Which keyboard do you use / prefer / recommend?
no idea, personally, but have a bump so someone more knowledgeable can help you.
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I've been using a cheap Logitech K120 for years. Feels weird using anything else now :p
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For gaming, red and brown are usually the safest pick for first mechanical keyboard. My personal preference is Mx Silent tho, those available on the mainstream market are basically Mx Red with less noise.
Corsair just released their famous K70 but this time with Mx Silent. Another good thing about it, they just made available sets of keys made of PBT (more durable) which was something customers were asking for ages.
However if you don't want to be stuck with software i would check out the Ducky Channel keyboards, good stuff.
Also, you didn't tell if you care about RGB, your budget, do you care about size (TKL for more space).... that could help !
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Thanks, I'll look into those :)
My budget is around 100€. I don't care about the size, but LED keycaps turned out pretty useful
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I like my Cherry MX Board 3.0 with red switches. Not as loud as other mechanical keyboards and not that expensive. Yesterday I spilled my beer over it and I thought the keyboard is broken, because many many keys were activated at the same time and the whole computer freaked out because of it. Screen shaking and everything. But after one night of drying it magically works again. :D
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Mechanical keyboards are just vastly superior to membrane ones IMO. The only problem I have with them that since I have started using them I can not stand to type on almost any non-mechanical keyboards. Currently I use a K70 RGB with mx reds, but will be ordering myself a Ducky MIYA once it comes out as a spare (and travel) keyboard as I almost lost my shit typing on a membrane keyboard last week while I was waiting for my K70 to dry up for 3 days as I had to clean it after spilling tea on it.
If you wanna learn more about mechanical keyboards r/MechanicalKeyboards has a pretty decent wiki, I have no idea if something similar exist for other types of keyboards tho. Good luck finding the best one for you! Having the chance to test them out in person is always nice.
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I spilled a Dr Pepper (a whole one) on my K70 a couple weeks ago. It stopped working until i dumped some rubbing alcohol on it, rinsed with water, and dried it for a couple days. Now it's 100% again. Shocked the crap outta me that it went from completely fried to good as new.
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Those things are surprisingly durable. Mine works just fine too except one of the arrow keys feels a little bit funny (works just fine tho) but I am not gonna bother replacing one switch for a key I rarely use.
Did you rinse the the PCB with water or just the housing? Because if you did the first - just for the future if it happens again, it is way better to only clean it with alcohol as it leaves less ummm.. cant remember the correct English term right now sorry shit behind when evaporating that could cause something to short or whatever.
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Awesome, thanks! I will try some today if my local store has some, that is :S
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You'll understand the difference mechanical makes once you try one. No comparison. You should get one unless you have a tight budget. I like the brown keys, and have a board that uses the Logitech Romer G keys which are basically browns. I use these because they have bump that lets me know when the key has actually been pressed unlike reds, blacks, or clears where if you bump your keyboard you have to check the screen to see if you accidentally hit the button.
Switches are all about preference. Blues are loud, and feel icky to me. I don't like the sharp click when you press them. Reds feel smooth and buttery, but I like browns the best.
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I prefer reds, but like others have said, find someplace where you can test them all for a bit and find one to your liking. Some sites will even sell you a "switch sampler" with the various types. Usually costs $15-$20 or so, but worth it once you consider the price of a good mechanical board and how long and how often you'll be using it.
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I only have the keyboard that came with my computer, so I am of no help at all. Sorry.
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I know a friend of mine has a mechanical keyboard but not sure with other types, but I know his can sometimes over power his voice if he's playing a game at the same time cause once he started going, you can only here click clack about twenty times per minute. So if you're really interested in gaming and talking on a team speak or discord, maybe test out some on display keyboards first to see what noise they make. Last thing you'd want is a friend complaining about the sound it makes.
I use logitech and have been using it for about 3-4 years I think.
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As long as it is a mechanical keyboard I don't care what kind of cherry it has 🍒 . At the moment I'm using a Corsair Vengance K70 Cherry MX Red. Solid af. I love the dedicated multimedia controls and volume wheel 😃
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I highly recommend getting a sampler kit first to try out the various types of Switches to see which one you like first, then finding a keyboard that uses those switches.
Otherwise you'll get a keyboard, might not like it, and have to return it.
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I use a keyboard with mx brown switches and am very satisfies with it.
Mechanical switches feel a lot better if you're typing or gaming a lot, but they are expensive and often very loud (people on VoIP sometimes get annoyed). I could not test the new silent switches yet, but i'd recommend doing so. In any case try to find a market (saturn?) with different keyboards plugged in and find your desired mechanic (key resistance, linear pressure or tactile feedback, clicky or not, travel distance). In general pure gamers often prefer low force, quick actuation and linear build, while people who write a lot find those awful and go for the opposite - i found the middle optimal.
By my experience the board is also far more spill resistant, usually*
the liquid does not get inside the mechanic, keys don't get sticky by sweat / liquid (compared to domes) and it's easier to clean for both liquid mishaps and dust. If it comes really bad you can replace single switches by soldering, but i've never done that myself.
i killed way too many keyboards, this one is alive the longest.
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Oh yea, that could be a problem. I don't want to wake up anybody :D Thanks for the info :)
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I'm thinking about getting a new keyboard. I never used a mechanical one before and was wondering what keyboard the SG community uses.
I'm going to test some keyboards tomorrow.
all giveaways ended
q w e r t z
Because I don't know much about mechanical keyboards, I just picked
some of the most popular switchesall the switches I saw on the cherry mx websiteComment has been collapsed.