your dirty laundry so publically.... "DON'T SELL OUR GAME LIKE THIS, WE WANT ATTENTION, SO DM-ING IS TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!! WE'RE A FAILING GAME COMPANY!!!"

8 years ago

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As a self-described SJW and absolutely liberal on every other issue, I am 100% fine with this. If this were mocking Christianity instead every one who is complaining now would be happy with it.

(Though most of the people who are saying it's fine and that those offended need to grow up would be crying and whining instead. The world is full of hypocrites.)

8 years ago

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Do you know SJW is not a positive term?
It's a pejorative meaning the outrage you generate is to appear virtuous, not because you want to help. You can refer to yourself however you want, but it's like saying "I'm an asshole" thinking that means something else.

The accusation of being an SJW carries implications of pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction, and being engaged in disingenuous social justice arguments or activism to raise personal reputation, also known as virtue signalling.

8 years ago

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I know that's how people use it, but it's a reclamation of the term, if you will. Currently your opponent can shut you up without argument by just calling you that, as though it meant anything. By choosing to call yourself that you are robbing him of that weapon and forcing him to engage in honest debate if he wants to prove his point rather than resorting to name-calling.

8 years ago

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Not really, reclaiming means that is the original meaning which it's not. It just helps decay the meaning of the term so that when it is used it conveys no information.
Reclaiming would be saying that you're "gay" and by that meaning happy.

The term does mean something and he may use it as an ad hominem to quell discussion which is wrong, but, in my experience, the emotional ad hominem attacks come mostly from the SJWs that earn the title.
Sadly, nowadays people are quick to kill nuance and discussion by vilifying the people they disagree with, regardless of where they stand.

In my opinion, all it does it make you come off as misinformed, and starting by labelling yourself in no way helps you make a point either, at most it sounds like you are trying to claim some unearned moral superiority from the start of the discussion.

But like I said, you can do what you want. I just don't like this trend of "words don't mean anything and we can use them however we want", like with "literally", for example.

8 years ago*

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Yes and originally "Social Justice Warrior" would mean you fight for social justice which is a good thing.

The term does mean something and he may use it as an ad hominem to quell discussion which is wrong, but in my experience, the emotional ad hominem attacks come mostly from the SJWs that earn the title.

If you really think only one side of the discussion relies on emotional ad hominem, you either are blinded by excessive dedication to your own cause or haven't been on the internet very much. Both sides do it, and way too much.

In my opinion, all it does it make you come off as misinformed, and starting by labelling yourself in no way helps you make a point either, at most it sounds like you are trying to claim some moral superiority from the start of the discussion.

In this particular instance I was arguing against a point that SJW usually defend, and was labeling myself as such to not get the usual "racist", "Islamophobic" or whatever attacks, by saying that "Hey, I'm on your side and even I disagree with you on this, so you better come up with some actual arguments rather than just calling me names". You might think it would have been better for me to call myself a "leftist" or just a "liberal" or whatever, but again I insist on using the term to describe myself so that rightists can't just shut me up by calling me that, which they do attempt to do quite a lot and that is a fact. Perhaps you don't see it as much since I'm guessing you don't usually say that many things that would make people call you SJW, but if you did you would see that, and you would realize that if any remotely good opinion you have earns you that label, which in itself isn't that bad, maybe you should start using it.

But like I said, you can do what you want. I just don't like this trend of "words don't mean anything and we can use them however we want", like with "literally"...

Actually, I am very much in support of using "literally" only in its original meaning. We have so many intensifiers already and so many ways of emphasizing points, do we really need another? Meanwhile literally is the only word that conveys the meaning of "I really mean this I am not exaggerating for humor or attention" clearly and directly, and it would be sad to lose that because now it can mean either thing just so we can gain one more way of saying "really".

8 years ago

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Yes and originally "Social Justice Warrior" would mean you fight for social justice which is a good thing.

Only if you take it verbatim, i.e. before it was an expression by itself.

If you really think only one side of the discussion relies on emotional ad hominem, you either are blinded by excessive dedication to your own cause or haven't been on the internet very much. Both sides do it, and way too much.

