Steam's Year In Review is out, and after some retrospect and hindsight, I got curious: What are the worst games you had the misfortune of trying this year?
Guess I start:

Alchemy Garden is extremely mediocre, it has no style or substance.
It pretty much has at most 5 hours of content, but stretched to 30 hours of unenjoyable grind if you're going for achievements.
Even other sandbox games still have goals to aim for, or secrets to discover, or at the very least interesting characters to chat to. Other than what achievements require you to do, it has none of it, characters are cardboard cutouts; the 3 areas you can visit are devoid of anything remotely interesting; and none of the unlockables are satisfying to unlock.
Makes you question yourself: What's the point anyway?

Saints Row 2 is a great game, but the PC port is abysmal and unstable.
GoTR mod/patch only reduced the constant crashes by 5%, and some missions outright refused to start or end, had to use a Skip Mission mod just to progress through the game. Around half-way point I just gave up exploring the world or buying anything, game tries to make your experience as miserable as possible.
With Volition closing, any hopes of the promised patched version is lost. Rest in Peace IdolNinja.

Still Life 2 was a struggle since I won it.
Sadly I didn't finish the first game due to my save files getting corrupted, but even the 3 hours I played was better than this. Not really good voice acting (specially Hernandez), fewer locations, dull puzzles and uninteresting plot. The way they wrapped up first game's story wasn't satisfying either.
It's just very boring, and a nosedive in quality compared to first game.

Yesterday was also my cakeday (which I definitely remembered) so here's a slice for you ๐Ÿฐ. One of my most played games of the year too, it's pretty great! (Unless you're going for 100% cheevos)

1 year ago*

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Agarta - absolutely bang average FMV game. Really cheaply made, with not great acting and plot of absolute nonsense.

Lords and VIlleins - colony sim of your colonists not doing what you instructed and starving to death. Also abysmal UI.

El Hijo - decent game at first glance ruined by unresponsive controls and camera.

1 year ago

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Uhh, I barely had time to play games this year. I guess Sakura Alien sucked? Do the Sakura games count?

If that doesn't count, Grow: Song of the Evertree is just one big grind that doesn't want you to stray outside the gameplay the developers have in mind for you. It's not a bad game and I love the concept, but it's just very mid. I also guess it's hard for these types of games to NOT be grindy and childish. (I feel bad since I won this, but at least I completed it?)

1 year ago

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Sakura games certainly count, most of them suck if not all D:

1 year ago

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I'm not expecting a good read when I read the Sakura VNs, so I have no reason to complain! They are entertaining for a few hours though, so that's why I pick up the bundles.

1 year ago

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the day before.. hands down the worst game i have came across in 2023

1 year ago

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Lacuna (A SciFi Noir Adventure) sadly fell flat for me. The story and characters just weren't strong enough to keep such a simple point n click afloat ... the single auto save file left me super frustrated ... all in all it's okay, but after a couple of chapters there's no motivation for me to pick it up again. :( For me that's worse than a memorably bad game lol.

Edit: Happy belated cake day <3

Edit 2: OH and Coral Island, the only game I refunded this year. Devs released an unfinished mess of a game with WIP quests and character storylines. And that was after leaving EA. Super disappointing.

1 year ago*

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Had Lacuna bookmarked, should reconsider entering for it ^^" And thank you!

1 year ago

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Don't. Different people experience games differently. I personally had it as one of my favorite playthroughs of 2022

1 year ago

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I might give it a try if I got a chance then :D

1 year ago

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It's free on GOG right now!

1 year ago

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Yep! Got it :D My GOG backlog is large, but might start with Lacuna ^^

1 year ago

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Happy cakeday!

Escape from Russia: Mobilization comes from the top of my head. I think it's also the most recent addition to my "crap" collection. Almost all other games I played/tried were at least decent.

1 year ago

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Thank you! :D Yeah looks like another asset flip, into the ignored list it goes!

1 year ago

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I started Starfield, went through intro sequence and quit. Does that count?

1 year ago

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Guess it counts, heard Starfield was a big disappointment :(

1 year ago

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Mods can help. But the game was too hard for my PC

1 year ago

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Whitewash was close to unplayable
Dragon's Dogma is so unenjoyable, that I still try to find energy to even return to it in hopes of getting any better.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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between bad rats and soulblight for me.

1 year ago

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I found Party Hard to be a huge disappointment. I had expected a lot of amusing environmental interactions (traps, hiding places, etc) but it turned out to mostly be a lot of standing around near a place to hide bodies waiting for a chance to pick off a victim. I'd kind of hoped for Hitman meets Serial Cleaner.

1 year ago

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Exactly what my issue was as well. I have no idea how it has that high score

"So it's close to impossible to play the game as a slasher, and as a tactical game it doesn't have enough traps to keep it fun and rolling, and the "sneaking" part is just a super mediocre game of waiting to find people alone."

1 year ago

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Hmm... hard to select just one.
"Un pas fragile". I can't believe I paid for something that gives less than some freebies. It's just a really short story. Although I admit that the illustration is very cute.
"Potions and emotions": (free) Soporific. Lots of boring reading, and eventually you make some choice.
"Lemon cake": I was expecting something better. Same with "Agrilife" (I got a refund for this last).

Aaaand... not a terrible game... I kind of like it... but find it so annoying. Yes, I'm talking about... "Alan Wake" aka ALAN WEAK. Is just unfair. UNFAIR. I'm stuck with Hartman.

EDIT: I just remembered one I played on Epic Games (they gave it for free): "Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You". Bad... I mean, is not something that would make me cut my veins, but I was expecting something better. Also, they didn't even let me finish the game. I was about to do something and they just took me to the final cutscene. That bothered me, I hadn't finished filling out the files!

