Dus niemand heeft er bezwaar tegen als ik van nu af aan gewoon Nederlands praat, en als iemand er wat van zegt krijgen ze een schop van de admin? Nice~
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Het wordt zo echter wel een rotzooitje als iedereen zijn eigen taal gaat spreken, allemaal door elkaar in het zelfde draadje.
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Well, of course it's easier to speak the language you've learned from birth. I doubt I'll make much use of it here though, since I like to think my English is pretty acceptable.
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lokonopa, do you think it's possible to implement some sort of google translate javascript, so that you can say, click a button, and it will translate it straight away and post? i know it'd be some tricky work. But if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. And i like to make things as easy to use as possible :) being the nice guy that i am
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How about giving warnings to people that make extremely useless comments that don't assist the OP in any way? They could just, y'know, NOT post anything at all.
Ex: Person A asks a question about how to make a giveaway. Person B replies with some phrase that a non-English speaking person used previously. Person B, in no way, answers Person A's question.
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If you want to try and make this community better, I don't see how allowing people to make useless/insulting/etc. comments helps in any way.
My point is: if you're going to take such a huge stance on people harassing non-English speaking people, why not also give warnings for other things that don't help the community?
No offense or anything, lokonopa, but my initial post was merely a suggestion and it was not meant as a reflection on you by any means (hence your response). I realize it's the Internet and that people will undoubtedly make stupid posts. Does that mean that people should do nothing about it? Or should people learn to read the rules and respect others?
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"If you want to try and make this community better, I don't see how allowing people to make useless/insulting/etc. comments helps in any way."
Because almost everything can be considered "useless"(skim through the topics: ads, personal opinions, ads...) and this forum would be an emotional equivalent of a work office.
Trust me, there's nothing worse for a forum than to be boring.
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I will clarify then. How do phrases like "this key for demo" and "sturgeon" help (aside from that rare instance where the key is for the demo)? Yes, it might be funny when they occur but how does it help future discussions/threads?
I'm not saying give warnings for everything but when someone has a genuine question for the website, why should they get treated with those types of comments?
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What thread(s) are you talking about? This is an honest question, I have not seen this.
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There's lots of alternatives to sg if you're really bothered by, let's say meme's of the site. If you want to see something helpful though then this part of my comment is not it
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I don't think you quite understand the point that I'm trying to get across. I'm all for letting people have fun on the forums and posting about whatever they want.
However, when people are harassing others on giveaways or barking on someone because they have a question, I don't see the point in it and that's where I think the line should be drawn.
As incog mentioned, inside jokes can bring a community together and I'm totally fine with that but people need to realize that they can't be used in every single situation.
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Well I mostly agree with what you said, but 1) there is a support section so if people want a legit answer, they should spend 10 seconds looking for the proper place to get it, and 2) policing this unruly mass to that extent would probably require more manpower than is currently available. I mean there are only like 4 mods or something, right? and since nobody ever reads the FAQs, they'd have to discipline like 100 people a day
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That's true. Concerning giveaway comments though, people seem to post whatever they want on there, especially when giveaways seem to be fake. The reasoning behind my initial suggestion was not to censor people but to create a more friendly environment.
Policing the unruly mass would be an extremely strenuous task. However, I don't think you necessarily need hundreds of people, for example, constantly moderating the forum. You just need to give out warnings/punishment as needed and, with time, the amount of unnecessary behaviour would hopefully be reduced. I realize that this process would have growing pains in the beginning due to the amount of work involved but it's not something that can't be done. I mean, you don't need to be an admin to know when someone is harassing or insulting someone else.
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I don't think acting as if you are in a mexican standoff whenever you post is going to help much in the long run.
But I'm just oldfashioned to the internet.
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You're going to have a vote to remove Russia from the world?
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Maybe we should vote for Germany, too. Or better, the whole Europe!
Wait, how about we consider just the US as worldwide? Yeah, that would be!.... Oh, wait.
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To be clear, this means any language can be used here?
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lokonopa, do you think it's possible to implement some sort of google translate javascript, so that you can say, click a button, and it will translate it straight away and post? i know it'd be some tricky work. But if something is worth doing, it's worth doing right. And i like to make things as easy to use as possible :) being the nice guy that i am
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Because using Google Chrome to translate, or extensions, or using one of many online translator services... yeah. Hasn't been a problem. I've never seen a non-English speaking member insulting someone in another language that went unnoticed.
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I was pointing out the canter in your statement.
Tolerate other cultures =/= Intolerant Native English-Speakers will not be tolerated.
You decided to threaten a specific cultural group in a statement that is intended to dissuade people from cultural bias. You are commonly more rational than this.
This next bit, however, is pretty much just arguing, for the sake of it (so disregard it if you choose, since it's simply a bit of devil's advocacy) : I find no comfort in knowing that the policing of my behavior towards a non-English speaker is being monitored by native English speakers, but the same policy monitors them by means of sub-par, non-native translator services. This creates discrepencies. What nuances of English that carry a subtle insult will be caught, but subtle insults in Croatian are likely to go unnoticed, simply because google translate didn't "get" that the guy was referring to my sexual preferences rather than my likelihood to purchase a dog. Native Speakers always have a clear advantage over non-native speakers. It is why Esperanto was created. =P
In short: English Speakers better be nice. Non-English Speakers are safe.
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It has nothing to do with prejeduice when you ask someone politely to post in english.
I think you are going the wrong way. Especially for international sites it is important that everyone sticks to one language so we can understand each other. Otherwise you gonna have babylon on the forums.
Or you simply implement different forums for each language.
TF2R does this right, they enforce english so everyone understands each other. I think that is a good thing.
ps.: I am not a native english speaker
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I have no issue with using translate to try to understand and be understood more clearly; however, just as there are those who make fun of people who speak other languages in english, there are those who purposely de-rail conversations in other languages. I'd like to know that these people will also be warned and then kicked the same way.
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Well, according to the reply I was given (see above), they would catch them as well... So, yes, they would.
Assuming that the translation catches the implied meaning, that is.
Edit for clarity: I'm in the "I suppose it's better than nothing at all" camp.
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Greetings community,
I wanted to take a moment out of your weekend to remind you all that SteamGifts is worldwide. If we see you harassing non-English speaking members or members foreign to you for those reasons, I will give you a warning. This will be your only warning. If seen displaying this behavior again, it will result in a suspension until further notice. Prejudice will not be tolerated. We appreciate your understanding.
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