Yes and no. You misunderstood. What I said was that the ones who do it earn the title of "SJW". I further clarified it on the next sentence via an edit (sorry I was slow).
I am, if anything, libertarian, and that means having to go against the authoritarians in the regressive left, which is where my experience comes from.

8 years ago*

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I guess that makes more sense, and I guess again that really depends on where you stand. If you, like me, are used to arguing for traditionally leftist and liberal ideals, you'll be much more used to people calling you a SJW out of nowhere whether you've earned it or no, for simply stating what you believe in. If you are more used to arguing on the more rightist side of issues, I guess you'll be very used to actual vicious SJWs insulting and name-calling you.

8 years ago

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Agreed, but there's a clear misconception on how the political spectrum works, hopefully this graph helps clarify it for you:

I'd be in the "libertarian center", so I get shit from right and left leaning people. Maybe I'd be slightly to the right for expecting adults to exert some personal responsibility. Like, expecting people who get indefinite unemployment aid to be required to study and/or actively look for a job, which doesn't happen in my country...

Edit: I gave this test a shot and I'm, according to it, lib-left, but pretty close to centric, probably since the questions are a bit too obviously skewed.

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8 years ago*

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By far, this is the more polite arguing over a serious matter that i ever saw in forumside... Kudos to both of you!

8 years ago

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Being labeled a Social Justice Warrior is something to be proud of. It means you're a decent human being, and those who are not hate you for it.

It's like how particularly backwards americans use "socialist" as an insult... To which most people would go "Yeah, thanks for the compliment, I guess? Weren't you trying to insult me?"

8 years ago

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Not really.
Being incorrectly labelled one, maybe.

And, your attitude of dehumanizing people with dissenting opinions is exactly what we were discussing above.

8 years ago

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Uh, in most of the world, it's people who get labeled as SJWs that have dissenting opinions. And they get shouted down by the hateful, racist, intolerant, often reactionary majority. And in any case, I'm not willing to accept the idea that ignorant opinions deserve to be treated fairly. You can protest as much as you want that SJW is only thrown at people who are """"virtue signalling"""" (Do I need more quotes to illustrate how ridiculous I find the concept?), but in reality, out of the thousands of times I've seen it used, it has always been directed at people who certainly seem to genuinely care. Sometimes the targets are people who really are trying to be overly politically correct or are the type of feminist who can't decide if women are empowered equal citizens who can make their own way in the world or delicate little potential victims who need constant protection, but for the most part, it's directed at people arguing very reasonable things like not arbitrarily discriminating people, accepting non-heterosexual people, accepting those with mismatched gender/sex, acknowledging that racism is still a massive thing and hurting people, accepting that migrants and especially refugees commit less crimes than locals, and that immigrants are not a drain on the economy and not a threat to society, acknowledging that women, among other groups, are poorly represented in movies, television and especially games, acknowledging that gender roles are still a thing and are terrible, etc., etc. Oh, and accepting that Donald Trump is an avatar of everything wrong with humanity.

Anyway, if you disagree with any of those things, it's going to be very hard for me to not dehumanize you in my mind. I simply cannot comprehend how people can think that way. It's too bizarre.

One more thing: Some of the people who get bashed as SJWs actually deserve criticism. Specifically, feminists who vastly exaggerate the wage gap and rape culture (which are very serious problems elsewhere, but not so much in the countries of the feminists who complain about them) and those who hypocritically claim that feminism isn't just about women, but about equality in general, yet do nothing for anyone other than women. In either case, however, throwing SJW at them is silly, they're not """"virtue signalling"""", they obviously genuinely care, they're just not being very smart about it.

And this here's the thing. These people almost never get called out on their actual mistakes, they just get bashed as SJWs the same as those who aren't wrong. Which reveals the anti-SJW movement to be not about actually pointing out flaws in the social progressive movement, but about opposing that movement in general, trying to discredit it by claiming its proponents are in it ""to appear virtuous"".

So, in my experience, pretty much everyone who uses SJW as a pejorative is a reactionary who's salty that there are people out there trying to make society more inclusive. As I said above, this is not a position I can treat with respect.

8 years ago

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Fuck that's a lot of text...