1 year ago*

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Arcania: Fall of Settarif

1 year ago

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You know I had a feeling about the former...

1 year ago

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Thankfully didn't really find any duds this year aside from Samurai Story maybe. It was apparently a puzzle shooter or something, but whatever it was it sucked terribly. One-note gameplay that's as fun as slapping yourself on the face, I got tired of it extremely fast.

1 year ago

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There would be at least, but maybe let's make limitation that played at least 1h, or beaten it, with that top 3 is:

  • One day for Ched
  • Pepe Procupine
  • Top Trumps Turbo
1 year ago

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One Day For Ched is a real stinker. I don't think I could complete the first level, or get any of the achievements, without using console commands.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Was gonna say Industria as well. Neat setting/aesthetic,atrocious gameplay.

1 year ago

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Industria was pretty disappointing even with no expectations, yeah

1 year ago

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Crazy, it was Industria for me as well.

Definitely some things to like about it, but the mechanics were wack as hell. Buggy too; froze on me twice, gamepad issues gave me a headache. No regrets on playing it to the end, but it was disappointing to say the least.

1 year ago

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Thankfully nothing egregiously bad. Worst I played must be The Magical Mixture Mill when I tried it from a friend. It's not bad exactly, just quite tedious and the design philosophy isn't there just yet. It is an Early Access title though so who knows, maybe it'll get better than its current state.

1 year ago

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Geisha World - just wanted to make sure the game is as horrible as it looks
MirrorMoon EP - I don't mind vague games but this one is too vague

1 year ago

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Diablo 4 ;(

1 year ago

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i've played a lot of games this year and couldn't think of one that i actually regretted getting into until you reminded me that i pre-ordered diablo 4. i had a lot of fun initially but i stopped playing a little before the first season dropped and told myself i'd return for it. i never did. the new additions just weren't attractive enough for me, even now. worst money i've spent this year. shit happens.

1 year ago

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They added a new horse in the shop !
When you played D2 in your childhood, it is a meh DLC =). Blibli"s dead.

1 year ago

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Muse Dash, I like Rhythm game, but this game is one of the worst one I played, the musics are boring, the controls are alright,I guess? and it's way too focused on basically anything anime ( this is MY personal opinion )

1 year ago

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Gonna have to be Lemon Cake for me.

2-4 hours of content stretched out to 25-30+ should be illegal. Here is my review if you wanna read the whole thing.

1 year ago

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Alien Breed: Impact for me. I tried it because I thought it's gonna be fun, but lacked monster variety, a good story to tell, and fun gameplay. Overall a game I'd not recommend, but eager to play the sequels if they improve on the game.

1 year ago

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I've played all three, and they're pretty much identical except for some one-off boss battles.

1 year ago

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Oh no ๐Ÿ˜” It seems that either this game isn't for me or devs didn't learn much from their failures.

1 year ago

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Well, all three games were released within just months of one another... Not a lot of time for major changes. Personally, I always figured they were intended to be a single game, but for whatever reason they split it up.

1 year ago

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I see. I didn't notice that. Probably what you said it's true. They might have chased the bag or something.

1 year ago

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Lots of contenders, but the worst for me has to be the Finding Paradise + To The Moon + Bird Story combo. I see what they were trying to do, they were just very dull as games. I think they would work really well as movies or short series, thou.

Another game that would be a great mini series but is a terrible game is Lucius. There's a lot done well there, but as a game it just doesn't click.

Less notable disappointments include the first Yooka Laylee that started really strong but lost so much steam around the halfway mark due to repetitive level design and overpowered upgrades, Weaving Tides which was a nice, niche mechanic that was tied together into a full game without a lot of coherence, and SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE that had all the tools to make the original much better, but executed really poorly. The last two were SG wins so I forced myself to finish them for the sake of respecting the gifter, but boy that was hard

1 year ago

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Reigns - this game is boring as hell. Repetitivness galore. Worst kind of puzzles I can Imagine (learning right sequence of choices).

Evoland - E1 was nice, E2 was attempt to make actuall game, and as game it failed.

Worst disappointment ever:
Wolfenstein: The new order. I wanted to shoot stuff, not watch endless cutscenes. Also Plot was amazingly stupid. Ending forced in many ways. Checkpoints (especially last one) fucked up.

1 year ago

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who absolutely loathed Wolfenstein: The New Order. Great concept; atrocious execution.

1 year ago

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I was enjoying Wolfenstein: The new order, until partway through the bridge level. Where you have to jump out of the helicopter.

It looks like it should be an easy jump. I somehow kept screwing it up. A few times I would have made it, except something made me move left during the jump*. I had 10-15 attempts, having to sit through the helicopter ride each time, until I gave up.

*Only during that jump. There was no mystery movement elsewhere, so I think I can rule out a problem with my computer.

1 year ago

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God DingingDANG! great post!
I for one absolutely hate Monstrum๐Ÿคฎ.
I trusted the reviews and entered for it and subsequently won it on SG. Decided to play it for was such a toil :(

I don't want a waste more words nor describe it to relive the trauma. I have already done so.

But on the positive side, this game is the reason Im extra careful while entering for Gibs. I read the negative reviews well. So that I cherish whatever I win on SG.

1 year ago*

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The Talos Principle 2 felt quite underwhelming for me. From one side puzzles are good, but locations are giant and empty with puzzle levels scattered around them, all that makes navigation between them quite tedious as there's no fast forward at all, felt like game really wants to waste my time.

Another disappointing experience was Storyteller, game offers too little for its price, even after half of year after release with single content update.

1 year ago

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Hmm, either Rayman 2: Revolution or The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition.
Not exactly bad games, but nothing great either.

Oh, MediEvil 2 might also make it.

1 year ago

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