There are some puzzle game with OCD options (I'm thinking World of Goo, Human ressources machine, Kami, Splice) that I like a lot, but this seems to be on a whole another level.
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never played factorio, but yeah, I see the kind of game. I have a friend who'd be crazy about this. He was making automated factory type structures in Minecraft...
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first time i tried Logistical was a complete wtf up 'till i closed it. but then, i got hooked. now i'm enjoying its "local" side playing italy, and that's just awesome... how i'm re discovering my country :D
imo, could be something for you, paul. i know you CAN play bad glitchy ui games, you've proved to able to do that :P
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I don't think I could have got through this month without it
this is so... convincing ;) just found a blueheart ga for it... and quickly wishlisted. PC Building Simulator is really "peculiar". another wish!
as for complexity, Logistical tutorial was so... hard. but Sacada (dev) have done some fixes here and there. now it's easier to get into (i hope). but i trust him, seems to "work" really well and i'm pretty sure he'll do whatever he can do to make the "get into" more straight forward.
also complexity ends after a few hours of gameplay. then... it's all fine tuning and puzzling :D
thanks for sharing, Pete
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Someone mentioned a "better" version of Minesweeper, I think they are talking about Hexcells. Not too dissimilar but for the hexagon tiles instead of square. Levels can always be completed with correct thought process and there's one with infinite (seed-generated) levels, in the series as there are three games in total.
I may try the free version of this LOGistICAL thingi, out of curiosity alone, but the obsene amount of achievements (9K+ ! ), in the paid version, kinda turns me off. Is this an OCD things as well? Cheers..
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i'll add Hexcells ones, wonderful gameplay and plenty of hours.
achievements in Logistical are everywhere, paid and free. the one you mentioned was before steam limited the n° for each game. so, dev started to publish new countries as standalone and no more as dlcs.
logistical is 120% OCD. for achievs, too :P
thanks for sharing, Never!
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I know it sounds strange, but think about it - there's a rating system. Which means that if you have OCD, nothing will be more infuriating than getting S rank on everything except that one damned level.
Ditto for Bloodrayne Betrayal
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It's an honestly great game and it's been as cheap as 69 cents in the past. will probably go low on the next sale as well.
I still have four desura keys for GP... hopefully they will still work 100 years from now, when desura is finally relaunched as promised.
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Finally something I can contribute to! CK II (I'll never give up managing borders gore) Project Highrise Stardew Valley
(I could also list several other titles here but the OCD isn't that strong in them)
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Finally something
ck is deep and wonderfully OCD approved. project highrise... yes it is, even if it didn't made that click in my head. oh, stardew. what to say about that beautiful satisfying fruity veggy (and grindy!) valley?
thanks for sharing, Archi (and yes, we need them strong :P)
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Well, I think I could suggest Football Manager then :P It made me feel the same way as MM and SV :P And maybe Volgarr where you have to do the same and same and same and same thing again and again and again and again due to the game's difficulty (and you don't want to give up because you have to finish it this time, okay this time, okay this time, okay but definitely this time, okay this time) :P
Seems like they're not :P But maybe Opus Magnum will fit ;)
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I think basically every game by Zachtronics will fit this category :)
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I define it as most often strategy/management game (but not exclusively - Stardew Valley for example) that is centered around building or adding something to the bigger whole and through non-trivial ways, very often optionally, makes you want to match everything in a perfect balance/layout/efficiency.
Example of OCD-approved layout.
Example of mess. You see that missing space in the right? TRIGGERED
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The oil canister next to the two fuel canisters isn't even lined up with them, facing a random direction. Monk is not pleased.
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My go-to OCD is Orcs Must Die! 2. Setting up the perfect kill box with multiple traps and being able to just spectate as orc after orc runs headlong into your domain of death. Ahhh, good times.
Fast forward to 8:18.
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I mean, like 86.6666666666% (most?*) of Zachtronics (full) games:
In addition to the already mentioned TIS-100.
Not sure how Ironclad Tactics really fits in with everything else he's made....
And for your online OCD gaming needs:
Almost forgot:
*Forgot his flash games and educational games, which makes that calculation a lot less precise. Frustratingly.
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i'd like to know if you want to share your choice, something that you feel could be an "OCD approved game".
ultimate choice for me is factorio. a favorite game, also. but just discovered a rough (very rough) new, free, so much OCD satisfying pretty nasty little thing called LOGistICAL: ABC Islands. Sacada, the dev, recently decided to make it free, so you could no-much-risky try it.
game is about supply chains, all about... logistics. if you've played (and liked) factorio, maybe you've dreamt (for real) about transport belts, just like me. with this one, you could find yourself dreaming about optimizing those tuk-tuks.
also, game is huge. deep. ui is pretty messy. i'm still pretty new but an easy start would be:
Xmas 2017 is... hell ;)
LOGistICAL Tutorial Walkthrough
please share your thoughts, also about Your choice.
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