Uh, in most of the world, it's people who get labeled as SJWs that have dissenting opinions.

Then if we are using the same meaning of "dissent" perhaps the vocal mob just appears to be the majority.

And they get shouted down by the hateful, racist, intolerant, often reactionary majority. And in any case, I'm not willing to accept the idea that ignorant opinions deserve to be treated fairly.

You can protest as much as you want that SJW is only thrown at people who are """"virtue signalling""""

Only, no. My point is that the word should only be used in a way coherent with its meaning, not that it is. Also I'm not sure that "signalling" is the right word.

always been directed at people who certainly seem to genuinely care.

There's such a thing as being disingenuous even to oneself. See the people getting offended at jokes of other groups, those people earn the SJW title through and through. You don't get to decide that other people should be offended by something. Even if they believe their actions are in the best interest of what they see as protected groups they act in their detriment. There is a very good presentation on the segregation of groups by making them pariahs and taboo in the realm of comedy, and another on the use of humour to bring groups together. An enemy of comedy is not a person deserving of respect in my opinion.

it's directed at people arguing very reasonable things

Yes, it can be, which is something acknowledged in my conversation above. Ad hominen dismissive attacks happen on both sides of the sociopolitical spectrum.

accepting that migrants and especially refugees commit less crimes than locals, and that immigrants are not a drain on the economy and not a threat to society,

Somewhat agree, but culture is an important factor. Economic hispanic migrants come to works and as such fit those parameters.
Migrants from backwards cultures can have negative effects on society, in particular see the case of Cologne, Germany. In Germany, the migrants are committing crimes at disproportionately high rates (a 40% crime increase after a 10% increase in population were the estimates I read).

acknowledging that women, among other groups, are poorly represented in movies, television and especially games,

Debatable. Artistic integrity should take precedent, and if more artists are able to produce things it should even out naturally, i.e. without artificial censoring and retconning of existing media.

acknowledging that gender roles are still a thing and are terrible, etc., etc.

Looking to uphold gender norms is; gender roles are not: if a mother wants to stay home and raise her children, she isn't a terrible person.

Oh, and accepting that Donald Trump is an avatar of everything wrong with humanity.

Not literally everything, but he is a pretty awful scam artist.

throwing SJW at them is silly, they're not """"virtue signalling"""", they obviously genuinely care, they're just not being very smart about it.

That's perhaps a separate group of the regressive left. SJW is more suitable to refer to "false" allies of a group. Radical third-wave feminists care, though only about their own interests, their feigned interest often comes when relating to equality in other realms, or for other groups.

These people almost never get called out on their actual mistakes, they just get bashed as SJWs the same as those who aren't wrong. Which reveals the anti-SJW movement to be not about actually pointing out flaws in the social progressive movement, but about opposing that movement in general, trying to discredit it by claiming its proponents are in it ""to appear virtuous"".

Maybe we frequent different sites, but in the free-thinker/humanist movements I frequent labelling isn't the only thing done. Their ideas are deconstructed and actions scrutinized. Leading to some of these groups to be referred to as the alt-right, by sheer opposition of the regressive left.

Yet when members of those groups go on to, for example support Trump, I am the first to dissent.

So, in my experience, pretty much everyone who uses SJW as a pejorative is a reactionary who's salty that there are people out there trying to make society more inclusive. As I said above, this is not a position I can treat with respect.

I use it as it was created, yet I don't fit that criteria.

8 years ago*

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Big respect for Inurgency development team

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yup, straight to hell for me, because I laughed at this.

8 years ago

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At least its warm there.

8 years ago

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I always liked warm climates.

8 years ago

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I would say +1, but I'm pretty sure I've been damned multiple previous times over my life.

8 years ago

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Well, one less thing to worry about, at least ^^

8 years ago

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Dark humor is like a kid with cancer.

Never gets old!

8 years ago

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Oh my, I will have company in hell. ^^

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You've just been whitelisted :)

8 years ago

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It's nice to see people with alternative thinking, I was 99% sure that I will get blacklisted for my comment ^^

P.S. don't whitelist me.

8 years ago

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you can fart in the privacy of your own car these days and someone will overreact...

8 years ago

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It's a joke not a dick, people shouldn't take it so hard.

