I worked hard on this calc document and thought maybe some other traders could like it too.
Here is a screenshot of the calc document: http://fs2.directupload.net/images/150209/cmyix47a.jpg
Here is the result / my thread: http://www.steamgifts.com/trade/M6bt8/
If you want it, where can I upload the .ods / .xls file?

Update: The poll was quite positive. So I worked a little bit more on this calc document to improve it further. I created another thread with another poll where I posted the download link: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/phxUg/

10 years ago*

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Very nice :D
I do not trade, but I can tell you did in fact put a lot of work into this. If you have a Google account you can use Google Drive to host the file and just put the link to your file on here. Although I am not sure if there is a rule against doing that, it is just what I would do, not what you should do. Maybe someone else can answer that for both of us.

10 years ago

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I didn't see any rule against sharing this type of material, so I'm sure OP is fine. The closest thing I saw was "Referral links are not allowed in the community, and if you choose to post a link, please be sure all referral codes have been removed."

By the way, OP, nice tool. This is actually quite useful in keeping an organized list of games to trade/gift. :)

10 years ago

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Yes I know that part about referrals. The link to download a file though and not just a link to a website. I can not remember a time ever seeing one in here. But then again I am usually blind when I Internet.

10 years ago

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Ah, I see. I don't know if it has been omitted or I simply overlooked, but there was a section about advertising, wasn't there? Now that I think about it, there have been people who posted links to apps that the users created or had friends make or whatever, and they didn't seem to get in trouble. Then again that was SG v1 so rules about downloadable material may have changed.

10 years ago

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Nice work Bro, what's the best program to open it??

10 years ago

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I created it with OpenOffice Calc (Version 3.4.1). Microsoft Excel may be fine to open it too.

10 years ago*

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From what I saw in the file name, your document is a .obs which will only open in OpenOffice Calc.

10 years ago

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Yes. but I saved it as a .xls file too. I just don't know how the document would look in Excel.

10 years ago

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I could help you check that out if you want a screen.

10 years ago

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Ok, I will add you on Steam :)

10 years ago

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Why having the column D when it's content is written just besides on columns E,F,G? Or why having columns E,F,G when D summarize the 3 of them?

10 years ago

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Originally I thought about adding Desura ... but I decided against it.
I better should delete column D, so that it is for Steam games only.

10 years ago

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