HI to all ^^.
This probably is the first discussion i start, i normally don't have anything to say and just comment what the rest discuss, but this time i just can't not say anything regarding this matter.
Is not the first time i've seen it happening, but today i can't stand watching it because is DECEMBER for god sake.
How comes that when some good soul decide to share a link where you can claim some FREE stuff, specially Steam Games, there's always some greedy people who start hoarding all the keys and then have the face to come here and try to trade them for something else. While in the first place should just claim 1 (ONE not TWO... ONEEE) key for them self, maybe a second one, but i saw ppl literally saying "i can trade 10 copies of X games for 1 copy of X game", really?? 10 copies? why are you so damn greedy?
What disgusts me even more is that we are a few days away from holidays, damn we are already in holidays for some of us, and for other the entire december is holidays, if not then go see all the open heart folks that have been doing all the recent GAs for the good of there hearts.
This holidays we are suppose to give not take, specially take free stuff and then try to take advantage from them. It seems wrong dunno what you all think about it.-

8 years ago*

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It's ok for you that people hoard FREE keys and then try to trade them??

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Yeah! those slow slime deserve not getting a key, is just for the fastest ninjas.
No, people should get 1 (ONE) key and let the rest of the mortal human being that are slowers get a key too
Meh, if they really want a key then should pay more attention and stick 24/7 watching SG discussion or eat a potatto and be happy

Because people are fcking cancer of this planet?

8 years ago

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I can't share that thought, not all of them, but some sadly they are cancer indeed.
Wish they could think of the person next to them, but is hard to conceive something like that could ever happen, since is always me, then me, after that me again and maybe just maybe me again, if after all that me is satisfy then perhaps if i have spare time, you but don't count on that or wait sit coz standing u might get tired.
But is the world where we live to bad we can't do nothing about it.

8 years ago

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Why throw a serious disease like that in that way?


8 years ago

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Nature of said disease kinda paints the whole point very well .

8 years ago

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But you turning it into a "joke insult" while for those people have really suffered it, a serious (and sometimes deadly) thing.

And it's "some" people, not everyone in this planet here is just rotten.

8 years ago

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Would it make it better if i would have used a flue or parkinsons disease? I dont think so + it wouldnt really convey my point very well. And its not a joke, i'm actually serious on this.

8 years ago

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There are plenty of ways to make your point across without using any disease.
I had family going through it, and it's hurtful, and i seen such comments before (espescially when playing TF2) but also here, and sometimes i ignore it, sometimes i try to say something about it. some who also went through such experiences even said they didn't mind people making such comments, but in the end some people will get offended by this.
Not saying you are, but there are plenty of young kids (like in TF2) that don't even know what cancer is even about while throwing it out.

There always will be good people, and there will be bad ones, that has been forever and it will never change.
One can even discuss we need the bad with the good in sort of a yin yang way.

Back on topic.

8 years ago*

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Im sorry if that somehow ended up personal for you. Couldnt known:) on the other hand i have never been most considerate person ever. I just say what i feel needs to be said in a blunt way because that gets my point across best. No wonder im in so many blacklists :D

8 years ago

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You couldn't have known (i nevered talked about it, except for this) And i know fully well i can't stop anyone from using it, especially on places like TF2, but hope on this place it could atleast be somewhat clean of it. And even if this gets to educate 1 "kid", going to read up on it and thinks hmm well maybe i shouldn't be using it like that anymore, it's worth it.

Don't sweat it, even the lists i'm on isn't small. ;)

8 years ago*

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for people who hoard free keys


for emo kids (spreading fast, annoing but not realy dangerous)

parkinson disease

... people who like "harlem shake" meme?

8 years ago

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ha ha ha, your comment make my day seriously :P

But really i would not wish Cancer even to my mortal enemies NEVER.

8 years ago

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Totally agree.
I assume that when he said Cancer means like whatever they touch dies, but still is a strong word and even stronger if the entire human race is counted as a disease, lol it actually looks like he wasn't human, unless is saying is a disease himself lmao.
But back on topic, there should be a strict rule of not trade free stuff when they are hoarded. I'm ok if you trade your copy of X game for X copy of mine, but not 10 copies, because a lot of ppl didn't get one, so why would you have the right to trade them like they were all yours in the first place.
Not sure if i'm talking correctly since english is not my native language. but please correct me of any misspelling or wrong idea if is the case.
Thanks for commenting and great puzzle btw :)

8 years ago

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well, it's their keys so they can do whatever they want with it. not that I approve of it myself
but greed is human nature. which is a good and bad thing. good because, it means we will always strive for more, bad cuz we have the tendency to want too much

8 years ago

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I agree that greed is the human nature, but that doesn't mean that we should just keep quiet and not tell them is wrong.
Maybe is true that the keys belong to them, but they won't be their keys if they didn't hoard them before. So technically they are trying to trade keys that belong to some other poor souls that have bad connections, wasn't watching SG Discussions at that moment or electrical issues, etc, etc. That doesn't mean that because they can get more then one should get more then one.
There's no "is ok, those keys belong to them and can do whatever they want" simply there's no.