8 years ago

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Everyone is so easily offended these days, Jesus.

8 years ago

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I have yet to see an actual muslim post that they offended by this? why are people getting offended on their behalf?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Because it's a silly joke.

8 years ago

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Because SJWs need a non-existent war to validate themselves :P

8 years ago

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I'm a Muslim and honestly, I've laughed at much worse. XD

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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You. I like you.

8 years ago

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Additionally, and yeah, you see, stuff like this is why Trump won. When people can't even feel safe making damn jokes anymore, sure the candidate that promises them the right to do that will start to seem appealing. By trying to protect our favorite minorities from hearing a few offensive words we are getting them in actual danger of losing their lives. Rights to abortion, LGBT rights, women's rights, and the entire frigging planet(via global warming) is in peril now in America because the left decided it was more important to fight for token meaningless rights like this rather than appeal to people to win the presidency to do actual change. Because we've become an echo chamber and completely disconnected ourselves from the world. The left worldwide is shooting itself in the foot because we've all forgotten what made us appealing in the first place, what caused our golden age and what will always cause anyone's golden age in such a massively democratic world: Appealing to the people. Fighting for what we believe in, defending the rights of innocents, all that is very important, but we simply cannot do that if we keep on alienating everyone who does not agree with us 100%. There are simply not enough hardcore leftists around. Like it or not we have to appeal to the white demographic, to the men demographic, we can't keep on alienating such huge portions of the electors and then be surprised why we lost and then suddenly "whoops these people we were trying to defend are being oppressed for real again whoops".

8 years ago

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It's just a joke. No need to overreact. :P
Still kinda weird for a company to advertise products like this.

8 years ago

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For IG, pretty normal, they've done similar. And regardless of the joke and the consumer base's response, it's clear they were well out of line in doing an unauthorized promotion for the game using materials that, if not offensive, are clearly utterly stupid and nonsensical.
If someone made an advertisement for your game about rabbits using a picture of a line of rabbit droppings, and made a crap joke, then it's childish enough, but imagine how you'd feel as the developer to stumble across that. This is a project you worked really hard on, and you expected to be treated respectfully, and now someone is.. well, sorta-literally taking a shit all over it. :P

It's a bit too stupid a topic to be worth "overreacting" on- it's really more in the :SMH: territory of things- but it's still nevertheless clear that IG acted unprofessionally (as they've a reputation for) by multiple angles.

8 years ago*

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True. I don't know what IG was thinking when they chose to market a product in such a way. Though, it doesn't garner the response it got, it is well within the developer's right to be offended by how their product is being presented.

Nice analogy, by the way. :P

8 years ago

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Is this supposed to be offensive because I struggle to be offended. Soon you will get hated for posting meal photos on social networks because someone will get offended for "mocking hungry people". It just may be that I'm from a country where life standard and economy is so bad that we don't have time and energy for stuff like this. Dunno but like the joke.

8 years ago

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To me, I find it perplexing that anyone would believe in this ridiculous bullshit in 2016. Magic gods that live in the sky >_< . It's mind bending that half of the world actually still believe in this prehistoric propaganda.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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OK, IG should respect the dev/publisher.

Right. That's the important part of all of this, not this outcome we've gotten of making someone using unprofessional behavior and nonsensical humor to further emphasize the general themes of victimization and reactive defensiveness within our society. That's a battle worth fighting, but there's no indication here of directed bigotry or the like, just of IG continuing to be their usual unprofessional selves. :P

8 years ago

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I don't get it. What's offensive about the tweet?

8 years ago

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It uses the stereotype that Muslims like to blow people up yelling Allahu akbar during it. Not that it is some new-found stereotype, it was used in 80s and 90s comedies as well, but some people really put this whole politically correct sensitivity into overdrive in the last decade or so.

8 years ago

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Thanks for your explanation.
I don't think they were referencing all Muslims but the images we see of terrorists.
Anyway, I'm still confused. I don't know how I feel about this thing.

PS: I got new blacklist for this question. =(

8 years ago

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It means that somebody noticed you :3

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8 years ago

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Political correctness is such dumb bullshit.

8 years ago

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