What do you all think about having another giveaway option? An option that makes it so only people who have the game on their wishlist before the giveaway start date are able to enter it.

Hope you all like my idea! And please drop your thoughts in the comments.

10 years ago

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7 Day To Die ♥

10 years ago

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I like the idea. You should add a poll to this thread to let people vote.

10 years ago

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Is there any way to edit in a poll? It doesn't show up when I hit edit.

10 years ago

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Perhaps we should request another new feature? ;)

10 years ago

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Perhaps we should!

10 years ago

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I've actually done a giveaway with a similar rule in the past., since your wishlist shows when you put the game on there.

Honestly, given that you can do this easily with your own giveaway rules, I don't think we really need it as a full giveaway option.

10 years ago

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One obvious issue would be users adding every game to their wishlist, so the game would need to be in their top X wishlisted games.

10 years ago

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lol yeah some people would do that wouldn't they...

10 years ago

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Attention is being had! Thanks for the site! (back to the topic on hand)

Anyway, that can be a problem, I have seen a bot somewhere on the internet that adds all steam games to your wishlist at the click of a button.

So making it say, the top 50 might be best. Anything less then top 50 you probably don't want that much.

EDIT: looking through my own wishlist I can see that anything below 50 I really don't want that much. Maybe 30 or 40 would work too.

10 years ago*

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I could actually use a bot like that. Not for future giveaways, but because I generate price alerts based on my wishlist. As you can see from my profile, I'm an avid (albeit insane) collector.

In terms of how a wishlist function would be structured for gifts, I feel the top 25 or even 50 items on a list would be appropriate.

10 years ago

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3k games! Damn, I am not going to be linking to such a bot (if I even remembered what the link was)

And yeah, top 25-50 would be the best choice. Personally I am able to fit most of what I want in my top 30, and 40 covers just about everything I really want. From the sounds of things you are in the same range as well.

10 years ago

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Isn't following too alert price drops?

10 years ago

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30 imo would be perfect

10 years ago

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Day 1 it works. Day 2 leechers start adding the entire steam catalog to their wishlists. The end.

10 years ago

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See what CG said above if such a feature were to be implemented it would be limited to top X items or whatever.

10 years ago

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Heck I already have over 500 items on my wishlist and there is no giveaway option like this. (I mainly use the wishlist as a reminder list, or else I would just forget about stuff as my memory sucks.

10 years ago

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That wouldn't help much- i use my wishlist as a pre-curation of sorts, not only my most wanted... its 650 games long.

I suppose this will go on like that for user like me until steam adds a 'watch' option separated from wishlisting. There are games im only curious about and would only buy on sale... then steam e-mails when a wishlisted game is on sale.

10 years ago

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Yeah, the bottom half of my wishlist is a buy only on sale thing.

10 years ago

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I really hope this won't be implemented, as I use my Wishlist only for tracking my missing DLC-s. But not just this what is against it. That feature would make the site worse imho. Every user would be forced to a non-stop Wishlist management, wasting time and generating spam to their friend activity feed, etc.

10 years ago

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