8 years ago

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cause Profitz

8 years ago

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coz selfishness i believe is more accurate

8 years ago

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They're closely related, if you think about it. The worse case I remember is Talisman: Digital Edition from Nomad Games's store.
They didn't have any kind of check, so everyone could get as many keys as they wanted... until they noticed. Too little, too late.
The day after that, there was a guy on Indie Gala's trade section with over 200 keys for trade (with valuable games, of course).
I didn't get my copy from one of those greedy hoarders, if you're wondering.

8 years ago

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haha, that doesn't even crossed my mind don't worry. I wasn't able to get one copy of that game and i do remember what you are saying but correct me if i'm wrong IG banned that account a couple days later, even when they didn't have nothing to do with that.

8 years ago

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Some sites cares about people that are not so fast with getting keys - like Indie gala - you have to connect ig acount with your steam and can take only one key (and only if you don't have it already).
Some give games with cards for profitz and they don't really care (though in that case you loose just couple of cents because those games are usually worth shit f.e. digital homicide).

8 years ago

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Totally IG is da best site regarding free keys nor being hoarded but also a great site for people who want their indie game take off.

8 years ago

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Indeed, I despise people who hoard free keys like that too. Same as entering mass giveaways for a game you don't want and then regifting it. Some people should just f@ck right off.

8 years ago

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Well let me tell you an anecdote of my early days on SG, i made a GA and ofc someone won, so i give him they gift like all should do, and i did it in record time, like 2-3 min after GA ended that person was added on steam and 5 minutes later got the gift. He thanked me and seems a nice guy, So couple hours later decide to make another GA and dunno why i was going to invite the previous winner and saw was doing a GA with my gift, instantly reported, almost 48hs after that i was loosing hopes that mods would do something about it, like all of us who where counting minutes and seconds after each GA we made at the beginning i was stalking his GA and saw it end and saw a guy win, then he gave the gift and even that the game wasn't a AAA was a nice one that help him lvl up his account and i was like wtf so he's gonna get impune and get away with it? Didn't like it at all the system, but then i receive a new message from a moderator saying thanks for reporting, bla bla bla. Next i went to the guy who won my earlier GA and was banned and that GA erased, ofc points were take it away so went back to previous lvl and the guy who won his GA activated the game, so i felt like he was the real winner of my GA.

Sorry for testament didn't knew how to shrink it.

ON TOPIC people who hoard free keys and join mass giveaway and also regift them should burn in hell ^^.

8 years ago

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Ouch, sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with your winner. Nice happy end though! :)

8 years ago

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haha, see wasn't a bad anecdote at all right? :P
It was difficult for me coz i was really new in SG so i didn't knew how to handle it but i guess i did it pretty well dontcha think?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Absolutely, they should had think about this could happen and anticipate it like some other say, doing a system similar to Indie Gala, but i believe they didn't care at all, wasn't thinking too much how was gonna end. Too bad really, but hopefully they learn to do it better next time.

8 years ago

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Humans are the scourge of this planet. Anyway, nothing we can do to correct their behavior - their parents should have done this a long time ago, when they still were kids.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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haha nice pic of Scrooge McDuck :P
And yes you r right, We are the reflection of our parents and the education they give us and the roots we hold.

8 years ago

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It is pretty greedy what some people will do, it's why I'm glad alienware arena implemented levels (although it's still not perfect. I remember sometime over a year ago, when I first found G2A (which I still haven't bought anything from), there was a giveaway going on for Brawlhalla closed beta keys, and people were hoarding them to sell on G2A. As I watched overtime, this became a trend of people selling free giveaway keys, trading them off on steam store forums, etc etc... Just horrible if you ask me.

8 years ago

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yeah, so sad honestly u.u

8 years ago

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Saw a symphony last week, and saw a woman in a fur coat and wearing more gold than Mister T dumping a whole dish of dinner mints into her purse.

That type of person is everywhere. Welcome to the human race, where nothing surprises me anymore.

8 years ago

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Oh but i'm not surprise at all, just want it to say my thoughts and see what others think about it. I already know they are everywhere but still wish they were half greedy half the time, but considering the world as it is i really doubt that.-

8 years ago*

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